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Answer the following questions

1. When do the days begin to lengthen?

2. Do the coming examinations frighten you?

3. What can you do to brighten the classroom?

Match the words in column A with their antonyms in

column B:


complicate purify
pollute simplify
separate horrify
please nullify
establish unify

3.9 Form verbs from the words by means of the suffix -ate.

Translate into Russian.

Model: participation – participate

orientation, approximation, integration, communication, violation, subjugation, circulation, celebration, negotiation, indication, dedication, irritation, exaggeration, toleration.


Match the words in column A with their synonyms in

column B:


free gather count show rouse explain predict divide make start ask send illustrate anticipate create initiate separate interrogate delegate accumulate agitate calculate liberate demonstrate


3.11 Translate into English using the suffix -ate.

эвакуировать (evacuation), регулировать (regular), координировать (coordination), артикулировать (articulation), вибрировать (vibration), имитировать (imitation), дифференцировать (differentiation), ассоциировать (association), ассимилировать (assimilation), демонстрировать (demonstration), изолировать (isolation).


3.12 Form a verb – using the suffixes -en, -ify or -ise (-ize) from the noun or adjective.

computer, liquid, apology, bright, class, loose, sharp, soft, strength, terror, emphasis, identity, modern, pure, short, thick, wide.


Read international words and fill in the table.

Russian suffixes English words English suffixes
-фицировать -изировать/-изовать -цировать/-сировать -ировать    


monopolize, identify, convulse, neutralize, intensify, liberalize, emigrate, colonize, accumulate, produce, assimilate, organize, balance, qualify, demonstrate, liquidate, mechanize.


Unit 4

Adverb suffixes


-ly accurate точный accurately точно
-ward south юг southward на юг, к югу
-fold three три threefold тройной
-wise clock часы clockwise по часовой стрелке


Некоторые наречия, образованные от прилагательных путём добавления суффикса -ly, отличаются по значению от корневого слова.

Запомните их!


hard   трудный, тяжелый, твердый hardly едва, едва ли, с трудом
near   близкий nearly почти, близко приблизительно
high высокий highly весьма, очень
late   поздний lately   недавно, за последнее время
short короткий shortly вскоре
large   большой, обширный largely главным образом, в значительной степени
ready готовый readily легко, без труда
necessary необходимый necessarily обязательно
increasing нарастающий increasingly в большей степени

Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. The operation was very hard, but successful. They can hardly do it without our help.

2. The masses of a proton and a neutron are nearly equal. I should like to have a near translation of Byron's poems.

3. Multi-storey buildings are very high. It is a highly interesting book.

4. His late arrival caused much inconvenience. A balloon has lately been reported above this point.

5. The distance to this point is very short. The plane will shortly arrive.

6. The entrance halls of the Petersburg Metro are large and beautiful. In electrical engineering rubber is used largely as the insulating material.

7.Не is always ready to help his friends. Charcoal readily absorbs many gases.

8. My colleague lives near the station. Water contains nearly 90 per cent of oxygen.

9. Where can I get all necessary information? Every chemical change necessarily involves physical change as well.


4.2 Form adverbs from the following adjectives by means of the suffix -ly. Translate into English.

Model: comparative – сравнительный – comparatively– сравнительно

pure, rapid, equal, ordinary, certain, accidental, radioactive, previous, rare, heavy, reasonable, separate, profitable, sufficient, effective, approximate.

4.3 Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:



regularly openly legally hardly pleasantly sharply likely closely rudely cruelly awfully mainly clearly thoughtlessly kindly publicly barely agreeably directly probably nearly lawfully roughly dreadfully brutally principally distinguishably carelessly gently systematically


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