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Mágeéct [] adj augmented; ptp of íecan
mageðe [] f (-an/-an) chamomile, mayweed magian [] wv/t2 to prevail; ge~ recover (health) magister [] m (-es/-as) leader, chief, master, teacher [L: magister] magisterdóm [] m (-es/-as) office of a master or teacher magodryht [] f (-e/-e) band of warriors magogeoguð [] f (-e/-a) youth magorǽdend [] m (-es/-) counselor of men magorǽswa2 [] m (-n/-n) chief, prince magorinc2 [] m (-es/-as) youth, man, warrior magotimber2 [] n (-timbres/-) child, son; increase of family, progeny magotúdor2 [] n (-túdres/-) descendant, offspring magoðegn2 [] m (-es/-as) vassal, retainer, warrior, man, servant, minister magu2 [] m (-a/-a) male kinsman, son, descendant; young man, servant; man, warrior [also mago] magudryht [] f (-e/-e) band of warriors magugeoguð [] f (-e/-a) youth magurǽdend [] m (-es/-) counselor of men magurǽswa2 [] m (-n/-n) chief, prince magurinc2 [] m (-es/-as) youth, man, warrior magutimber2 [] n (-timbres/-) child, son; increase of family, progeny magutúdor2 [] n (-túdres/-) descendant, offspring maguþegn2 [] m (-es/-as) vassal, retainer, warrior, man, servant, minister máh1 [] adj bad, wanton, shameless, importunate máhling [] m (-es/-as) parent, kinsman Mailrosisc [] adj of Melrose Máius [] m (-es/-as) May mál [] 1. n (-es/-) suit, case, action, terms, agreement, covenanted pay; hé scylode 9 scypa of ~ehe paid 9 ships out of commission; scylian tó ~e to pay off, discharge; 2. n (-es/-) spot, mark, blemish; 3. see mǽln malscrung [] f (-e/-a) enchantment, charm málswyrd [] n (-es/-) sword with inlaid ornament [mǽl] mamera [] m (-n/-n) lethargy, heavy sleep (2) mamme [] f (-an/-an) teat [L mamma] mamor [] m (-n/-n) lethargy, heavy sleep (1) mamra [] m (-n/-n) lethargy, heavy sleep (3) mamrian [] wv/t2 to think out, design man [] 1. indef pron one, people, they; 2. see mann; 3. pres 3rd sing of munan mán [] 1. n (-es/-) evil deed, crime, wickedness, guilt, sin; false oath; 2. adj bad, criminal, false mánáð [] m (-es/-as) false oath, perjury mánáðswaru [] f (-e/-a) perjury mánbealu [] n (-wes/-) crime, cruelty manbót [] f (-e/-a) fine paid to the lord of a man slain mánbryne [] m (-es/-as) fatal, destructive fire mancas [] m (-es/-as) a mancus, thirty silver pence, one-eighth of a pound (2) mancos [] m (-es/-as) a mancus, thirty silver pence, one-eighth of a pound (3) mancs [] m (-es/-as) a mancus, thirty silver pence, one-eighth of a pound (4) mancus [] m (-es/-as) a mancus, thirty silver pence, one-eighth of a pound (1) mancwealm [] m (-es/-as) mortality, pestilence, destruction mancwealmnes [] f (-se/-sa) manslaughter mancwyld [] f (-e/-a) mortality, pestilence mancynn [] n (-es/-) mankind; inhabitants, people, men; bergu ~es God mancyst [] f (-e/-e) human virtue mand [] f (-e/-a) basket mándǽd [] f (-e/-e) sin, crime mándǽda [] m (-n/-n) evil-doer mándǽde [] adj evil-doing, wicked mándeorf [] adj laboring to do evil, wicked; bold in evil? mandréam2 [] m (-es/-as) revelry, festivity mándrinc [] m (-es/-as) poison mandryhten2 [] m (-dryhtnes/-dryhtnas) lord, master manfaru [] f (-e/-a) host, troop mánfǽhðu [] f (-e/-a) wickedness mánfeld [] m (-a/-a) field of crime mánfolm [] f (-e/-a) evil-doer, hand mánfordǽdla [] m (-n/-n) evil-doer mánforwyrht [] n (-es/-) evil deed, sin mánfréa2 [] m (-n/-n) lord of evil mánfremmende2 [] adj sinning, vicious mánful [] adj wicked, evil, infamous, degraded; fearful, dire mánfullic [] adj infamous, evil, sinful; adv ~líce mánfulnes [] f (-se/-sa) wickedness manfultum [] m (-es/-as) military force mángenga [] m (-n/-n) evil-doer mángeníðla [] m (-n/-n) evil persecutor mangere [] m (-es/-as) trader, merchant, broker mángewyrhta [] m (-n/-n) sinner mangian1 [] wv/t2 to gain by trading mangung [] f (-e/-a) trade, business mangunghús [] n (-es/-) house of merchandise mánhús [] n (-es/-) home of wickedness, hell manian1 [] wv/t2 1. to remind; admonish, warn, exhort, instigate; instruct, advise; claim, demand, ask; 2. ge~ to be restored to health? mánídel [] adj vain and bad (words) maniend [] m (-es/-) admonisher; collector; creditor manig [] adj (pl manega) many, many a, much manigbrǽde [] adj relating to many things manigfeald [] adj manifold, various, varied, complicated; numerous, abundant; plural; adv ~e manigfealdan1 [] wv/t1b to multiply, abound, increase, extend; reward manigfealdian1 [] wv/t2 to multiply, abound, increase, extend; reward manigfealdlic [] adj manifold; adv ~líce in various ways; (gram.) in the plural number manigfealdnes [] f (-se/-sa) multiplicity, abundance, complexity manighéowlic [] adj multifarious manighíwe [] adj multiform manigsíðes [] adv often manigtéaw [] adj skillful, dexterous (1) manigtéawnes [] f (-se/-sa) skill, dexterity [also mænitýw~] manigtíwe [] adj skillful, dexterous (2) manigtýwe [] adj skillful, dexterous (3) manléas [] adj uninhabited mánlic [] adj infamous, nefarious; adv ~líce falsely, wickedly manlíca [] m (-n/-n) effigy, image, statue manlíce [] adv manfully, nobly manlufu [] f (-e/-a) love for men mann [] m (-es/menn) person (male or female); man; mankind; brave man, hero; vassal, servant; name of the rune for m; used indefinitely as ‘one’; ǽhte ~ a husbandman, farmer, plough-man; forworht ~ criminal manna [] 1. m (-n/-n) man; 2. manna [listed as n] mannbǽre [] adj producing men mannéaca [] m (-n/-n) progeny mannhata [] m (-n/-n) man-hater mannian [] wv/t2 to man, garrison mannmægen [] n (-es/-) troop, force, cohort mannmenigu [] f (-e/-a) multitude mannmyrring [] f (-e/-a) destruction of men mannmyrðra [] m (-n/-n) destruction of men mannselen [] f (-ne/-na) traffic in men, sale of men unlawfully as slaves manrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) dependence, homage, service, tribute, due manrím2 [] n (-es/-) number of men mánsceatt [] m (-es/-as) usury mánsceaða2 [] m (-n/-n) enemy, sinner mánscild [] f (-e/-a) crime, fault, sin manscipe [] m (-es/-as) humanity, courtesy mánscyldig2 [] adj criminal, guilty manslaga [] m (-n/-n) man-slayer, murderer mánslagu [] f (-e/-a) cruel blow mansléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres mansliehð past manslóg/on ptp manslagen to kill, murder [or 2 words?] manslege [] m (-es/-as) manslaughter, homicide manslieht [] m (-es/-as) manslaughter, murder manslot [] n? (-es/-u) share in ownership of land?, measure of land? [ON mannshlutr] mánswara [] m (-n/-n) perjurer mánswaru [] f (-e/-a) perjury [swerian] manswǽs [] adj meek mánswerian [] sv/t6 3rd pres mánswereð past mánswór/on ptp mánsworen to forswear, perjure oneself mánswica [] m (-n/-n) deceiver, traitor manselen [] f (-ne/-na) traffic in men, act of selling men as slaves [sellan] manþéaw2 [] m (-es/-as) habit, custom (? sometimes mánþéaw sinful custom) manþéof [] m (-es/-as) man-stealer manþrymm [] m (-es/-as) troop of men manþwǽre [] adj gentle, kind, humane, mild, meek [OHG mandwári] manþwǽrnes [] f (-se/-sa) gentleness, courtesy, weakness manu [] f (-e/-a) mane manung [] f (-e/-a) admonition; claim; place of toll; district for purposes of tribute or taxation; residents in a taxing district mánwamm [] m (-es/-as) guilty stain mánweorc [] 1. n (-es/-) crime, sin; 2. adj sinful manwerod [] m (-es/-as) collection of men, troop, congregation, assembly manweorð [] n (-es/-) value or price of a man manweorðung [] f (-e/-a) adoration of human beings manwíse2 [] f (-an/-an) manner or custom of men mánword [] n (-es/-) wicked word mánwrǽce [] adj wicked mánwyrhta2 [] m (-n/-n) evil-doer, sinner mapulder [] m (mapuldres/mapuldras) maple tree mára [] masc adj greater, more, stronger, mightier; fem, neut máre; cmp of micel; spl mǽst; adv in addition; marc [] n (-es/-) a denomination of weight (usu. half a pound), mark (money of account) mare [] f (-an/-an) nightmare, monster market [] n (-es/-) market [L mercatum]; market rights marma [] m (-n/-n) marble [L marmor] marmanstán [] m (-es/-as) marble, piece of marble marmstángedelf [] n (-es/-) quarrying of marble martir [] m (-es/-as) martyr [L] martirlogium [] m (-es/-as) martyrology martyr [] m (-es/-as) martyr [L] martyrcynn [] n (-es/-) race of martyrs martyrdóm [] m (-es/-as) martyrdom martyrhád [] m (-a/-a) martyrdom martyrracu [] f (-e/-a) martyrology martyrung [] f (-e/-a) passion (of Christ) masc [] n (-es/-) mash máse [] f (-an/-an) name of a small bird [Ger meise] massere [] m (-es/-as) merchant; moneylender Mathusal [] m (-es/-as) Methuselah mattuc [] m (-es/-as) mattock; fork, trident maða [] m (-n/-n) maggot, worm, grub maðelere [] m (-es/-as) speaker, haranguer maðelian1 [] wv/t2 to harangue, make a speech, speak maðelig [] adj talkative, noisy maðelung [] f (-e/-a) loquacity máðmǽht2 [] f (-e/-e) valuable thing, treasure máðmcist [] f (-e/-a) treasure-chest máðmcleofa [] m (-n/-n) treasure-chamber máðgestréon [] n (-es/-) treasure máðhord [] n (-es/-) treasure-hord máðhús [] n (-es/-) treasure-house, treasury máðhyrde [] m (-es/-as) treasurer máððumfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) precious vessel máððumgesteald [] n (-es/-) treasure máððumgifu [] f (-e/-a) gift of treasure máððumgiefa [] m (-n/-n) giver of treasure, prince, king máððumsele [] m (-es/-as) hall of treasure máððumsigle [] n (-es/-u) costly ornament máððumsweord [] n (-es/-) costly sword máððumwela [] m (-n/-n) valuables máðum [] m (máðmes/máðmas) treasure, object of value, jewel, ornament, gift máwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres mǽwð past mów/on ptp gemáwen to mow max [] n (-es/-u) net máxwyrt [] f (-e/-e) mash-wort (malt soaked in boiling water) mæc1 [] adj well-suited, companionable; similar, equal mæcg2 [] m (-es/-as) man, disciple; son mæcga [] m (-n/-n) man mǽd [] f (-we/-wa) mead, meadow, pasture [dat sing also méda; pl also ~a, ~e] mǽdæcer [] m (-es/-as) a meadow mǽddíc [] f (-e/-a) a dike in a meadow mæddre [] f (-an/-an) madder mǽdencild [] n (-es/-ru) female child, girl mǽdenhéap [] m (-es/-as) band of virgins mǽdenlic [] adj maidenly, virgin mæderecíð [] m (-es/-as) sprig of madder mǽdlacu [] f (-e/-a) meadow-stream mǽdland [] n (-es/-) meadow-land mǽdmann [] m (-es/-menn) mower mǽdmǽwect [] ? (-?/-?) mowing of a meadow Mǽdmónað [] m (-mónðes/-mónðas) July mǽdrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) mowing, tact of mown grass mǽdsplott [] m (-es/-as) plot of meadow-land mǽg [] 1. m (-es/-mágas) male kinsman, parent, son, brother, nephew, cousin; compatriot; 2. 2 f (-e/-a) female relation, wife, woman, maiden mǽgbana [] m (-n/-n) destroyer of kinsfolk mǽgbót [] f (-e/-a) compensation paid to the relatives of a murdered man mǽgburg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) family, tribe, race, people, nation; genealogy; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum] mǽgcild [] n (-es/-ru) young kinsman mǽgcnafa [] m (-n/-n) youthful kinsman mǽgcúð [] adj related mǽgcwealm [] m (-es/-as) murder of a relation mægden [] n (mægdnes, -nes/-u, -nu) maiden, virgin; girl; maid, servant mægdenǽw [] f (-e/-a) marriage with a virgin mægdeneorðe [] f (-an/-an) virgin soil mægdenhád [] m (-a/-a) maidenhood mægdenmann [] m (-es/-menn) maid, virgin mægen [] 1. n (-es/-) bodily strength, might, main, force, power, vigor, valor; virtue, efficacy, efficiency; good deed; picked men of a nation, host, troop, army; miracle [magan]; 2. subj pl of magan mægenágende [] adj mighty mægenbyrðen2 [] f (-ne/-na) huge burden mægencorðor [] n (-corðres/-as) strong troop mægencræft2 [] m (-es/-as) main force, great strength, might mægencyning2 [] m (-es/-as) mighty king mægendǽd [] f (-e/-e) mighty deed mægenéaca [] m (-n/-n) succor mægenéacen2 [] adj mighty, vigorous mægenearfeðe2 [] n (-es/-u) great misery or trial mægenellen [] n (-es/-) mighty valor mægenfæst [] adj vigorous, strong, steadfast mægenfolc [] n (-es/-) mighty company mægenfultum [] m (-es/-as) mighty help mægenhéap [] m (-es/-as) powerful band mægenheard [] adj very strong mægenian [] wv/t2 to gain strength; ge~ establish, confirm mægenig [] adj strong mægenléas [] adj powerless, feeble, helpless; adv ~líce mægenléast [] f (-e/-a) weakness, feebleness; inability mægenrǽs [] m (-es/-as) mighty onslaught mægenróf2 [] adj powerful mægenscipe [] m (-es/-as) might, power mægensibb [] f (-e/-a) great love mægenspéd2 [] f (-e/-e) power, virtue mægenstán [] m (-es/-as) huge stone mægenstrang2 [] adj of great virtue or strength; cmp ~strengra; spl ~strengest mægenstrengðu [] f (-a/-a) great might mægenstrengu [] f (-e/-a) great might mægenþegen [] m (-es/-as) mighty minister mægenþise [] f (-an/-an) violence, force mægenþréat2 [] m (-es/-as) mighty host mægenþrymm [] m (-es/-as) power, might, majesty, greatness, glory; virtue; heavenly host; 2 Christ; 2 heaven mægenþrymnes [] f (-se/-sa) great glory, majesty mægenweorc2 [] n (-es/-) mighty work mægenwísa [] m (-n/-n) general mægenwudu [] m (-a/-a) strong spear mægenwundor [] n (-wundres/-) striking wonder mæger [] adj meager, lean mægerian [] wv/t2 to macerate, make lean [Ger magern] mǽggemót [] n (-es/-) meeting of kinsmen mǽggewrit [] n (-es/-u, -gewreotu) genealogy, pedigree mǽggieldan? [] sv/t3 3rd pres mǽggieldeð past mǽggeald/mǽgguldon ptp mæggolden to contribute towards the fine for manslaughter by a kinsman mǽghǽmed [] n (-es/-) incest mǽghand [] f (-a/-a) natural heir, relative mǽglagu [] f (-e/-a) law as to relatives mǽgléas [] adj without relatives mǽglic [] adj belonging to a kinsman mǽglufu [] f (-e/-a) love mǽgmorðor [] n (-es/-) murder of a relative mǽgmyrðra [] m (-n/-n) murderer of a relative, parricide mǽgracu [] f (-e/-a) generation, genealogy mǽgrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) relationship mǽgrǽs [] m (-es/-as) attack on relatives mǽgscír [] f (-e/-a) division of a people containing the kinsmen of a particular family mǽgsibb [] f (-e/-a) relationship; affection of relatives mǽgsibbung [] f (-e/-a) reconciliation, peace-making mǽgsiblic [] adj related mǽgslaga [] m (-n/-n) slayer of a relative, parricide, fratricide mǽgsliht [] m (-es/-as) murder of a relative mægð2 [] f (-/-) maiden, virgin, girl, woman, wife [Goth magaðs]; gen pl ~a; dat pl ~um mǽgð1 [] 1. f (-e/-a) family group, clan, tribe, generation, stock, race, people; province, country; 2. longing, ambition; greed mægða [] m (-n/-n) mayweed mægðblǽd [] n (-es/-) glory of virginity [pudendum muliebre] mægðbót [] f (-e/-a) fine for assault on an unmarried woman? mǽgðegesa? [] m (-n/-n) viking mægðhád [] m (-a/-a) virginity, chastity, purity; band of young persons; relationship mægðhádlic [] adj maidenly mǽgðléas [] adj not of noble birth mægðmann [] m (-es/-menn) maiden, virgin mǽgðmorðor [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) murder of kin mǽgðmyrðra [] m (-n/-n) murderer of kin mǽgðrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) friendship, relationship mǽgðsibb [] f (-e/-a) kindred mǽgðwine2 [] m (-es/-as) friendly relative, clansman mǽgðwlite [] m (-es/-as) aspect, species, form mǽgðwlitian [] wv/t2 to fashion mǽgðwlitlíce [] adv figuratively mǽl [] 1. n (-es/-) mark, sign, ornament; cross, crucifix; armor, harness, sword; measure; 2 time, point of time, occasion, season; time for eating, meal, meals; 2. f (-e/-a) 2 talk, conversation; contest, battle; [mæðel]; 3. see mál mǽlan12 [] wv/t1b to speak, talk; [mæðlan] mǽlcearu [] f (-e/-a) trouble of the time mǽldæg2 [] m (-es/-dagas) appointed time, day mǽldropa [] m (-n/-n) phlegm, saliva, mucus mǽldropiende [] adj running with mucus mǽle [] 1. m (-es/-as) cup, bowl, bucket; 2. adj marked mǽlgesceaft [] f (-e/-a) fate mǽlsceafa [] m (-n/-n) canker, caterpillar mǽltang [] m (-es/-as) pair of compasses mǽltange [] f (-an/-an) pair of compasses mǽltíd [] f (-e/-e) meal-time mǽltíma [] m (-n/-n) meal-time mǽnan1 [] 1. wv/t1b to mean, signify, intend; consider; 2. to tell; mention, relate, declare, communicate to, speak of; speak (a language); 3. to complain of, lament, bewail, sorrow, grieve mǽne [] 1. adj (1, usu ge~) common, public, general, universal; owned in common; catholic; lower (clergy); mutual; habban ge~ to have or hold in common; 2. ge~ n (-es/-u) fellowship, intercourse; 3. adj false, mean, wicked; [mán]; 4. ge~ adj subdued, overpowered mǽnelic1 [] adj common, ordinary; mutual; public, general, universal; adv ~líce mænibrǽde [] adj relating to many things mænihíwe [] adj multiform mǽnsumian1 [] wv/t2 to impart; partake of, participate in, have fellowship with; live with, marry; communicate; administer Eucharist mǽnsumung [] f (-e/-a) fellowship, participation; ge~ administration of the Eucharist mǽrác [] f (-ǽc/-ǽc) boundary-oak mǽran [] wv/t1b 1. 1 to declare, proclaim, celebrate, glorify, honor; 2. ge~ to determine, fix limits mǽrapeldre [] f (-an/-an) apple-tree on a boundary mǽrbróc [] m (-es/-as) boundary-brook mǽrcnoll [] n (-es/-) boundary-knoll mǽrcumb [] m (-es/-as) border valley mǽrdíc [] f (-e/-a) boundary-dike mǽre [] 1. adj famous, great, excellent, sublime, splendid; 2. adj pure, sterling (of money); 2. 1 n (-es/-u) boundary, border; balk of a plough-land; end; 4. n (-es/-u) declaration mǽrehwít [] adj pure white, sterling (of silver) mǽrelsráp [] m (-es/-as) ship’s rope, cable mǽrflóde [] f (-an/-an) border channel mǽrford [] m (-a/-a) border ford mǽrfurh [] f (-fyrh/-fyrh) border furrow [dat ~fyrh, gen ~fúre; gen pl fúra] mǽrgeard [] m (-es/-as) border fence mǽrhege [] m (-es/-as) boundary-hedge mǽrhlinc [] m (-es/-as) border ridge mǽrhlísa [] m (-n/-n) notoriety mǽrian [] wv/t2 to be distinguished mæringcwudu [] n (-wes/-) mastic of sweet basil?
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