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Complete each sentence with the noun derived from the word in brackets
1. We’ve got a huge … of paintings by this artist. (collect) 2. You can ask questions at the … of the programme. (conclude) 3. The zoo announced that there will be a … in staff because of financial difficulties. (reduce) 4. Recycling helps control environmental … . (pollute) Суффиксы существительных, обозначающие действующее лицо по его занятию или предмет по его функции, профессию, деятеля, вещь, прибор, национальную принадлежность, место пребывания, местожительство
1.29 Form nouns from the words by means of the suffixes -er, -or. Model: to generate «генерировать» – generator «генератор»; to use «использовать» – user «пользователь» accelerate, research, radiate, contain, observe, discover, amplify, compute, review, burn, indicate, found, oil, move, convert, start, transform.
Complete the sentences. 1. A person who lives on an island is called ... . 2. A man or a women who delivers a lecture is called ... . 3. A man who always swears is called ... . 4. A person who eats a great deal is called a heavy ... . 5. A man who climbs a mountain or a tree is called ... . 6. A person who likes to joke is called ... . 7. A woman who teaches you English is called ... . 8. A person who gets up late is called a late ... . 9. If you lose the game you are called ... . 10. When you go on a vacation you are called ... . 11. A person who lives in a village is called ... . 12.A person who calls on you early in the morning is an early … . 13. That who listens is called ... . 14. That who waits on you in the restaurant is called ... . 15. That who drives a car is called ... . 16.If you are busy cleaning the rooms you are called ... . Translate the following words into English, using the suffixes -er, -or. programme (программист), изобретатель (invent), создатель (create), начинающий (begin), лектор (lecture), основатель (found), разговаривающий по телефону (call), мыслитель (think), оператор (operate), читатель (read), деятель (work), контролер (inspect), сомневающийся (doubt), слушатель (listen), строитель (build), приезжающий (come), обожатель (admire). 1.32 Each of the verbs in column A has a related noun ending in -er or -or in column B. Complete the blanks. A B
Answer the following questions. 1. Are you a smoker? 2. Are you a good dancer? 3. Your mother is a northerner, isn't she? 4. Are you a heavy sleeper? 5. Who is an early riser in your family? 6. What famous thinkers do you know? 7. Can you tell the difference between a villager and a townsman? 8. Who is the founder of Moscow State University? 9. Are you rather a dreamer? 10. What is a sender? 11. Do you happen to know what a thriller is? 12. Is your friend a great talker? 13. Who is the best skater in your group? Translate the following words into Russian. mountaineer, gondolier, engineer, pamphleteer, sloganeer, puppeteer, volunteer, racketeer, mutineer.
Complete the sentences. 1. A mountaineer is a person who ... . 2. A financier deals with ... . 3. There was a lot of volunteers who ... . 4. A profiteer is a person who ... . 5. You can find gondoliers in ... . 1.36 Form nouns from the words by means of the suffix -ess. Model: god – бог – goddess – богиня poet, manager, priest, conductor, author, host, traitor, adventurer, count, emperor, Jew.
Complete the sentences. 1. A giantess is a woman who ... . 2. A patroness is one who ... . 3. A stewardess is one who ... . 4. A conductress is one who ... . 5. A proprietress is one who owns ... . 6. A heiress is one who ... .
1.38 Form new words using the suffix -ee. Translate into Russian. Model: One who is promised – promisee 1. One who is trained – 2. One who is interviewed – 3. One who is paid – 4. One who is complained against – 5. One who is objected to – 6. One who is elected – 7. One who is quoted – 8. One who is examined – 9. One to whom something is sent –
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