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Ing [] 1. m (-es/-as) name of the rune for ng; 2. see ging, geong; 3. see inn
Incit [] dual pron you two; accusative dual pronoun of git incleofe [] f (-an/-an) chamber, closet, inner chamber, bed-chamber; cave, den incniht [] m (-es/-as) household servant, a servant in a house, household, or domestic servant incofa [] m (-n/-n) inner chamber; heart, chest (metaph.) incoðu [] f (-e/-a) internal disease incuman [] sv/t4 3rd pres incymð past incóm/on ptp is incumen to come in, go into, enter incund [] adj interior, internal, inward, secret, intimate; physical, of the inner part of the body; non-physical, in reference to mind, feeling, spirit, (1) denoting earnestness, sincerity;he offrede his lác mid incundre heortan he offered his gift with earnest desire; (2) of deep feeling, coming from the heart; (3) of the inward parts, of spiritual nature; adv ~líce from the heart, with deep feeling incundnes [] f (-se/-sa) inward conviction, sincerity; inward part, recess, an inner part; feeling that comes from the heart, heartiness, earnestness incúð [] adj strange, extraordinary; wicked, not friendly, grievous; adv ~líce grievously, sorely incyme [] m (-es/-as) entrance, in-coming indǽlan [] wv/t1b to infuse, impart Indea [] f (-n/-n) India Indéas [] m pl Indians India [] f (-n/-n) India indíegelnes [] f (-se/-sa) hiding-place, a secret place indyppan [] wv/t1a 3rd pres indypeð past indypte ptp indyped to dip in, immerse Indisc [] adj Indian; noun an Indian; on ~ in Indian language indrencan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres indrencð past indrencte ptp indrenced to steep, saturate, soak, inebriate; fill to overflowing [= ondrencan] indrífan [] sv/t1 3rd pres indrífð past indráf/indrifon ptp indrifen to ejaculate, utter, impel, send forth indrincan [] sv/t3 3rd pres indrincð past indranc/indruncon ptp indruncen to imbibe, drink; indruncen plied with drink indruncen [] adj plied with drink indryhten [] adj distinguished, noble, courtly, excellent, befitting one who belongs to a king’s bodyguard indryhtu2 [] f (-e/-a) honor, glory, nobleness Ine [] m (-es/-as) Ine, king of the West Saxons from 688 AD to 726. The laws of Ine are given in Thorpe’s Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. ineardian [] wv/t2 to dwell in, inhabit ineardiend [] m (-es/-) an inhabitant inéddisc [] n (-es/-) household stuff, furniture [ýddisc] inéðung [] f (-e/-a) inspiration, breathing [éðgung] infangeneþéof [] noun (-?/-?) right of judging thieves caught within the limits of one’s jurisdiction, and of taking the fines for the crime; the right to judge one’s own thief when taken within the jurisdiction, and the privilege consequent upon that jurisdiction, viz. the receiving of the mullet, or money-payment for the crime (1) infangenþéf [] noun (-?/-?) right of judging thieves caught within the limits of one’s jurisdiction, and of taking the fines for the crime; the right to judge one’s own thief when taken within the jurisdiction, and the privilege consequent upon that jurisdiction, viz. the receiving of the mullet, or money-payment for the crime (2) infaran [] 1. sv/t6 3rd pres infærð past infór/on ptp infaren to go into, enter; 2. see innefaran infaru [] f (-e/-a) incursion, inroad, invasion, march into a country infær [] n (-es/-faru) ingress, entrance, a way by which a place is entered; a going into a place; entry, admission, right or permission to enter infæreld [] n (-es/-) in-coming, entrance, admission, an entry, a place or way by which one enters, a vestibule; interior; vestibule; right or permission to enter infeallan [] sv/i7 3rd pres infielð past inféoll/on ptp is infeallen to fall in infeccan [] wvt/1a to fetch in inféran [] wv/t1b 3rd pres inféreð past inférde ptp inféred to enter, enter in infiht [] n (-es/-) brawl in a house, an attack made upon a person by one inhabiting the same dwelling: it was a breach of the peace for which a fine had to be paid to the head of the house if he were competent to exercise jurisdiction infindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres infindeð past infand/infundon ptp infunden to find, discover inflǽscnes [] f (-se/-sa) incarnation infléde2 [] adj full of water (of a stream) infléon [] sv/t2 3rd pres inflíehð past infléah/influgon ptp inflogen to fly from inforlǽtan [] sv/t7 3rd pres inforlǽteð past inforlét/on, inforleort/on ptp inforlǽten to let in infóster [] n (-es/-) bringing up, rearing, breeding, breeding on one’s own farm, rearing from one’s own stock infród2 [] adj very aged, very old, experienced, wise ing [] 1. m (-es/-as) name of the rune for ng; 2. see ging, geong; 3. see inn ing [] masculine suffix 1. patronymic, denoting the son of another; a rather extended use of the suffix is found in the names of families or peoples, who are regarded as descendants of a common ancestor, and traces of this use remain in many place-names in England; Seth Adaming Seth, son of Adam; 2. forms nouns from adjectives, as in earming, lytling (originally patronymic) ing [] f (-e/-a) a meadow, an ing (in the dialects of the north and east) ingán [in·gan] irrev v/t to go in, enter ingang [in·gang] m (-es/-as) ingress, entrance, entry, a place or way by which one enters, a doorway, vestibule, access, beginning; entrance-fee; an entering, going-into; an entering upon action, a beginning, first step; right or permission to enter, (1) the right of a person to enter and remain in a place, (2) admission to a religious house as one of its members; ingangan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ingengð past ingéong/on ptp ingangen to go in, enter ingebed [] n (-es/-gebeodu) hearty, earnest prayer; (from the Latin intret, the in might be from the verb) ingebringan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres ingebringð past ingebróhte ptp ingebróht to bring in [listed as sv/t3] ingecíegan [] wv/t1b to call upon, invoke, appeal to [invocare] (1) ingedón [] irreg v/t to put in ingefeallan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ingefielð past ingeféoll/on ptp ingefeallen to point out, indicate, inform, show, declare, disclose, make known, reveal, betray; to declare publicly, proclaim, publish, announce, appoint [indicere] ingefeoht [] n (-es/-) internal or civil war ingefolc [] n (-es/-) native race ingehrif [] n (-es/-u, -hriofu) womb ingehygd [] f (-e/-a) consciousness, thought, thoughts, mind, conscience, sense, knowledge, understanding; meaning, import, intention, intent, purpose, design; course of life; cweðan mid þissum ~e to speak to this effect ingehygdnes [] f (-se/-sa) intention, purpose ingelaðian [] wv/t2 to invite ingemynd2 [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) recollection, memory, mind, remembrance ingemynde [] adj well-remembered ingenga [] m (-n/-n) visitor, intruder, aggressor, invader ingéotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ingíeteð past ingéat/inguton ptp ingoten to pour in, fill ingéotung [] f (-e/-a) a pouring-in, purification ingerǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres ingerǽcð past ingerǽhte/ingeráhte ptp ingerǽht to give (something) in (to somebody) ingerec [] n (-es/-u, -gereocu) broil, tumult ingeseted [] adj placed in, inserted ingesteald [] n (-es/-) household goods ingeswell [] n (-es/-) internal swelling ingeþanc [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) thought, thinking, cogitation, intent, mind, heart, conscience, intention, purpose; the seat of thought, intellect, mind, heart, spirit, breast ingeþéod2 [] f (-e/-a) nation ingeþéode [] f pl peoples, nations ingeþóht [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) conscience ingeweaxen [] adj implanted, ingrown ingewinn [] n (-es/-) civil war, an intestine struggle ingewitnes [] f (-se/-sa) consciousness, conscience, knowledge, knowing Ingwine [] m pl a name of the Danes ingyte [] m (-es/-as) pouring in, infusion, inspiration [géotan] inhǽtan [] wv/t1b to inflame inheald [] adj in bas-relief, embossed, scraped here and there, worked in low relief, sloping inwards [interrasilis] inheord [] f (-e/-a) herd kept by the lord on his lands and belonging to him inhíernes [] f (-se/-sa) a belonging to anyone inhígan [] noun pl members of a household or community or convent, servants, domestics (2) inhíred [] m (-es/-as) family, household, house inhíredmann [] m (-es/-menn) a member of a retinue or body-guard inhíwan [] noun pl members of a household or community or convent, servants, domestics (1) inhold [] adj loyal at heart, thoroughly loyal, loyal from the heart inhýrnes [] f (-se/-sa) possession inídisc [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) household furniture inlád [] f (-e/-a) toll on goods carried into market; entrance-fee; a way in, a bringing in, introduction inlagian1 [] wv/t2 to reverse sentence of outlawry, to restore an outlaw to the protection of the law inland [] n (-es/-) land in the lord’s own occupation in contradistinction to útland, signifying land granted out for services; domain, demesne inlaðian [] wv/t2 to invite inlaðigend [] m (-es/-) inviter inlǽdan [] wv/t1b to lead in, bring in, introduce, conduct, lead up, bring forward [inducere], to introduce inlǽtan [] sv/t7 3rd pres inlǽteð past inlét/on, inleort/on ptp inlǽten to let in inlenda [] m (-n/-n) native inlende [] adj native, indigenous inlendisc [] adj native, indigenous inlendiscnes [] f (-se/-sa) habitation inlic [] adj internal, interior, inward; native; adv ~líce inwardly, internally; thoroughly, sincerely, heartily inlíchamung [] f (-e/-a) incarnation inlíhtan1 [] wv/t1b to illuminate, enlighten inlíhtend [] m (-es/-) illuminator, enlightener inlíhtnes [] f (-se/-sa) illumination inlíxan [] wv/i1b to become light, grow light, dawn, shine inméde [] adj close to one’s heart, important in one’s estimation, of profound concern, of great solicitude inmerca [] m (-n/-n) a writing upon, inscribing; an inscription, title inn [] 1. n (-es/-) dwelling, apartment, lodging, chamber, house; quartering oneself (of soldiers); 2. adv in, into, inwards, within, inside of; inwardly; ~ on into; ~ tó used with words of granting to indicate the grantee innan [] 1. prep w.g.d.a. from within; within, in, into; (1) w.g. within; (2) w.d. in; local (a) of rest, within; innan healle within a hall; (b) of motion or direction, within, in; hé éode innan þǽm mynstre he went within the monastery; (2.2) of time, within the limits of a period, in; híe wendon innan þǽre middanwintres tíde they went within the limits of midwinter time; (2.3) within a person; (3) w.a. into; 2. adv within, inside, in, (1) in reference to a place or thing; (2) in reference to a person, within the body; (2a) where the non-physical part of man is in question, mind, heart, soul; inwardly, in the mind, heart, etc., in respect to the spiritual part of man innanbordes [] adv at home innanburhware [] noun pl residents within the walls of a town innancund [] adj inner, inward, internal; thorough, hearty innanearm [] m (-es/-as) inner side of arm, the side of the arm towards the body innanfortog [] n (-es/-u) gripe innanonfeall [] m (-es/-as) internal swelling innantídernes [] f (-se/-sa) internal weakness innanwund [] f (-e/-a) internal wound innanwyrm [] m (-es/-as) intestinal worm Inne [] adv in, inside, within a room, house, etc., in-doors; where there is idea of confinement ~ mid/on within a region, with a people; where there is detention; of the inner man; of motion innecund [] adj inward, internal innefare [] f (-an/-an) the intestines innefeoh [] n (-féos/-féos) household goods
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