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Nǽgan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres nǽgð past nǽgde ptp genǽged 1. 2 to address, approach, accost, speak to (often followed by wordum); attack; 2. see hnǽgan
nægl [] m (-es/-as) nail, peg; finger-nail, toe-nail, claw; plectrum, an instrument for striking the strings of a harp; in compounds handle nægledbord2 [] adj with nailed sides nægledcnearr [] m (-es/-as) nail-fastened vessel, a vessel the planks of whose sides are nailed together nægledcræt [] n (-es/-cratu) iron chariot nægledsinc [] n (-es/-) studded vessel næglian1 [] wv/t2 to nail, fasten with nails Nægling [] m (-es/-as) the name of Beowulf’s sword næglseax [] n (-es/-) knife for cutting the nails, razor nǽm [] f (-e/-a) a taking, receiving, acceptance nǽmel [] adj receptive nǽming [] f (-e/-a) bargain, contract, acceptance, agreement nǽnig [] pron, adj no one, none, not any, no (used as noun w.g., and as adj); ~e þinga adv not at all, in no wise [ne + ǽnig] nǽniguht [] adv in no wise, nothing, not, not at all nǽnigwiht [] adv nothing, not, not at all, in no wise nǽnigwuht [] adv in no wise, nothing, not, not at all nǽp [] m (-es/-as) turnip, rape nǽpsǽd [] n (-es/-) rape seed, turnip seed nǽrende [] adj, ptc not being [ne + wesan] Næs [] 1. see ne, wæs; 2. adv not, not at all [see nalæs]; 3. see næss; 4. past 3rd sing of nesan næsc [] ? (-?/-?) fawn-skin næsgristle [] f (-an/-an) nose-gristle, nose cartilage næshlið [] n (-es/-u) declivity, slope (of headland) [dat pl ~hleoðum] næss [] m (-es/-as) ness, cliff, headland, cape, land running out into water, promontory; 2 earth, ground (in connection with under-, niðer-) næssa [] m (-n/-n) ness, cliff, headland, cape, land running out into water, promontory; 2 earth, ground (in connection with under-, niðer-) næsse [] f (-an/-an) headland, promontory, cape næsshlið [] n (-es/-hlioðu) the slope of a headland, promontory, cape, ness næster [] ? (-?/-?) caucale, lipped vessel næsþyrl [] n (-es/-) nostril nǽtan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres nǽteð past nǽtte ptp genǽted to annoy, afflict, press upon, trample upon, crush, subdue, injure, destroy nǽting [] f (-e/-a) blaming, upbraiding ne [] 1. adv not, no; no, nay; 2. conj neither, nor néadclamm [] n (-es/-) necessity, need, distress, extremity néadcleofa2 [] m (-n/-n) a prison néadcofa [] m (-n/-n) prison néadgafol [] n (-gafles/-) tax, tribute, a tax that must be paid néadgewuna [] m (-n/-n) enforced custom, a necessary, suitable custom néadgield [] n (-es/-) enforced payment, tribute, exaction néadgielda [] m (-n/-n) debtor, one who is forced to pay néadhád [] m (-a/-a) compulsion, force néadhǽs [] f (-e/-e) order which one must obey, a command which is attended by compulsion Néadian1 [] 1. wv/t2 to compel, force, constrain, urge, impel; to compel, force to do something; to constrain, force to or from something; nán mann ne móste néadian óðerne mára tó drincenne no one may force another to drink more; 2. see néodian néadignes [] f (-se/-sa) obligation néadnéod [] f (-e/-a) absolute, unavoidable necessity néadprin? [] n (-es/-u) necessary equipment [or = néadþing?] néadþing [] n (-es/-) necessary thing néadung [] f (-e/-a) force or violence used against anyone, compulsion, necessity; [of pressure due to persons or circumstances] néadunga [] adv forcibly, against one’s will, not willingly, under compulsion, of necessity néadunge [] adv forcibly, against one’s will, not willingly, under compulsion, of necessity néadwíte [] n (-es/-u) inevitable punishment néadwraca [] m (-n/-n) avenger by necessity, one who is forced to be an avenger, who avenges an affront néadwracu [] f (-e/-a) violence, misery caused by violence, distress néadwrǽclíce [] adv violently néah [] 1. adj near, nigh, close; late; [cmp néara, spl níehsta]; séo níehste hand the nearest relative; in cmp later, latter; in spl last, latest; (1) local; (2) marking relation, position, ororder; 2. adv near, nigh (of place, time); of degree, about, almost, nearly, lately; néar and néar nearer and nearer; æt níehstan next, at length, finally; in spl, of order in time,last; 3. prep w.d. of place, time near, close to; manner, according to néahbúend [] m (-es/-) neighbor, a near-dweller néahceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) a neighboring city, nearest town néahcirice [] f (-an/-an) neighboring church néahdǽl [] m (-es/-as) neighborhood, a neighboring part néahdún [] f (-e/-a) neighboring hill néahéa [] f (-/-) neighboring river néahéaland [] n (-es/-) neighboring island néahfæder [] m (-/-) near, neighboring father, a neighboring father of the church, one not belonging to distant parts [vicinus pater] néahfeald [] adj intimate néahfealdlic [] adj intimate néahfréond [] m (-es/-fríend) near friend, near kinsman, near relation néahgangol [] prep? w.d. placed near; adj in attendance on the person of the sovereign néahgebúr [] m (-es/-as) neighbor néahgebýren [] f (-ne/-na) neighbor néahgebýrild [] m (-es/-as) neighbor néahgehúsa [] m (-n/-n) neighbor neahhe1 [] adv sufficiently; abundantly; often, frequently; earnestly (1) neahhie1 [] adv sufficiently; abundantly; often, frequently; earnestly (2) neahhige1 [] adv sufficiently; abundantly; often, frequently; earnestly (3) néahhergung [] f (-e/-a) warring close at hand, harrying in one’s neighborhood néahland [] n (-es/-) neighborhood, a neighboring country néahlǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b w.d. or tó to come or draw near, approach; be near; be like; cling to; [néah, lǽcan]; 1. of movement in space; 2. of movement in time; (1) with a nounor pronoun as subject; se dóm néahlǽcð the judgment draws near; (1a) with clause; nú néahlǽcð, þæt wé sculon úre ǽhta gesamnian it approaches that we shall gather our property; (2) with impersonal construction, to approach aseason or event; hit tó þǽm dóme néahlǽcð; néahlǽcung [] f (-e/-a) a drawing nigh, approach néahlic [] adj near, neighboring; adv ~líce nearly, almost, about; nearly, closely; hardly néahmann [] m (-es/-menn) neighbor néahmǽg [] m (-es/-mágas) near relation, near kinsman néahmǽgð [] f (-e/-a) neighboring tribe, a neighboring province néahmunt [] m (-es/-as) neighboring mountain néahnes [] f (-se/-sa) nearness, neighborhood néahhunmynster [] n (-mynstres/-) neighboring monastery or convent (1) néahhunnmynster [] n (-mynstres/-) neighboring monastery or convent (2) néahsibb [] 1. adj related; 2. f (-e/-a) affinity, near relationship, relationship néahstów [] f (-e/-a) a neighboring place, place near; neighborhood neaht [] f (-nieht/-nieht) night; see niht; [gen nieht, neahte; dat nieht; nom/acc pl nieht; gen/dat pl ~a/~um] néahtíd [] f (-e/-e) approaching time, a time close at hand néahtún [] m (-es/-as) neighboring town or village néahþéod [] f (-e/-a) neighboring nation, a neighboring people néahwæter [] n (-es/-) a neighboring piece of water néahwest [] f (-e/-e), m (-es/-as) neighborhood, nearness, presence; the being with another, presence, society, fellowship, cohabitation [néah, wesan] (1) néahwist [] f (-e/-e), m (-es/-as) neighborhood, nearness, presence; the being with another, presence, society, fellowship, cohabitation [néah, wesan] (2) néahwudu [] m (-a/-a) neighboring wood néalǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b w.d. to come or draw near, approach; be near; be like; cling to; [néah, lǽcan] néalǽcung [] f (-e/-a) approach, access néalic [] adj near, neighboring; adv ~líce nearly, about nealles [] adv not, not at all, by no means néan [] adv from near by; ~ and feorran from near and far; close at hand, near; nearly, about; of time, from a time near at hand Neapolite [] m pl the Neapolitans néar [] adv near, nearer; cmp of néah néara [] adj later, latter, nearer; cmp of néah (1) néarra [] adj later, latter, nearer; cmp of néah(2) neart [] verb form art not; 2nd person singular of wesan [ne art] nearu [] 1. 2 f? (-e/-a), n? (-wes/-) strait, danger, distress, difficulty; ~ þrówian to be in straits; confinement, durance, imprisonment; prison, hiding-place; 2. adj narrow, strait, confined, constricted, not spacious, limited, petty; narrow, limited, poor, restricted; strait, oppressive, causing anxiety (of that which restricts free action of body or mind), causing or accompanied by difficulty, hardship, oppressive; oppressed, not having free action; strict, severe nearubregd [] n (-es/-) a wile or trick that brings others into straits nearucræft [] m (-es/-as) an art that confines or imprisons? nearufáh [] adj disastrously hostile, bearing enmity the result of which is to reduce others to straits nearugráp [] f (-e/-a) a close grasp nearulic [] adj oppressive, straitened; adv ~líce narrowly, within narrow limits, closely, briefly, accurately; narrowly, closely, briefly, accurately; narrowly, exactly, strictly, stringently, oppressively, grievously; evilly; closely, tightly; illiberally?, evilly nearuníed [] f (-e/-a) urgent need nearunes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. strait; small space; 1a. a narrow space, a place of small extent; 2. scantiness; 2a. a physical inconvenience, difficulty, troublesome action; 3. oppression, distress (of body); nearunes bréostes oppression of the chest; 4. distress (of mind), anxiety, tribulation, trouble, grief; 5. scantiness, (1) of space; (2) of means nearusearu2 [] n (-wes/-) dark cunning, a wile that causes restraint or confinement; an evil, mean trick? [listed as f] nearusorg [] f (-e/-a) crushing distress, oppressive care, grievous trouble nearuþanc [] m (-es/-as) wickedness, evil thought, illiberal thought nearuþancnes [] f (-se/-sa) wickedness nearuþearf [] f (-e/-a) dire need, pressing need nearuwrenc [] m (-es/-as) evil trick, a trick or wile that causes anxiety or trouble nearwe [] adv narrowly, closely, straitly, strictly; narrowly, strictly, carefully, exactly (ofenquiry); oppressively, forcibly; artfully; anxiously, in a manner causing trouble nearwian [] wv/t2 1 to force in, cramp, confine, afflict; to make narrow, straiten, compress; crowd; become smaller, shrink, become narrow, contracted néat [] n (-es/-) animal, beast, ox, cow, cattle; pl cattle néatland [] n (-es/-) land of a dependant or vassal néawest [] f (-e/-e), m (-es/-as) neighborhood, nearness, presence; society, cohabitation [néah, wesan] (1) néawist [] f (-e/-e), m (-es/-as) neighborhood, nearness, presence; society, cohabitation [néah, wesan] (2) néawung [] f (-e/-a) nearness, coming near nebb [] n (-es/-) a neb, nib, bill, beak, beak-shaped thing; nose, gristle of the nose; the face, countenance, complexion; ~ wið nebb face to face nebbian [] wv/t2 to retort upon, rebuke, confront, turn the face towards anyone nebcorn [] n (-es/-) a pimple on the face nebgebrǽc [] n (-es/-) nasal mucus, a defluxion from the head Nebrond [] m (-es/-as) Nimrod nebsealf [] f (-e/-a) antimony, face-powder nebwlátful [] adj bold, impudent, barefaced, shameless nebwlátung [] f (-e/-a) boldness, impudence nebwlite [] m (-es/-as) the form of the face, the face, countenance nebwlitu [] m (-wes/-was) the form of the face, the face, countenance nefa [] m (-n/-n) 1 nephew; stepson; grandson; second cousin nefene [] f (-an/-an) granddaughter; niece Nefrod [] m (-es/-as) Nimrod nefte [] f (-an/-an) nep or nip, cat’s mint [L nepeta] nemnan [] wv/t1b 1 to name, call, give a name to a person or thing; to use such and such a name or title in speaking of a person or thing (þæt wé nemdon duru); enumerate; address, speak to; to name, nominate; to call upon the name of, address by name, to invoke; to mention by name, mention, relate nemne [] 1. conj connecting clauses unless, except, save, only; connecting words in the same case (contracted clauses, the verb of the second clause being the same as the first, and not expressed); 2. prep w.d.? except, save, only nemnian [] wv/t2 1 to name, call; enumerate; address, speak to; nominate; invoke, mention a subject (person or thing); to mention the name of a person, mention by name; with cognate accusative, to give the name of; hé his ieldrena naman nemde he gave the names of his parents; mention, relate; with cognate accusative þu nemnast his naman Hǽlend nemniendlic [] adj naming, nominative nemnigendlic [] adj naming, nominative nemning [] f (-e/-a) name, appellation Nen [] n? (-es/-) the river Nen in Northamptonshire néo [] n (-wes/-) a corpse néobedd2 [] n (-es/-) corpse-bed, bed of death, bed of spirits [Goth naus] néod [] 1. f (-e/-a) desire, longing; zeal, eagerness, diligence, earnestness, earnest endeavor; pleasure, delight; 2. see níed néode [] adv eagerly, zealously, diligently [instrumental of néod; the instrumental of adverbial force occurs very frequently in the Psalms] néodfracu [] f (-e/-a) yearning, greed, desire, appetite, the object of desire or of appetite néodful [] 1. adj zealous, earnest; 2. see níedful néodian1 [] wv/t2 impers. w.g. to be necessary, require, be required néodlaðu [] f (-e/-a) urgent summons, earnest, hospitable invitation; wish néodlíce [] adv eagerly, earnestly, carefully, zealously, diligently, sedulously; 2 greatly néodlof [] n (-es/-u) zealous praise, diligent praise néodspearuwa [] m (-n/-n) sparrow, an active, restless sparrow néodþearflic [] adj necessary néodweorðung [] f (-e/-a) zealous honoring, great honoring néofugol [] m (-fugles/-fuglas) bird of prey, a bird that feeds on carrion, a vulture or crow neom [] verb form am not; see ne, eom néomian [] wv/t2 to sound sweetly? neorxnawang [] m (-es/-as) Paradise neorxnawanglic [] adj of Paradise néosan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres néoseð past néosde ptp genéosed w.g., w.a., or w.clause to search out, find out, find out by inquiry, inspect; 1 to seek, visit, go to, (a) a place, (b) a person; attack, visit with affliction, seek with hostile intent néosian [] wv/t2 w.g., w.a., or w.clause to search out, find out, find out by inquiry or inspection, inspect; 1 to seek, visit, go to, (a) a place, (b) a person; attack, seek with hostile intent, visit with affliction, calamity, disease, etc. [the visitation of God] néosíð [] m (-es/-as) death néosung1 [] f (-e/-a) access; visitation, visit, visiting néotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres níeteð past néat/nuton ptp genoten (usu w.g.) to use, make use of, have the use of, have the benefit of, enjoy, employ, (a) w.g. ic néote wǽpna I make use of weapons, (b) w.a. [Ger geniessen] neoðan [] adv below, down, beneath, from beneath neoðane [] adv below, down, beneath, from beneath neoðanweard [] adj lower neowol [] adj precipitous; headlong; prone, prostrate; obscure, deep down, low, profound, abysmal neowollic [] adj profound, deep neowolnes [] f (-se/-sa) depth, abyss, chasm, a deep place; 1. of a deep place on the earth; 2. of the lower regions nép [] adj lacking, scanty; only in phrase forðganges ~ without power of advancing? népflód [] m (-es/-as) neap-tide, ebb, low tide, a very low tide ner1 [] n (-es/-u) refuge, protection nergend [] m (-es/-) savior, preserver (Christ, God) nergendlic [] adj that should be preserved? nerian [] wv/t1a 3rd pres nereð past nerede ptp genered to save, rescue, liberate; preserve, defend, protect; [Ger nähren] Neron [] m (-es/-as) Nero nerung [] f (-e/-a) guard, protection, defense nes [] feminine abstract noun suffix; pl -sa nesan [] sv/t5 3rd pres nisð past næs/nǽson ptp genesen to escape from, survive, be saved nese [] adv no [ne, sí]; the opposite of gese (1) saying no to a question; (2) where a request, command, etc., isrefused; (3) where a prohibition is assented to; (4) where dissent is expressed; (5) asrepresenting a negative statement nest [] 1. n (-es/-) nest; young bird, brood, the young birds in the nest; 2. n (-es/-) food, provisions, victuals; 3. n (-es/-) provisions served out at fixed times, rations nestan [] wv/t1b to spin nestlian [] wv/t2 to make a nest nestpohha [] m (-n/-n) a bag for food, wallet neta [] m (-n/-n) caul netel [] f (-e/-a) nettle netele [] f (-an/-an) nettle netráp [] m (-es/-as) snare, gin, a toil nett [] n (-es/-) net (for fowling, fishing, or hunting); netting, network, web; spider’s web; a mosquito net[Goth nati] nette [] f (-an/-an) the net-like caul nettgearn [] n (-es/-) knitting yarn [gearn] netwerðlicnes [] f (-se/-sa) utility néðan [] wv/t1b to venture on, dare, risk, to have courage to do, dare to do; with preposition; with clause [nóð] néðing [] f (-e/-a) boldness, daring, audacity; risk neurisn [] f (-e/-a) aneurism, a kind of paralysis neweséoða [] m (-n/-n) pit of the stomach?, bowels? nexta [] m (-n/-n) neighbour: lufie we ure nextan let’s love our neighbours nic [] adv not I (= no) [ne, ic] nicc [] adv not I (= no) [ne, ic] niccan [] wv/t1a to say ‘no’, refuse Nicénisc [] adj Nicene nicor [] m (nicres/nicras) water-sprite, sea-monster; hippopotamus, walrus nicorhús [] n (-es/-) sea-monster’s dwelling, the abode of a ‘nicor’ Níed [] f (-e/-a) 1. necessity, inevitableness; what is necessary; 2. necessity, need, urgent requirement, compulsion, duty;for, of ~e of necessity, unavoidably; 3. a necessary business, duty; ús is níed, þæt…it is our bound duty that…; errand, business; 3a. necessity from the facts or circumstances of the case; 4. need, what one wants; 5. necessity, need, difficulty, hardship, distress, trouble, pain; 6. violence, force, compulsion, exercised by or upon person; 7. the name of the rune for n; 8. a condition of affairs placing one in difficulty or distress; a time of difficulty; exigency, emergency; 9. a condition marked by the lack or want of some necessary thing, or requiring some extraneous aid or addition; 10. a matter requiring action to be taken, a piece of necessary business; 11. a particular point or respect in which some necessity or want is present or felt; 11a. a necessary article, necessary of life12. ~ is it is necessary or needful (with dat. infin. or clause); a. w.d. person; ~ habban to be under a necessity to do something; (to have) need of, (to have) need, be in want; 13. see see néod Níedan [] wv/t1b 1. to compel, force, urge, press, exercise constraint or compulsion upon one; 2. to force to something; (1) with tó and a noun; hé hine tó leornunge níedde he forced him to learning; (2) with dative infinitive; hé níedde tó healdenne he forced to hold; (3) with clause níedbád [] f (-e/-a) toll, due, exaction, blackmail; bodily torment níedbádere [] m (-es/-as) toll-collector, one who exacts toll níedbebod [] n (-es/-bebeodu) an urgent command, mandate níedbehǽfdlic [] adj necessary níedbehǽfednes [] f (-se/-sa) necessity, a need níedbehǽfnes [] f (-se/-sa) requisite, what is needful níedbehéfe [] adj needful, necessary; w.d. person and dative infinitive lenctentíd is níedbehéfe eallum mannum tó gehealdenne Lent is necessary for all men to observe níedbehof [] adj necessary, needful (1) níedbehoflic [] adj necessary, needful (2) níedbeþearf [] adj necessary níedboda [] m (-n/-n) one who announces violence or distress, messenger of evil? níedbryce [] m (-es/-as) necessary use, requirement, need níedbysig [] adj troubled by distress, distressed níedbysigu [] f (-e/-a) distress, toil, trouble níedcostung [] f (-e/-a) a distressing trial, affliction níeddǽda [] m (-n/-n) one who does something under compulsion Níede [] adv 1. of necessity, as a natural, inevitable consequence, from force of circumstances;2. of necessity, because a law, natural, moral, or human, is to be satisfied; 3. from force, under compulsion, without free-will; 4. of need, needs, necessarily, compulsorily; instrumental sing of níed níedenga [] adv necessarily, by force, forcibly, against a person’s will
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