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Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the prefixes. inorganic chemistry; impersonal remark; impossible task; improbable story; inexcusable mistake; insecure position; insufficiency of data; insupportable heat;
inorganic chemistry; impersonal remark; impossible task; improbable story; inexcusable mistake; insecure position; insufficiency of data; insupportable heat; incurable disease.
Match the words in the left column with their synonyms in the right column.
Translate into Russian. anticyclone, anti-gas, anti-militarism, antitrust, antidote. 5.6 Form words using the prefix anti-. Translate into English. Model: oxidant – antioxidant militarism, magnetic, constitutional, freeze, thesis, septic, racial.
5.7 Form words using the prefix de-. Translate into Russian. Model: monopolize «монополизировать» – demonopolize «уничтожать монополию» centralize, populate, nationalize, mobilize, compose, camp, control, form, generate. Translate into Russian. degasify, desterilize, devalue, devoice, denaturalize, desegregate, demount, demoded, denuclearized, dehumanize, deforest, decomposable, delocalize, devitalize, demoralize, declass. 5.9 Form words by means of the prefix dis- and translate them into Russian. Model: regard – disregard agreement, approvement, satisfaction, interest, qualification, comfort.
Translate into Russian. а) со значением противоположного действия, лишения чего-либо: disagree, disapprove, dislike, disregard, dissatisfy, discontinue, disinterest, disqualify;
б) со значением разделения, отделения: disconnect, disintegrate, dismember, disunite.
5.11 Translate into English, using the prefix mis-. Model: неправильное использование, применение misapplication неправильно написать адрес, адресовать неверно (address); неправильно использовать (apply); неправильно располагать, размещать (arrange); ошибаться в расчете (calculate); неправильное представление (conception); ошибаться при перепечатке (сору); неправильно датировать(date); плохо управлять (govern); неверно информировать (inform); положить не на место (place); неправильное употребление (usage).
Translate into Russian. non-believer, non-essential, non-cooperation, non-member, non-scientific, non-stop, non-union, non-transportable, nonviolence, nonsense, non-secret, nongovernmental, non-admission.
5.13 Form the words by means of the prefix nоn-. Translate into English. Model: toxic – non- toxic неспособность (ability), нерадиоактивный (radioactive), несовершеннолетие (age), невмешательство (interference), непроизводящий (productive), неуплата (payment), несущественный (essential).
5.14 Form words using the prefix ultra-. Translate into English. Model: elliptic – эллептический – ultraelliptic – ультраэллептический high, linear, metric, sonic, modern, short, stable, spherical.
5.15 Form words using the prefix over-. Translate into English. Model: estimate – оценивать – overestimate – переоценивать critical, crowded, dried, particular, powerful.
5.16 Form words by means of the prefix re- and translate them into Russian. Model: distribution – распределение – redistribution, – перераспределение to establish, to take, capture, to direct, calculation, call, to charge, generation, construction, to capture, to trace, arrangement, to arrange, to define, examination.
Match the words in column A with the words in column B. A B
5.18 Form words using prefix inter-. Translate into English. Model: axial – осевой – interaxial – междуосный stellar, active, atomic, cellular, changeable, facial, connection.
5.19 Read and translate the words with the prefix co- . Model: operate – работать, действовать – cooperate – взаимодействовать coincidence, coaxial, coordinate, coworker.
5.20 Form words by means of the prefix sub- and translate them into Russian. Model: class – класс – subclass – подкласс editor, employment, heading, human, industry, surface, way.
5.21 Form words by means of the prefix ex- and translate them into Russian. Model: minister – министр – exminister – бывший министр consul, governor, holder, judge, king, actress, employee.
5.22 Form words by means of the prefix auto- and translate them into Russian. Model: control – управление – autocontrol – автоматическое управление acceleration, correction, biography, cross, changer.
5.23 Form words by means of the prefix semi- and translate them into Russian. Model: annual – годовой – semiannual – полугодовой circle, sphere, desert, final, group, axle, cylinder, function, trajectory, automatic, analytic, bilinear, circular, cubical, direct, digital.
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