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Lufsumlic [] adj gracious; adv ~líce
lufsumnes [] f (-se/-sa) pleasantness, kindness luftácen [] n (-tácnes/-) love-token luftéme [] adj pleasant, sweet, grateful, benevolent luftýme [] adj pleasant, sweet, grateful, benevolent luftýmlic [] adj pleasant lufu [] f (-e/-a) love, strong liking, affection, favor; desire; kind action; love (of God); amicable settlement lufung [] f (-e/-a) action of loving lufwende [] adj lovable, pleasant lufwendlic [] adj friendly; adv ~líce gently luh [] n (-es/-u) loch, pond [Keltic] luncian? [] wv/t2 to limp [Norw. lunke?] lundlaga [] m (-n/-n) kidney Lundonisc [] adj of London lungen [] f (-ne/-na) lung lungenádl [] f (-e/-a) lung-disease lungenǽder [] f (-e/-a) vein of the lungs lungencoðu [] f (-e/-a) lung disease lungensealf [] f (-e/-a) lung-salve lungenwyrt [] f (-e/-e) lungwort lunger[] adj quick, fast lungre2 [] adv soon, forthwith, suddenly, quickly lús [] f (lýs/lýs) louse lust [] 1. m (-es/-as) desire, appetite; pleasure; sensuous appetite, lust; 2. adj willing lustbǽre [] 1. adj desirable, pleasant, agreeable, cheerful, joyous; desirous; 2. adv gladly, willingly lustbǽrnes [] f (-se/-sa) enjoyment, pleasure, desire lustful [] adj wishful, desirous; ge~ desirable lustfullian1 [] wv/t2 to rejoice, enjoy; desire; be pleasing to lustfullíce1 [] adv gladly, heartily lustfullung [] f (-e/-a) desire, pleasure, delight lustfulnes1 [] f (-se/-sa) desire, pleasure lustgeornnes [] f (-se/-sa) concupiscence, strong feelings of physical desire lustgryn [] f (-e/-a) snare of pleasure lustlíce [] adv willingly, gladly lustmoce [] f (-an/-an) lady’s-smock (plant) lustsumlic [] adj pleasant; adv ~líce willingly lustum [] adv with pleasure, gladly lúsþorn [] m (-es/-as) spindle-tree lútan1 [] sv/t2 3rd pres lýteð past léat/luton ptp geloten to bend, stoop, decline; geloten dæg after part of day; bow, make obeisance, fall down ge~ lay down; entreat lútian1 [] wv/t2 to lie hidden, hide, lurk lybb [] n (-es/-) drug, poison, charm lybbestre [] f (-an/-an) sorceress lybcorn [] n (-es/-) a medicinal seed, wild saffron? lybcræft [] m (-es/-as) skill in the use of drugs, magic, witchcraft lybesn [] f (-e/-a) charm, amulet, knot lyblác [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) occult art, use of drugs for magic, witchcraft lyblǽca [] m (-n/-n) wizard, sorcerer lyffetere [] m (-es/-as) flatterer lyffettan [] wv/t1b to flatter lyffettian [] wv/t2 to flatter lyffetung [] f (-e/-a) adulation, flattery lyft [] f (-e/-a), m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) air, sky, clouds, atmosphere; on ~e on high, aloft [Ger luft] lyftádl [] f (-e/-a) paraplysis, palsy lyftedor [] m (-es/-as) clouds lyften [] adj of the air, aerial lyftfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) vessel in the air (moon) lyftfléogend [] m (-es/-) flier in the air, bird lyftfloga [] m (-n/-n) flier in the air, dragon lyftgelác2 [] n (-es/-) flight through the air lyftgeswenced [] adj driven by the wind lyfthelm2 [] m (-es/-as) air, mist, cloud lyftlácende2 [] adj sporting in the air, flying lyftlic [] adj aerial lyftsceaða [] m (-n/-n) aerial robber (raven) lyftwundor [] n (-wundres/-) aerial wonder lyftwynn2 [] f (-e/-a) joyous air, pleasure in flying lyge [] 1. m (-es/-as) lie, falsehood; 2. adj lying, false; lygen [] f (-ne/-na) lie, falsehood lygesearu2 [] n (-wes/-) lying wile, trick lygespell [] n (-es/-) falsehood lygesynnig [] adj lying, false lygetorn [] n (-es/-) feigned anger or grief lygeword2 [] n (-es/-) lying word, lie lygewyrhta [] m (-n/-n) liar lygnes [] f (-se/-sa) falseness; false things lygnian1 [] wv/t2 to give one the lie, convict of falsehood; gelygnod perjured lýman [] wv/t1b to shine lynde1 [] f (-an/-an) fat, grease [also lyndu] lynibor [] n (-es/-) borer, gimlet lynis [] m (-es/-as) linchpin lýpenwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) basket maker, tanner lyre [] m (-es/-as) loss, destruction, damage, hurt [léosan] lyrewrenc [] m (-es/-as) hurtful intrigue lystan1 [] impersonal wv/t1b w.a. person, w.g. thing or infin. to please, cause pleasure or desire, provoke longing; gelysted desirous of lysu [] 1. adj base, false, evil; 2. n (-wes/-) evil deed lyswen [] 1. adj purulent, corrupt; 2. m (-es/-as) pus, matter lýt [] adv, adj, indecl noun little, few lýtel [] 1. adj little, not large; unimportant, mean; short (distance, time); not much; cmp lǽssa; spl lǽst, lǽsta; 2. adv little, slightly; lýtlan ond lýtlanlittle by little; 3. noun little lýtelhýdig [] adj pusillanimous lýtelmód [] adj pusillanimous lýtelnes [] f (-se/-sa) smallness lýtesná [] adv nearly, almost lýtesne [] adv nearly, almost lýtestne [] adv nearly, almost lýthwón [] adv, noun w.g. little, but little, very few lytig [] adj crafty, cunning; prudent lytigian [] wv/t2 to feign, act crookedly lytiglic [] adj deceitful, crafty; adv ~líce lytignes [] f (-se/-sa) cunning lýtle [] f (-an/-an) female slave lýtlian1 [] wv/t2 to lessen, decrease, diminish; shorten, curtail, abrogate; fall out of use; belittle lýtling [] m (-es/-as) little one, infant, child; unimportant person lýtlum [] adv little by little, gradually [dative of lýtel] lýtlung [] f (-e/-a) diminution; ge~ insufficiency, want lyttuccas [] m pl particles, small pieces lytwist? [] f (-e/-a) deception lýðerful [] adj evil, vile
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