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This complicated process must result in the release of energy
The mixture is to be heated before the experiment. The laboratory assistant had to alter the experimental conditions. IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3-й абзацы текста. SERGEY KOROLYOV ( 1906 – 1966 ) 1. Korolyov’s biography is the concretization of the history of our land in one man. And at the same time he was always a little ahead; he was outstripping his day and outstripped it during all his life. 2. The name of Sergey Korolyov will forever be associated with one of the greatest achievements of science and technology of all times – the dawn of the age of space exploration by man. He was a leading designer of rocket and space systems which ensured success in the initial stages of investigation of outer space. 3. Korolyov’s devotion to his work, unusual gifts as a scientist and designer, his energy and outstanding organizational abilities played a major role in resolving the complex scientific and technical problems that stood in the path of development of rocket and space technology. He possessed enormous talent and boldness of scientific and engineering vision and this contributed to the realization of the most complicated scientific and technological projects. 4. Many of Academician Korolyov’s ideas were widely applied and extended in rocket and space engineering. He trained many scientists and engineers who are working today in various scientific and design organizations. All his life Korolyov was working and devoted his whole life to selfless service to his homeland, to the development of an advanced science and technology. КОНТРОЛЬНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ №2. ВАРИАНТ 3. I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого. А) Действительный залог Industry has developed various applications for the electromagnet. Newton had established his law of gravitation before 1670. The application of electronics is changing the entire life of the people. There were many explanations of the phenomenon of light. B) Страдательный залог They were given the wrong data of the experiment. The speaker was asked a number of difficult questions. Today polymers are referred to as materials of vital importance. II. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Определите функции причастий ( Participle I, Participle II ). The forces acting between atoms within a molecule are very great. When placed in a strong magnetic field iron becomes magnetized. Heat produced from electric energy often heats our homes. While speaking of strength it must be noted that strength is not the same as Stiffness. III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения с модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами. A body can be accelerated only if a force is applied to it. Objects may reflect most of one colour, half of another colour and a small Percentage of some others. Nobody will be able to measure the density of this substance without a Special device. In our experiments the initial substances must be chemically pure. The aim of the study is to provide definite results as soon as possible. The force acting upon the body had to be determined. IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3-й абзацы текста. ANDREY SAKHAROV Andrey Sakharov, the outstanding nuclear physicist, was born in Moscow, Russia on May 14. He won a doctorate at the age of 26 and was admitted as a full member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences at age 32. Having invented the deadly weapon, nevertheless, Andrey Sakharov was an outspoken advocate of human rights, civil liberties and reforms in the country. As a prominent Soviet scientist, he was accorded luxuries and honors. But in 1961 he went on record against the plan to test a 100-megaton hydrogen bomb in the atmosphere, fearing the effects of widespread radioactive fallout. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, but in 1975 the Soviet scientist had to overcome many obstacles in his way for world recognition and awards. 3. In 1968 Sakharov published in the West his essay “Progress, Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom”, in which he called for nuclear arms reductions and criticized the increasing repression of Soviet dissidents. In December 1979, with his denunciation of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and his call for a world boycott of the Moscow Olympic Games, he was silenced. He was not able to publish his works in his country. A year later, the Soviet government stripped him of his honors and exiled him to the closed city of Gorky ( now Nizhny Novgorod ). M. S. Gorbachev in 1986 released Sakharov and let him return to Moscow. КОНТРОЛЬНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ №2. ВАРИАНТ 4.
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