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Stanza 83. If the Sun or Saturn occupies the 3rd, the 9th, or the 11th from the ascendant, a male child will be born

Stanza 84. If all planets occupy odd signs, a male child is born. If all the planets occupy even signs, birth of a female child is certain.

NOTES The above three stanzas are from Gnana Deepika.

Stanza 85. According as the majority of the vargas of the ascendant are ruled by male or female planets, a son or a daughter is born.


Find out the rulers of the saptavargas of the ascendant. If the majority of rulers are masculine planets, i.e., the Sun, Jupiter and Mars, the issue will be male. If the majority of the planets ruling the saptavargas are female planets, i.e., Mercury, Venus and the Moon, a female birth takes place.

The above stanza is from Vidwajjana Vallabha.

Stanza 86. All the benefics in the 5th and the 11th houses indicate that the woman is pregnant. If the ascendant is in an odd sign and the planets the Sun, Jupiter and the Moon are also in odd signs, the child is a male.

Stanza 87. If the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter and the ascendant are all in even signs, the child will be a female. If Saturn occupies odd signs, the child is a male.

Stanza 88. The Sun and Jupiter are strong and occupy odd signs, it indicates a male child. Venus, Mars and the Moon occupying even signs denote a female issue.

Stanza 89. The issue will be a son or a daughter according as Saturn occupies an odd or even sign. In a question bearing on marriage, if Saturn occupies an odd sign, marriage will take place soon. Otherwise marriage will not happen.


This stanza is from Shatpanchasikha. All the above combinations are to be applied to prasna or horary charts.

Stanza 90, The Sun, Mars and Jupiter in the 7th house denote a male issue. The Moon, Mercury and Venus in the 7th house indicate a female. Again if the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are in the ascendant, the child is a male. If the Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Lagna, the issue is a female. Saturn in the ascendant gives a son.

Stanza 91. If the questioner or the messenger touches the odd limbs of his body with his right hand, then the child is a male. If he touches the even limbs of his body with his left hand, the issue is a female. If he touches the even limbs with his right hand the child dies.


The odd limbs of his body are: head, chest, stomach, vasthi, thighs, legs. The even limbs of his body are: face, heart, waist, sex organs, knees and feet. The sex of the dead child can be known from the nature of the limbs touched.

Stanza 92. If the Navamsas of Arudha and Lagna happen to be even and they are aspected by the Moon, Venus and Mercury, female twins will be born.

NOTES Saturn also can be included amongst male planets.

Stanza 93. If Jupiter occupies a trine or a quadrant, the child is a male. If any doubts arise at the time of query regarding these, one should rely on what one sees or hears around and also from the signs one observes and then predict the sex.

Stanza 94. If at the time of prasna many males are seen or heard or spoken about, or if Arudha happens to be an odd sign occupied or aspected by masculine planets, or if the messenger or questioner stands in the four main Diks (east, south, west and north), or if the gifts brought to the astrologer happen to be odd in number, or if these presents are held in the right hand on the right side, then the issue is a male. If otherwise, the child will be a female.


Unexpectedly females are seen or women are heard talking, or stories of women are being talked about, or even signs happen to be Arudha, and female planets occupy or aspect the same, or the messenger occupies the remaining 4 Diks (S.E., S.W., N.W., and N.E.) or the presents brought are even in number when counted or they are held in the left hand on the left side, then the issue is a female.

Stanza 95. When the questioner puts his query he touches his head or any limb on the right side of his body; or when the Navamsa Lagna happens to be an odd and diurnal sign or when Saturn and strong Mercury occupy odd signs, then the child is a male.


On the contrary, if he touches any limbs on the left side of his body or when Navamsa Lagna happens to be an even and nocturnal sign or when Saturn and Mercury occupy even signs, the child is a female.

The above four stanzas are from Prasna Sangraha.

Stanza 96. When the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and the ascendant — all strong, are placed in odd signs and odd Navamsas, the issue is a male; when these four are in even signs and even Navamsas the issue is a female. When the Sun and Jupiter occupy odd signs, the child is a male. If the Moon, Venus and Mars are in even signs, the child is a female. When they are in common signs, the issue is a twin. But if these four have the aspect of Mercury and occupy odd Navamsa, the twins are females.


The above tough stanza is quoted from Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka. Whenever the planets and the ascendant are mentioned it is implied that they should be powerful. The combinations can be listed as follows:

(a) The Sun, the Moon, the ascendant and Jupiter in odd signs and in odd Navamsas — male issue.

(b) Above in even signs and even Navamsas — female.

(c) Jupiter and the Sun in odd signs — male.

(d) The Moon, Venus and Mercury in even signs — female.

(e) Jupiter, the Sun, Venus and Mercury in common signs and in odd or even Navamsas, aspected by Mercury — twins.

(f) The above four in common signs and odd Navamsas aspected by Mercury — male twins.

(g) The above four in common signs and even Navamsas — female twins.

(h) If the influence for both male and female twins are balanced — one male and another, female.

All these combinations cannot be present in the Prasna (or conception) chart. If one of the 8 combinations is present, the result ascribed should be predicted.

So far as this stanza is concerned, my personal experience is that it works fairly satisfactorily.

In the above stanza some versions read mitra-cha, instead of yagrascha.

Stanza 97. When Saturn occupies an odd sign, except the ascendant, the child belongs to the male sex. Judging the planets previously mentioned and their strength one is to decide the nature of the sex of the child to be born.

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