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Define the part of speech of the following words and translate them into Russian

destructive, definitely, particular, excessive, measurement, conclusive, extensive, artificial application.


9.15 Complete each sentence with a word formed from a word in the box, ending as shown.

drink equal hand hope partner neighbour wide employ green harm

1. Carol and Andy have just moved into a new …neighbour ..hood.

2. My new ….. er is paying me a much higher salary.

3. The local council have decided to ...... en the main road.

4. Jerry picked up a …… full of the money and smiled.

5. I’m a terrible card player. I’m really …..less.

6. It’s a kind of blue colour, but a bit …..ish too.

7. Bill now works in ….ship with two other architects.

8. Don’t drink from the stream. You don’t know if the water is …. able.

9. Most people say that they believe in the …..ity of men and women.

10. Doctors have proved that smoking is …..ful.


Fill in the gaps with the suitable derivative of the word given in brackets.

1. My father is very ... (act) even though he’s seventy.

2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but ... (act) it isn’t a very secure profession.

3. I ... (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem.

4. Look ... (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road.

5. It was very ... (care) of you to lose my watch.

6. I take two ... (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers.

7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s ... (use)!

8. Thanks for the advice. It was really ... (use).

9. I have some very ... (noise) neighbours.

10. She became ... (fame) as a result of her invention.


Define the part of speech of the following words and translate them into Russian.

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.


Complete the box where possible.

to direct direction directional
to divide    
to compare    
to describe    


Translate into Russian

unsuccess – unsuccessful –unsuccessfully – unsuccessfulness;

unsystematical – unsystematically – unsystematized;

unteach – unteachable – unteachably;

uncover – uncoverable – uncovered;

uncountable – uncountably – uncountableness –uncounted;

unbodied – unbodily – unbodiliness;

uncivil – uncivilized – uncivilization – uncivilizedness.


Read the text and use the word in bold to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Moods and colours

Does colour affect your 0) behaviour? 0) behave

1) …,but many experts insist that colour can influence 1) imagine

our moods and 2) ... . 2) feel

So, if you plan to decorate, think 3) … before making a 3) care

4)… about what paint to buy. The effect each colour has on 4) decide

you should be taken into 5) … , as the wrong one could make 5) consider

you depressed or 6) … instead of relaxed and comfortable.6) rest

A cool,7)… blue is best for bedrooms as it’s calming and 7)peace

promotes sleep. Green, representing nature and 8) … , is 8) secure

ideal for living rooms, while red, the colour of energy and 9) …, 9) warm

is best for dining rooms. Another important piece of 10) … is 10) advise

to avoid yellow for the bedroom. If you’re ill, it’s likely to make

you feel worse and slow your recovery.

Fill in the gaps with the suitable derivative of the word given in capitals.

1. FLY

I want to be a pilot. I’m having …. lessons. adjective


Is the Times the best ….. newspaper? adjective

3. ILL

Sam’s got a very serious ….. . noun


Pat’s …. didn’t go away. It got worse. noun


Some people think Mozart was the greatest …. . noun


My new radio is …… adjective


Greg’s a left-wing ….. . noun


It was very ….. last night. adjective


There are lots of …. . noun


They want to …. our lunch break! verb


A … mind in a …. body. adjective

12. HEAR

Sue’s …. was damaged when the bomb went off. noun

9.22 Write down any word corresponding to the parts of speech given below. After you’ve done this task, fill in the gaps in the text on p. 84.

1. name of woman in room 2. noun 3. adjective 4. adjective 5. name of person in room 6. adjective 7. adjective 8. plural noun 9. adjective 10. adjective 11. adjective 12. adjective 13. adjective 14. adjective 15. adjective 16. adjective 17. adjective 18. noun 19. adverb 20. name of man in room


Ïðîñìîòðîâ 1888

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