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Form adverbs using the following model
Model: without difficulty – easily, in an icy manner – icily In an ideal manner, in an idle manner, in a mad manner, in a noble manner, in a noisy manner, with pride, once a quarter, in a quiet manner, in a rosy manner, in the second place, in a short time, in a strong manner.
Choose the right variant in the following sentences. Translate the sentences. Well, another 1) bright/brightly, sunny day had arrived and Daniella waited 2) hopefully/hopeful near the front door looking out of the window for any sign of the 3) local/locally postman. All of a 4) sudden/suddenly, she heard the snap of the letterbox. She ran 5) fast/fastly to see what had been delivered. She tore the envelope open 6) impatient/impatiently … she couldn’t believe it! She had actually been accepted into the Fame Academy!
Underline the correct item, then translate the sentences.
1. The soldier near/nearly died as a result of being hit full/fully in the chest by a bullet, whish penetrated deep/deeply inside him. 2. Simon told everyone he would pass the exam easy/easily, so he was deep/deeply embarrassed when he came last/lastly in class, with 20%. 3. “I sure/surely am happy to meet you, “said the reporter to the high/highly respected singer. “You’re pretty/prettily famous around here, you know. 4. It’s wide/widely believed that there is a bus that goes direct/directly from here to the airport, but it’s not true. 5. Although he arrived an hour late/lately, he started work direct/directly and tried hard/hardly to make up for the lost time. Define part of speech of the words in bold. Translate the sentences.
1. When steam is superheated, hardlya trace of decomposition occurs. 2. Benzine is ahighly inflammable liquid. 3. The interest in ammonia centers largely in the use of liquefied ammonia for refrigeration. 4. Mercuric oxide readily decomposes at high temperature. 5. A new large plant has lately been constructed near Kiev. 6. The expedition is shortly leaving for the North Pole. 7. A hard steel bar can be easily magnetized. 8. This substance is hardly soluble in water. 9. The volume of a solid or a liquid body is nearly independent of external pressure. 10. Ether is a highly volatile liquid. 11. A number of new isotopes have lately been discovered by our scientists. 12. Short waves are widely used in radio-communication. 13. We use short radio waves largely for long-distance communication. 14. The velocity of the sound can be readily measured. Read the following sentences and define part of speech of the words in bold. Translate the sentences. 1. I was preparing for my nightlysession in the laboratory when Katie knocked at my door. 2. Her feeling for Stephen was no more than sisterly regard. 3. She complained loudly of having been kept waiting. 4. The airport gets an hourlyweather report from meteorological stations. 5. The buses to London run hourly. 6. This periodical is published weekly. 7. Daily physical exercises do a lot of good to John. 8. Her weeklywage amounts to 10 pounds. 9. He made no attempt to hide the fact that he was ashamed of having a sickly son. 10. She looked after elderly parents, accepted the care of young children. 11. A slatternly woman, wiping her hands on her apron, opened the door. 12. He won the race easily. 13. He is such a scholarly man!
Unit 5 Prefixes К наиболее употребительным префиксам английского языка относятся: 1. Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значение или обозначают противоположное действие:
2. Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение:
*Приставка, которая начинается на «l» изменяется в зависимости от того, какая за ней стоит буква: il + l, ir + r, im + b, m, p. E.g.loyalty – illoyalty; relevant – irrelevant; possible –impossible 3. Префиксы, имеющие значение “сверх”, “пере”, “чрезмерно”:
4. Префикс со значением “снова”, “заново”, “вновь”, “пере”:
5. Префиксы со значением “между”, “взаимно”:
6. Префиксы, которые переводятся как а) “перед”, “до”
б) “после”:
в) “недостаточно”, “недо-“ “под- “, “мало- “:
г) “под”:
д) “экс”, “бывший”:
е) само-, авто-
ж) полу-
з) через-, транс-
и) двойной, два, дважды
к) много-, мульти-, поли-
л) моно-, одно-
м) очень маленький
н) ложный, псевдо-
7. Префикс глагола, имеющий значение “делать”:
5.1 Form words by means of the prefix un-. Translate into English. Model: easy - uneasy conscious, load, ending, fortunately, fix, founded, heard, mistakably, bind, principled, professional, seen, fasten, written, tie, lawfully, familiar, build, fair, pack, businesslike, likely.
5.2 Form words using the prefixes in- (ir-, im-, il-). Translate into English. Model: polite-impolite in- coordination, convenient, decency, dependence, direct, effectiveness, experience; il- legality, limitedness, logicality, loyalty; im- balance, polite, mobilization, personal, movability, mature, patience; ir- regularity, religion, relevant, resolution, responsibility.
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