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Stanza 98. Fourteen lakshanas each for male and female births have been given. Balancing the lakshanas the sex of the child should be inferred


Lakshanas are indicative signs or combinations listed in the above two stanzas If the lakshanas for male birth are more than those for female birth, the child to be born will be a son; if otherwise, a daughter. Here the astrologer's capacity to analyse the combination decides the inference.

Stanza 99 The terms Arudha and Lagna are interchangeable. But the strength of the two should be used when examining the effects.

Stanza 100. If the ascendant falls in an odd sign and in an odd Navamsa, the child is a male. If the ascendant is in an even sign and an even Navamsa, the child is a female.

Stanza 101. If the Navamsa of the ascendant and Arudha are even and female planets occupy the same, birth of female twins is indicated. If these Navamsa-signs are odd conjoined by male planets, then the birth of male twins is indicated.


Some astrologers of Kerala opine that both Navamsa and Rasi have to be taken into consideration to have the necessary effect.

Stanza 102. If the questioner feels with his hands those limbs of the body which are odd, then male issue can be foretold. If he touches however the limbs which are considered 'even', then female issue will be born.


Odd limbs are the nose, mouth, the head, etc., while even limbs are the eyes, ears, hands, etc.

Stanza 103. If the questioner feels with his right hand limbs of the body which are on the left, the child, a female, will die. On the contrary, if he touches with his left hand the left side of his body, the issue, a male, will die.

Stanza 104. If the articles brought by the questioner are kept on the right side of his person or if they are odd in number; or if his movements indicate those of a man, the child is a male. If the presents so brought are kept or hidden on the left side of his person or if they are even in number or if his movements mark him out as womanly, then the child is a girl.

Stanza 105. Convert the longitude of the ascendant (devoid of signs) into minutes. Multiply this by 3 and divide the product by 50. The quotient represents the signs and the remainder, degrees. To this add the number of the Rasi of the ascendant. The sum represents the Sun's position at the time of delivery.

Multiply the longitude of the Sun by 108. The product represents the Moon's positional delivery.

Add to the Moon's position so obtained the longitude of the ascendant devoid of the sign and multiply the total by 9. The Sun's Navamsa is got.


This stanza is a bit confusing. Personally I have not

tested this method and would therefore leave it to the readers to test it and form their own opinions.

The stanza is supposed to enable one to ascertain the month and date of delivery. The method is as follows:

(i) Convert the longitude of the Ascendant (devoid of signs) into minutes = a.

(ii) Multiply a by 3 = b.

(iii) Divide b by 50.

b / 50 = x (quotient) + y (remainder)

(iv) (x + y) + Rasi of the Ascendant = s which is the position of the Sun at delivery.

(v) Multiply s by 108 = m, the Moon's position,

(vi) m + longitude of Ascendant (devoid of signs) multiplied by 9 gives the Sun's Navamsa.


Let Ascendant be 16° 45' Libra,

(i) a = 16° 45' x 60' = 1005'

(ii) a x 3 = 3015 = b

(iii) b / 50 = 3015 / 50 = quotient 60 (x) + remainder 15 (y).

(iv) s = 60.3 signs + 7 = 67.3 signs = 67 signs 9 degrees. That is, expunging multiples of 12, we get 7 signs 9 degrees or Scorpio 9 degrees as the position of the Sun at delivery.

(v) The Moon's position m = s x 108

i.e., 7s 9° x 108 = 756s 972° = 11s 12°= Pisces 12° as Moon's position = Pisces 12°.

(vi) m + Ascendant longitude (devoid of signs)

- (342° + 16° 45') x 9 Sun's Navamsa = 358° 45' x 9 - 348° 45' or Pisces 18° 45'.

This will be the Navamsa position of the Sun at delivery.

As the delivery occurs in the 10th month adjust the month by taking the trinal or trikona Rasis also.

As already suggested above, I have given the method as understood by me. It is for readers to assess its validity when actually applied.

Stanza 106. When the Moon transits the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the lord of the kakshya, in which the longitude of Lagna falls, signs of delivery will begin. When the Moon transits the Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the kakshya, the woman will deliver. The ascendant at the time of delivery will be that sign in which the lord of the Trimsamsa of the lord of the kakshya stands at the time of query. If the lord of the Hora of the above mentioned lord of kakshya is the Sun, delivery will be in the daytime; if the Moon, delivery will be in the night.


In the ashtaka varga scheme, the planets are spread out in the order of (top to bottom) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and the Ascendant. There are 8 kakshyas, each being of 3° 45'.

Take the ascendant lord. Find out the kakshya in which he is placed. Suppose the ascendant is Capricorn 4°. This falls in the kakshya of Jupiter. See which Dwadasamsa is occupied by Jupiter. When the Moon transits this Dwadasamsa Rasi, labour pains may set in. See where Jupiter (the kakshya lord) is in the Navamsa. When this Navamsa Rasi is transited by the Moon, the delivery takes place. See in which Trimsamsa, Jupiter (lord of the kakshya) is placed. The sign of this Trimsamsa lord will be the ascendant at the time of delivery. According as Jupiter (lord of the kakshya) is in the Sun's or Moon's Hora, the delivery will be during the day or during the night.

These stanzas offer much food for reflection and much scope for research. Let our medical men and so-called scientists make researches into this particular branch of knowledge instead of airing their ignorant views on astrology.

Stanza 107. Take the stronger of the Drekkanas of the Sun and the Moon. When the Moon transits this Drekkana Rasi, delivery takes place, provided the Sun or the Moon is in the 1st Drekkana. If the Drekkana is the 2nd, delivery occurs when the Moon transits the 5th from the Drekkana Rasi. When the Drekkana is the 3rd then birth of the issue happens when the Moon transits the 9th from the Drekkana Rasi; or take the Dwadasamsa of the Moon. Count this Dwadasamsa Rasi number from Aries. When the Moon transits this sign delivery takes place.



Sun = 6 degrees Aries, i.e., Aries Drekkana Moon = 17 degrees Cancer, i.e., Scorpio Drekkana.

Between the two, the Sun occupying his exaltation drekkana is the stronger.

When the Moon transits Aries, delivery of the child may be expected, the Sun being in the first Drekkana.

Should the Sun be in Aries 13 degrees, the Drekkana would be Leo and still stronger than the Moon in Scorpio Drekkana. In this case, delivery occurs when the Moon transits the 5th from the Drekkana Rasi, i.e., the 5th from Leo which would be Sagittarius.

If the Sun occupies 23° Aries or the 3rd Drekkkana of Aries, then birth would occur when the Moon transits Leo, the 9th from the Drekkana Rasi of the Sun, namely Sagittarius.

Alternatively, take the Dwadasamsa of the Moon. The Moon being in 17 degrees Cancer it would be the 7th Dwadasamsa. The issue may be delivered when the Moon passes through the 7th sign from Aries, viz., Libra.

Stanza 108. Multiply the longitude of the Moon (devoid of sign) by 108 and find out the resulting Rasi. When the Moon transits this or its trinal sign (whichever is adhomukha), delivery will take place. The event will be certain if Gulika associates or aspects this Rasi.

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