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Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words

Test 1

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form

1. She thought that he (paint) a new picture then.

2. I found out that he (not to know) German at all.

3. My friend wondered if I (leave) for Paris the next day.

4. She wanted to know when I (come) home the day before.

5. She hoped that her son (be) a doctor in the future.

6. He told me that they (live) in Rome two years before moving to London.

7. We didn’t know where the bridge (build) that summer.

8. There were afraid he (be) upset if he (learn) the truth.


Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.


Advances in ship design and navigation enabled European traders to travel reliably to Africa.

The Portuguese were the first to begin capturing Africans and taking them back to Europe as slaves.

Spanish traders took the first African slaves to Americain 1503. Over the next century the slave trade developed as a lucrative commercial system.

Traders would export manufactured goods to west Africa where they would be exchanged for slaves from African merchants. The slaves were then transported across the Atlantic and sold for huge profits in the Americas.

Traders used the money to buy raw materials such as sugar, cotton, coffee, metals, and tobacco, which were shipped back and sold in Europe.

By the end of the 18th century Britain had come to dominate the trade, with around 150 slave ships leaving Liverpool, Bristol, and London each year.



Модуль 4


Test 2

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. He added that he (study) English in the evening.

2. She told us that she (tell) me about it the next day.

3. He asked me if I (skate) the winter before.

4. The teacher asked if his pupils (listen) to him at that moment.

5. The doctor asked Nick whether he (wash) his face and hands every morning.

6. He knew she (feel) quite differently about it in the morning.

7. He asked me to accompany him when he (go) sightseeing.

8. I had no idea when he (be able) to come.


Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.


A database compiled in the late 1990s put the figure for the transatlantic slave trade at more than 11 million people, but numbers are still contested.

The total number taken from eastern Africa and enslaved in the Arab world is considered to be between 9.4 and 14 million. The figures are uncertaindue to the lack of written records.

More than a million people are thought to have died while in transit across the so-called 'middle passage' of the Atlantic due to the inhuman conditions aboard the slave ships and brutal suppression of any resistance.

Many slaves captured from the African interior died on the long journey to the coast.

On the plantations, life expectancy was short because of poor diet and the back-breaking work. Slaves were branded with hot irons and punishment for trying to run away was whipping or execution.



Модуль 4

Test 3

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. I had no idea when he (be) able to come.

2. I said I (try) to speak to her if I (have) a chance.

3. The girl thought that if she (not to sell) the flowers she

1. (not be able) to buy bread.

4. I was afraid we (be) late and they (sell) all tickets by the time we (arrive).

5. Margaret said that if we (not to make) haste, they (arrange) everything by themselves by the time we (come) and (reproach) us of being lazy-bones.

6. She was angry with him, otherwise she (not to say) such offending words.

7. But for Miss Green’s interference, Jane (not to avoid) meeting Mr. Brown.

8. If I (see) Gerald tomorrow, I (tell) him about it. I wish I had met him yesterday.


Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.

Merchants in Britain, America, Europe and Africa became very rich from the slave trade.

The trade also created, sustained and relied on a large support network of shipping services, ports, and finance and insurance companies, employing thousands of people.

New industries were created processing the raw materials harvested or extracted by slaves in the Americas. Plantation owners profited from the free labour provided by slaves.

The slave trade contributed significantly to the commercial and industrial revolutions of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Cities such as Liverpool and Amsterdam grew wealthy as a result of the trade in humans.



Модуль 4


Test 4

1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.


1. It is necessary that all children (take part) in this discussion.

2. I (be) glad if they came tonight.

3. If Jerry (come) in time, he would not have missed the train.

4. If Tom had more free time today, he (read) newspaper we gave him yesterday.

5. What are they waiting for? It’s high time that they (start).

6. She (tell) you nothing even if you (ask) her.

7. I shouldn’t have visited her even if I (have) time.

8. She speaks English as if she (be) an English woman.


Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.


The movement against slavery began in the late 18th Century.

Thomas Clarkson worked against the trade for more than 50 years, travelling Britain to organise meetings and distribute abolitionist literature. He pioneered a string of tactics - including boycotts of goods - which are still employed by campaign groups today.

The publication of "slave narratives" from writers such as Olaudah Equiano helped to change public perceptions of slavery.

British MP William Wilberforce campaigned vociferously against the trade for 35 years and is often given much credit for the parliamentary act banning it in 1807, and the legislation which later freed and gave rights to slaves in British territories in 1833.

While the 1807 act made slave trading illegal on paper, it took a further 60 years of dedicated Foreign Office diplomacy and Royal Navy enforcement to finally eradicate it.


Модуль 4


Test 5

1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.


1. She never intended to go, otherwise she (pack) her things.

2. Doesn’t Bobby think it’s time he (join) the rest part of the tourists.

3. But for the accent with which she speaks nobody (say) she is not


4. She had a perfect command of English, otherwise she translate the article


5. Gabriel would have come long ago, if something (happen) to him.

6. I’ll translate this text on condition that you (allow) me to use the


7. He (not go) to a holiday Camp with you even though the weather (be)


8. I`m sure he has heard that sad news already, otherwise he (not look)

so unhappy.


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