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native words (about 30%)     borrowings/loan-words     Indo-European father, nose, cow, tree, red, be, to stand, to sit
Germanic to see, to hear, fox, grass, fur, head, old, good
Proper English bird, boy, lady, girl, lord, woman, daisy, always
degree of assimilation   borrowed aspect denizen (fully-assimilated) face, husband, table
alien (partially-assimilated) rajah, restaurant, cliché, datum
barbarism/exotism avocado, chao, lambada
phonetic borrowing (loan word proper) chair, bank, apparatchik, soprano, duet, lobby, iceberg
translation or lexical loan/calque pipe of peace, fair sex (< par coeur)
semantic loan/calque brigade, pioneer to dwell OE "to wander" VS ME "to live" < Scandinavian dvelja ("live")
    morphemic borrowing (etymological hybrids) when the elements of words are derived from different languages eatable, distrust, beautiful un|mis|take|able un|mis- English take- Scandinavian -able Romanic
international words     anaconda, football, leggings


BORROWINGS differ from native words by their phonetic structure; their morphological structure; their grammatical forms; many borrowings are not motivated semantically.

Borrowing - " a word which was borrowed" + "process of borrowing".

Loan - "a word which was borrowed"

Source of borrowing - language from which the borrowing was taken.

Origin of borrowing - language to which the word may be traced.

paper < Fr papier < Lat papyrus < Gr papyros



source etymon origin


Etymology studies history and origin of words. The linguistic form which a later form derives is called etymon. Folk etymology arises when a word is assumed to come from a particular etymon, because of some association of form or meaning, whereas in fact the word has a different derivation. A word which provides a translation or explanation of another word is known as a gloss.


crayfish "Norway lobster" fish folk etymology etymon

folk etymology gloss

etymology - [O.F. crevisse "креветка"]


Borrowings can be classified according to different criteria:

1. in the format of linguistic archeology:

basic (Continental borrowings) street, wine, butter

religious(6th - 7th cs) mask, monk, nun LATIN

literary(Renaissance) democratic, juvenile, enthusiasm BORROWINGS

scientific(17th - 18th cs)nucleus, formula IN ENGLISH

2. according to the language from which the words come: e.g. Romance borrowings (French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish).

Etymological doublets


a) may enter by different routes: shirt (native) - skirt (Scandinavian)

b) may be 2 borrowings from different languages which are historically descended from the same language: canal (Lat.) - channel (Fr.).

c) may be borrowed from the same language twice in different periods: gaol (Norm. Fr.) - jail (Paris. Fr.).

d) may later occur as etymological triplets: hospital (Lat.) - hostel (Norm. Fr.) - hotel (Paris. Fr.)

e) may consist of a shortened word and of the one from which it was derived: history - story, shadow - shade, fanatic - fan

f) may reoccur as borrowings

English pioneer > Russian "first" > English "пионер"


3. according to the way by which the word was borrowed


oral VS written direct VS indirect



Aboriginal words Parisian French words Latin>English

(through Fr. literature), Greek> Latin> English - via other language

Russian words of the 19 th c.



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