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Архитектура (936) ![]()
1. The development and growth of the English vocabulary. 2. The origin of the English words. 2.1. Native word-stock. 2.1.1. The Indo-European elements. 2.1.2. The common Germanic words. 2.1.3. The proper English words. 2.2 Types of borrowings. 2.2.1. Source and origin. 2.2.2. Donor languages, etymological doublets and hybrids. 2.2.3. Borrowed aspects. 2.2.4. Assimilation. 3. Internationalisms.
RECOMMENDED READING: Arnold, Irina. The English Word. - Moscow: Vyshaja Shkola. 1986. – P. 305 – 314. Квеселевич Д.І., Сасіна В.П. Практикум з лексикології сучасної англійської мови: Навч. пос.- Вінниця: Вид-во “Нова книга”, 2001. – С. 6 - 15 . Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка: Учебник для пед. вузов. – 3-е изд-е. - – М.: Дрофа, 2001. – C. 44 – 71. Rayevskaya N.M. English Lexicology. – Kiev.: “Vysca Scola”, 1979. – P. 214 – 240. MAIN CONCEPTS OF THE THEME: alien/ partially assimilated; assimilation barbarism/ non-assimilated; borrowing/ loan word; borrowing; cognate; creation; denizen/ completely assimilated; direct borrowing; etymological doublets; etymological hybrids; etymological triplets; etymology; etymon; Germanic element; hybrid formation; indirect borrowing; Indo-European element; internationalism/ international word lexical calque/ translation calque; morphemic borrowings; native word-stock; oral borrowing; origin; phonetic borrowing/ loan word proper; semantic calque/ semantic borrowing/ semantic loan; source; English proper element; written borrowing; THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 3,000 languages grouped into 300 language families divided on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar. The Indo-European language family is one of them. The Indo-European language family is made up of most of the language of Europe, the Near East, and India. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is a highly inflected language, in which the various forms of a given word showed its relationship to other words in a sentence. The surviving languages show various degrees of similarity to one another. The similarity bears a more or less direct relationship to their geographical distribution. They accordingly fall into eight principle groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set and a Western set. A historical overview of the English vocabulary: 1. the first people – Celts –dialects –Celtic; 2. Latin of the Roman Legions (55-54 BC); 3. The Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons and Jutes settled – Anglo-Saxon. Old English (450-1150): Anglo-Saxon. In the 19th century, Norwegian and Danish Vikings invaded. Scandinavian words came into the English language. 900 words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern English. Old English has 50,000 to 60,000 words. Features: a highly inflected language just like modern German. A language of full endings. (Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs had complex endings or vowel changes, or both.) Middle English (1150-15000): Norman Conquest –Latin (Norman French); main influence on English was Germanic. English was used by inferior people. Norman French became the polite speech. 9,000 words of French origin poured into English and 75% are still in use today. Wycliff translation of Bible and the writings of Chaucer contributed much to the revival of English. Due to trade relations with Holland, 2,500 words of Dutch origin found their way into English. Features: retained much fewer inflections. A leveled endings . Modern English (1500—now): (Early Modern English (1500-1700) and Late Modern English (1700- now)) began with the establishment of print. Renaissance – Latin and Greek -- literary heritage and of great scholarship.10, 000 new words entered the English language, many of them were Latin and Greek. Borrowing remained an important channel of vocabulary expansion, but more words are created by means of word-formation. New words are multiplied in all walks of life. Features: word endings were mostly lost with just a few exceptions. Modern English became an analytic language (evolving from a synthetic language of Old English). ETYMOLOGY AND HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY
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