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Plaster [] 1. n (-es/-) plaster (as medicament); [L emplastrum]; 2. see palster

platian [] wv/t2 to beat into thin plates; see ge~

platung [] f (-e/-a) metal plate, a plate, thin piece of metal

plæce [] f (-an/-an) a place, an open space, street [L platea]

plætt [] m (-es/-as) slap, smack, a sounding blow

plættan [] wv/t1a 3rd pres plæteð past plætede ptp geplæted to buffet, smack, to give a sounding blow

plega [] m (-n/-n) play, quick motion, movement, exercise; play, (athletic) sport, game; play, festivity, drama, game, sport; battle; gear for games, an implement for a game; clapping with the hands, applause;

plegan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres plægeð past plægde ptp geplægd 1. to play, move about sportively, frolic, dance; to move rapidly; 2. to play, divert or amuse one’s self, occupy or busy oneself; 2a. to play (a game), sport with, exercise, exercise one’s self in any way for the sake of amusement, amuse oneself; 2b. to play (with anything); 2c. to play with a person, toy; 2d. to play (for something), strive after; 3. to play on an instrument; 4. to contend, fight; 5. to clap the hands, applaud; ~ mid handum to clap hands; 6. to make sport of, mock; 7. to cohabit (with)

plegende [] adj playing

plegere [] m (-es/-as) player, athlete, wrestler

plegestre [] f (-an/-an) female athlete

pleghús [] n (-es/-) playhouse, theater

pleglic [] adj relating to play of any kind; athletic; scenic; comic

plegmann [] m (-es/-menn) gymnosophist, athlete, player, wrestler

plegol [] adj playful, sportive, jocose, jocular; in a bad sense, wanton

plegscip [] n (-es/-u) small vessel, small ship, yacht?

plegscield [] m (-es/-as) play-shield, small shield

plegstede [] m (-es/-as) playground, a play-place

plegstów [] f (-e/-a) playground, gymnasium, amphitheater, a place for a play, wrestling-place

pleoh [] n (pléos/-) danger, hurt, peril, risk, harm; responsibility

pléolic [] adj dangerous, perilous, hurtful, hazardous

pléon [] sv/t5 w.g. 3rd pres plíehð past pleah/plǽgon ptp geplægen to expose to danger, risk, adventure oneself

plett [] f? (-e/-a) fold [L plecta]

plicettan? [] wv/t1b 3rd pres plicetteð past plicetede ptp geplicetted to play with [delete]

plicgan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres plicgeð past plicgde ptp geplicged to scrape, scratch; see plyccan?

pliht [] m (-es/-as) peril, risk, danger, damage, plight; tó ~e dangerously

plihtan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres plihteð past plihtde ptp geplihted to imperil, compromise, bring danger upon an object (dat.); [to plight has a later meaning of “to promise under peril of forfeiture, to make a solemn engagement for which one has to answer”]

plihtere [] m (-es/-as) look-out man at the prow

plihtlic [] adj perilous, dangerous

plóg [] m (-es/-as) what a yoke of oxen could plough in a day, a plough land, a plough

plógesland [] n (-es/-) ploughland

plóh [] m (plós/plós) what a yoke of oxen could plough in a day, a plough land, a plough

plot [] m? (-es/-as) plot of ground

pluccian [] wv/t2 3rd pres pluccað past pluccode ptp gepluccod to pluck, pull away, tear

plúm [] f (-e/-a) down?

plúmblǽd [] f (-e/-a) plum, fruit of the plum-tree

plúme [] f (-an/-an) plum; plum-tree

plúmfeðer [] f (-e/-a) down [L pluma]

plúmséaw [] n (-seawes/-) plum juice

plúmtréow [] n (-treowes/-) plum-tree

plyccan [] wv/t1a 3rd pres plyceð past plycede ptp geplyced to pluck, pull, snatch; to pluck with desire [only in 2nd sg subj plice; imper plyce]

plýme [] f (-an/-an) plum, plum-tree [L *prunea]

pocádl [] f (-e/-a) eruptive disease, pox; smallpox

pocc [] m (-es/-as) pock, blister, pustule, ulcer

poha [] m (-n/-n) poke, pouch, pocket, bag

pohcha [] m (-n/-n) poke, pouch, pocket, bag

pohha [] m (-n/-n) poke, pouch, pocket, bag

pohhede [] adj baggy, loose

pól [] m (-es/-as) pool

pólbǽr [] f (-e/-a) pasture-land by a pool

polente? [] f (-an/-an) parched corn [L]

pollegie [] f (-an/-an) pennyroyal [L pulegium]

pollup [] m (-es/-as) scourge?

Pontisc [] adj Pontius; translates Pontius in the name Pontius Pilatus

popig [] m? (-es/-as) poppy

popul [] ??? poplar?

por [] n (-es/-u) leek [L porrum]

porr [] n (-es/-) leek [L porrum]

porléac [] n (-es/-) leek [L porrum]

port [] 1. m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) port, harbor, haven; town (esp. with market rights or with a harbor), town as opposed to country; [L portus]; 2. m (-es/-as) portal, door, gate, entrance [L porta]

Port [] m (-es/-as) the name attributed to one of the Saxon invaders of Britain, apparently in inference from a place-name

portcwéne [] f (-an/-an) prostitute, harlot, woman of the town

portgeat [] n (-es/-gatu) city gate, the gate of a town

portgeréfa [] m (-n/-n) port-reeve, mayor; an official of a foreign town; an English official

portgeriht [] n (-es/-) town-due, due paid by a town

portherpað [] m? (-es/-as) main road to a town

portian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres portað past portode ptp geportod to pound, bray (in a mortar)

portic [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) 1. a porch, covered entrance, portico; 2. an enclosed space, a place roofed in; 3. part of a church, sanctuary, chapel, porch, vestibula; also an arched recess

portmann [] m (-es/-menn) townsman, citizen

portstrǽt [] f (-e/-a) public road, a town-road, public way

portwara [] m (-n/-n) a citizen

portweall [] m (-es/-as) city wall, a town-wall

portweg [] m (-es/-as) public road, a road to a town, a highway

portwer [] m (-es/-as) citizen

portweora [] m (-n/-n) citizen

pos [] n (-es/-u) a cold, catarrh

poshlíwe [] f (-e/-a) a kind of shelter?

posl [] m (-es/-as) a small pellet, pill

post [] m (-es/-as) post, pedestal [L postis]

postling [] m (-es/-as) pellet, pill

postol [] m (postles/postlas) apostle

potian [] wv/t2 3rd pres potað past potode ptp gepotod to push, thrust, strike, butt, goad

pott [] m (-es/-as) pot

pottere [] m (-es/-as) potter

prafost [] m (-es/-as) an officer; officer, provost (of a monastery); a steward [L propostus, propositus]

prafostfolgoð [] m (-es/-as) order or rank of provost, the office of provost

prafostscír [] m (-es/-as) provostship

prass [] m (-es/-as) noise, tumult, pomp; proud array

prætt [] m (-es/prattas) trick, craft, art, wile

prættig [] adj tricky, crafty, sly, cunning, wily, astute

prédicere [] m (-es/-as) preacher, one who announces

prédician [] wv/t2 3rd pres prédicað past prédicode ptp geprédicod to preach

prédicung [] f (-e/-a) preaching

preg [] m (-es/-as) a pointed stick; pray

préon [] m (-es/-as) fibula, pin, brooch, fastening

préost [] m (-es/-as) priest, presbyter; (1) an ecclesiastic of the seventh of the holy orders; (1a) a priest who served the church of a particular person, a chaplain; (2) in a moregeneral sense a member of the ecclesiastical profession; (2a) in the phrase descriptive ofthe tonsure; (3) where préost is in contrast to munuc; (4) where préost is in contrast with sácerd;

préostgesamnung [] f (-e/-a) community of priests

préostgyrd? [] f (-e/-a) a staff carried by member of clergy?

préosthád [] m (-a/-a) priesthood

préosthéap [] m (-es/-as) a body of priests, a band of priests, the clergy, a body of clergy, an ecclesiastical community

préosthíred [] m (-es/-as) a body of priests, a band of priests, the clergy, a body of clergy, an ecclesiastical community

préostlagu [] f (-e/-a) ecclesiastical law, canon law, law affecting priests

préostlic [] adj priestly, canonical

préostlíf [] n (-es/-) priests’ quarters, monastery, a house of priests or canons

préostréaf [] n (-es/-) priestly garment, vestments of a priest

préostregol [] m (-regles/-reglas) a canonical rule

préostscír [] f (-e/-a) parish

préowthwíl [] f (-e/-a) twinkling of an eye, moment, the time taken to close and open the eye

press [] f (-e/-a) press (for clothes)

prica [] m (-n/-n) prick, point, spot, dot; a very small portion of space or time; (a) ofspace; (b) of time, the fourth or fifth part of an hour (1/5 of an hour)

price [] f (-an/-an) prick, point, spot, dot; a very small portion of space or time; (a) ofspace; (b) of time, the fourth or fifth part of an hour (1/5 of an hour)

pricel [] m (pricles/priclas) prickle, goad, point; jot, tittle

pricels [] m (-es/-as) prickle, goad, point; jot, tittle

prician1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres pricað past pricode ptp gepricod to pierce; prick out; wv/i2 to prick, sting; wv/i2 to produce a pricking sensation (used impersonally); ge~ to point out

pricmǽlum [] adv point by point, by points

pricþorn [] m (-es/-as) thorn-tree, a prickly thorn-tree

pricung [] f (-e/-a) pricking

prím [] n? (-es/-) the first hour (6 AM); the service held at 6 AM, prime [L prima (sc hora)]

prímsang [] m (-es/-as) prime-song, service of prime, the service at the first hour

princ? [] ? (-?/-?) twinkling of an eye, moment

prior [] m (-es/-as) a prior [L]

prodbor [] n (-es/-u) auger?; see wróhtbor?

prófian [] wv/t2 3rd pres prófað past prófode ptp geprófod to assume to be, take for; to esteem or regard as [L probare]

prologa [] m (-n/-n) prologue

prúd [] adj proud*, arrogant

prút [] adj proud*, arrogant

prutene [] f (-an/-an) southern-wood, wormwood [L abrotanum]

prútian [] wv/t2 3rd pres prútað past prútode ptp geprútod to be proud

prútlic [] adj haughty, swelling with pride; adv ~líce proudly, pompously, magnificently; confidently, in a stately manner; haughtily, arrogantly

prútscipe [] m (-es/-as) arrogance, pride

prútswangor [] adj overburdened with pride, indolent through pride?

prútung [] f (-e/-a) pride, arrogance

prýt [] f (-e/-a) pride, haughtiness, pomp

prýte [] f (-an/-an) pride, haughtiness, pomp

prýtian [] wv/i2 to be or make proud, show pride

púca [] m (-n/-n) a goblin, demon, a mischievous spirit

púcel [] m (púcles/púclas) a goblin, demon, a mischievous spirit

pucian [] wv/t2 3rd pres pucað past pucode ptp gepucod to poke, creep [delete]

pudd [] m (-es/-as) ditch, furrow; sore, wound

puduc [] m (-es/-as) wart; a little sore; a wen

puerisc [] adj boyish [L]

Pulgare [] m pl the Bulgarians

pull[] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) pool, creek [Keltic]

pullian[] wv/t2 3rd pres pullað past pullode ptp gepullod to pull, draw; pluck off (wool)

pullspere [] n (-es/-u) a pool-spear, a reed (such as grows by pools, see pól)

púlspere[] n (-es/-u) reed

pumic[] m? (-es/-as) pumice [L pumicem]

pumicstán [] m (-es/-as) pumice-stone

pund [] n (-es/-) a pound (in weight or in money); 1. as a weight without reference tomoney, weight; 2. as a money-denomination, (a) of English money, a pound, 240 pence; 3. as a measure of liquid, pint [L pondo]

pundere [] m (-es/-as) one who weighs

pundern [] n (-es/-) pair of scales; plumb-line

punderngend [] m? (-es/-) one who weighs

punderngeorn [] adj desirous of weighing or considering?

pundfald [] m (-es/-as) a pinfold, pound

pundmǽte [poond•ma•te] adj of a pound weight, weighing a pound

pundur [] n (-es/-) weight, plumb-line, a balance or weight used in a balance [L pondere]

pundwǽg [] f (-e/-a) a pound weight, a pound, measure (of corn)

púnere [] m (-es/-as) pounder, pestle

pung [pooŋg] m (-es/-as) a small bag, purse

pungetung [] f (-e/-a) pricking [pyngan]

púnian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres púnað past púnode ptp gepúnod to pound, beat, bray, bruise

Púnice [] m pl the Carthaginians

punt [punt] ? (-?/-?) a punt, flat-bottomed boat [L ponto]

púr [] ? (-?/-?) bittern?, sea-gull?

purlamb [] n (-es/-ru) lamb without blemish; male lamb, a pur

purpure [] f (-an/-an) purple, a purple garment

purpur [] f (-e/-a) purple, a purple garment

purpuren [] adj purple

purs [] m? (-es/-as) purse [L bursa]

pusa [] m (-n/-n) bag, scrip

puslian [] wv/t2 3rd pres puslað past puslode ptp gepuslod to pick out the best bits

pútung [] f (-e/-a) instigation

pýcan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres pýceð past pýcde ptp gepýced to pick

pyff [] m (-es/-as) puff of wind

pyffan [] wv/t1a 3rd pres pyfeð past pyfte ptp gepyft to puff, blow

pyfian [] wv/t2 3rd pres pyfað past pyfode ptp gepyfod to blow

pyle [] m (-es/-as) pillow [L pulvinum]

pylece [•le•che] f (-an/-an) a warm fur garment, robe, a robe of skin, pelisse

pylewer [] ? (-?/-?) pillow

pynca [] m (-n/-n) point [pyngan]

pynd? [] ? (-?/-?) cistern?, lake?

pyndan [] wv/t1b to shut up, dam

pynding [] f (-e/-a) dam

pyngan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres pyngeð past pyngde ptp gepynged to prick [L pungere]

pyretre [] f (-an/-an) pellitory, bertram [L pyrethrum]

pyrtan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres pyrteð past pyrtede ptp gepyrted to strike, beat; see pýtan?

pysecynn [] n (-es/-) sort of pea

pýtan [•tan] wv/t1b 3rd pres pýteð past pýtede ptp gepýted to push, poke, thrust, put out (eyes)

pytt [püt] m (-es/-as) pit, hole in the ground, well, grave; pustule; a pit (as in pitted with small-pox) [L puteus]

pytted [] adj pitted, dented, marked (of a sword), marked with hollows

pyttel [püt•tel] m (-es/-as) hawk, kite, a mouse-hawk





[] m (-n/-n) roe, roebuck

rabbian [] wv/i2 to rage

raca [] m (-n/-n) 1. rake; 2. a rake, a hollow path, bed of a stream

racca [] m (-n/-n) a cord, which forms part of the rigging of a ship

racente [] f (-an/-an) chain, fetter

racentéage [] f (-an/-an) a chain, fetter

racentéah [] f (-téage/-téaga) chain, fetter

Rachel [] f (-e/-a) Rachel

racian [] wv/i2 w.d. to rule, govern, control, direct; to take a course or direction, go forward, move, run; run, hasten

raciend [] m (-es/-) speaker, orator

racu [] 1. f (-e/-a) exposition, explanation, observation; reason, argument; account, narrative, orderly account; account, reckoning; rhetoric, the art of exposition; comedy [reccan]; 2. f see raca; 3. a rake, a hollow path, bed of a stream

Raculf [] m (-es/-as) Reculver in Kent

Rád [] f (-e/-a) 1. ride, riding, expedition, journey; [rídan]; 1a. riding, going on horseback or in a carriage; 1b. going in a ship; 1c. raid; 2. an expedition on horseback; 3. a road; 4. the name of the rune for r; 5. modulation; 6. past 3rd sing of rídan; 7. m see rǽd

rád [] f (-e/-a) furniture (of a house), harness (of a horse)

rádcniht [] m (-es/-as) tenant holding subject to service on horseback; title equivalent to that of a sixhynde mann

radelod [] adj having straight branches?

rádhors [] n (-es/-) riding-horse, a horse for riding, saddle-horse

rádpytt [] m (-es/-as) draw-well?

rádstefn [] f (-e/-a) message taken by a mounted man; a term of service performed by a mounted person? [i.e., rádcniht]

rádwérig [] adj weary of traveling, weary with riding or journeying

raggig [] adj shaggy, bristly, rough

ragu [] f (-e/-a) lichen

ragufinc [] m (-es/-as) name of a bird, kind of a finch

ráhdéor [] n (-es/-) roebuck

ráhhege [] m (-es/-as) deer-fence

ramgealla [] m (-n/-n) ram-gall (plant)

ramm [] m (-es/-as) ram (sheep); (engine of war); (zodiacal sign)

rán [] 1. n (-es/-) open robbery, rapine [ON]; 2. past 3rd sing of rínan; 3. nom/acc pl of

ranc [] adj froward, proud, overbearing; noble, brave, strong; ostentatious; full-grown, mature; adv ~líce boldly, confidently; ostentatiously, showily

rancstrǽt [] f (-e/-a) straight road?, splendid road?

rand [] m (-es/-as) border, edge?; 2 boss of shield, rim of shield; 2 shield, buckler

randbéag [] m (-es/-as) boss (of a shield), shield

randbéah [] m (-es/-as) boss (of a shield), shield

randburg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) fortified city?; shield-wall of waves (in the Red Sea); [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]

randgebeorh [] n (-béores/-) protecting shield of waves (in the Red Sea)

randhæbbend [] m (-es/-) shield-bearer, warrior

randwiga2 [] m (-n/-n) shield-warrior, man at arms

randwígend2 [] m (-es/-) shield-warrior, man at arms

randwíggend2 [] m (-es/-) shield-warrior, man at arms

ráp [] 1. m (-es/-as) rope, cord, cable; 2. past 3rd sing of rípan

rápgenga [] m (-n/-n) rope-dancer

rápincel [] n (-incles/-inclu) (small rope), cord, string

ráplic [] adj of rope

ráradumbla [] m (-n/-n) bittern [Ger rohrdommel]

ráredumle [] f (-an/-an) bittern [Ger rohrdommel]

rárian [] wv/t2 to roar, bellow, cry, lament, mourn

rárung [] f (-e/-a) roaring, howling, bellowing

rásettan1 [] wv/t1b to rage (of fire) [rǽsan]

rásian [] wv/t2 to explore

raxan [] wv/r1b? to stretch oneself

rǽcan [] 1. irreg wv/i1b to reach, extend, stretch forth; 2. irreg wv/t1b to reach out, stretch out; reach, hold forth, offer, present, give, grant; procure?; 3. see hrǽcan

ræcc [] m (-es/-as) setter (dog), a dog that hunts by scent

rǽcung [] f (-e/-a) reaching, holding out, offering, presenting, extending; seizing, capture

rǽd [] m (-es/-as) 1. counsel, advice; 2. counsel, prudence, wisdom, sense, reason, intelligence, intelligence; 3. counsel, course of action that results from deliberation, plan, resolution, a resolution taken after deliberation, way, design, ordinance, decree; 4. what is advisable, benefit, advantage, gain, profit, good fortune, remedy; tó ~e w.d. to the advantage of; help; 5. a council; council, conspiracy; 6. as a part of proper names, generally under the form réd; 7. decree, ordinance; 8. power, might; tó ~e geniman to resolve; tó ~e þyncan to seem advisable; 9. adj see réad; 10. n (-es/-) reading lesson

rǽdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres rǽdeð past reord/on, réd/on ptp gerǽden 1. to counsel, give advice, persuade; 2. to ask advice, consult a person; 2a. to consult, deliberate, take counsel upon a matter (acc) with (wiþ) a person, plot, design; 2b. to debate, speak in council; 2c. to deliberate for the good of anyone, look to, provide for; 3. to resolve after deliberation, to determine, decide, decree; 3a. ~ onto proceed against, take action against a person; 4. to rule, govern, have control over, guide, direct, possess w.d., or w.i.; 5. to have the disposal of, have possession of; 6. to read (a) as in to read a riddle, to explain, (b) to read a book; 7. to prepare, put in order; 8. to arrange; 9. to equip, provide for; 10. bring, deliver (goods); 11. have an idea, guess, forebode; 12. to learn by reading

rǽdbana [] m (-n/-n) accessory to a murder

rǽdbora [] m (-n/-n) advisor, counselor; (Roman) consul

rǽdda [] m (-n/-n) robin [réad]

rǽde []1. adj 1 prepared, prompt, ready, ready for riding (horse); skilled, simple; 2. n (-es/-u) ge~ trappings, armor, accoutrements, ornaments; 3. f (-an/-an) a reading, lesson; 4. ? (-?/-?) design, device?

rǽdecempa [] m (-n/-n) horse-soldier

rǽdefæsting [] f (-e/-a) entertainment of the king’s visitors, or of his messengers when riding on his business

rǽdegafol [] n (-es/-) rent paid in one payment (in money or in kind)

rǽdehere [] m (-es/-as) mounted troop, cavalry

rǽdels [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) enigma, riddle; consideration, discussion; imagination, conjecture, interpretation

rǽdelse [] f (-an/-an) enigma, riddle; consideration, discussion; imagination, conjecture, interpretation

rǽdemann [] m (-es/-menn) horseman

rǽden [] f (-ne/-na) condition, terms, stipulation; rule, government, direction; estimation

rǽdend1 [] m (-es/-) controller, disposer, ruler; diviner

rǽdendlic [] adj relating to a decree

rǽdengewrit [] n (-es/-u, -gewreotu) written agreement

rǽdere [] m (-es/-as) reader, lector (ecclesiastical order); scholar, diviner, expounder, interpreter

rǽdesmann [] m (-es/-menn) counselor, advisor; steward

rǽdestre [] f (-an/-an) female reader

rǽdewiga [] m (-n/-n) horse-soldier

rǽdfæst [] adj resolute, wise

rǽdfæstnes [] f (-se/-sa) reasonableness

rǽdfindende [] adj giving counsel

rǽdgeþeaht [] n (-es/-) deliberation, counsel

rǽdgiefa [] m (-n/-n) counselor, councilor

rǽdgift [] f (-e/-a) the office of consul, the consulate or consulship [consulatus], the council of the elders, the Senate, council of state, body of senators [senatus]

rǽdhors [] n (-es/-) riding-horse

rǽdhycgende [] adj knowing, wise

rædic [] m (-es/-as) radish [L radicem]

rǽdléas [] adj ill-advised, unwise, helpless, rash, in disorder; wretched, bad, miserable

rǽdlic [] adj expedient, advisable, wise; adv ~líce wisely, prudently, skillfully, cunningly; deliberately, on purpose; fully, explicitly

rǽdmægen [] n (-es/-) productive force

rǽdnes1 [] f (-se/-sa) agreement; decree; condition; definition, decision

rǽdsnotor [] adj clever, sage

rǽdþeahtende2 [] adj taking counsel

rǽdþeahtere [] m (-es/-as) counselor

rǽdþeahtung [] f (-e/-a) counsel, advice

rǽdung [] 1. f (-e/-a) reading, a reading (passage read), lesson, narrative; consideration, consultation, counseling; 2. see rǽden

rǽdungbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) lectionary, book of the lessons

rǽdunggrád [] m (-es/-as) steps to lectern

rǽdungscamol [] m (-es/-as) ambo, rostrum, lectern, reading-desk

rǽdwita [] m (-n/-n) counselor, adviser

ræfnan [] wv/t1b to perform, do; undergo

ræfnian [] wv/t2 to perform, do; undergo

ræfter [] m (-es/-as) rafter, beam

rǽge [] f (-an/-an) roe

rǽgeréose [] f (-an/-an) spinal muscles

rǽghár [] adj grey (with lichen)

rǽpan [] wv/t1b 1 to bind, fetter, capture, enslave; yoke together

rǽpling [] m (-es/-as) prisoner, criminal; [rǽpan]

rǽplingweard [] m (-es/-as) warder

rǽran [] wv/t1b to rear, raise, build, create; lift up, elevate, promote; establish, begin, commit, do; arouse, excite, stir up; [rísan]; reliquias ~ to carry relics in procession

rǽs [] m (-es/-as) rush, leap, jump, running; onrush, storm, attack

rǽsan [] wv/t1b to rush, hasten; enter on rashly; rush upon, attack

rǽsbora2 [] m (-n/-n) counselor, leader, guide

ræsc [] m (-es/-as) shower

ræscan [] wv/t1b to vibrate, quiver

ræscettan [] wv/t1b to crackle, creak, coruscate

ræsn [] n (-es/-) plank, beam, wall-plate, raising piece

rǽsu? [] f? (-we/-wa) suggestion, deliberation, counsel

rǽswa2 [] m (-n/-n) leader, counselor, ruler, guide; chief, prince, king

rǽswan [] wv/t1b to think, consider, conjecture, suspect

rǽswian [] wv/t2 to think, consider, conjecture, suspect

rǽswung [] f (-e/-a) reasoning, conjecture

ræt [] m (-es/-as) rat

rǽw [] 1. f (-e/-a) row, line; succession; hedgerow; 2. see hrǽw

réad [] 1. adj red; (of gold); 2. past 3rd sing of réodan

réada [] f pl tonsil

réadbasu [] adj reddish purple

réade [] adv with red color

réadfáh [] adj red of hue

réadgoldlæfer [] f (-e/-a) plating of (red) gold

réadian [] wv/t2 to be or become red

réadléaf [] adj red-leaved

réadlesc [] adj colored red [rubricata] (a skin, hide (of a beast), whether on the body or taken off; a felt, pelt, [pellis])

réadnes [] f (-se/-sa) redness

réadstalede [] adj red-stalked

réaf [] n (-es/-) plunder, booty, spoil; garment, armor, vestment

réafere [] m (-es/-as) robber, plunderer

réafgend [] m (-es/-) robber

réafian1 [] wv/t2 1. to rob, plunder, take by force, waste, ravage; carry off, remove, transport; ge~ strip; 2. to robe

réafigende [] adj rapacious

réaflác [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) robbery, rapine; plunder, booty

réafol [] adj rapacious

réafolnes [] f (-se/-sa) rapacity

réafung [] f (-e/-a) spoliation, plundering

reahtigan [] wv/t2? to dispute, discuss

réam [] 1. m (-es/-as) cream; 2. see hréam

réamwín? [] n (-es/-) a kind of wine

recan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ricð past ræc/rǽcon ptp gerecen to bring, convey; ge~ go, move, rush

récan1 [] 1. irreg wv/t1b 3rd sing récð past réhte ptp geréht to fumigate, expose to smoke; burn incense; 2. see reccan 2

reccan [] irreg wv/t1b 1. to stretch, tend, go; extend, hold out to, give; 1 instruct, explain, interpret; tell, narrate; quote; correct, reprove; ge~ to wield (authority), give judgment, decide, direct, control; ge~ prove; ge~ count, reckon; 2. (récan) to take care of, be interested in; care for; care, desire (to do something)

réccelíest [] f (-e/-a) carelessness, negligence

reccend [] m (-es/-) ruler, guide

reccenddóm [] m (-es/-as) governance, oversight

reccere [] m (-es/-as) teacher, ruler, director; interpreter

reccung [] f (-e/-a) narrative

reced [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) building, house, palace, hall; a couch running round three sides of a table for reclining on at meals, an eating-couch, table-couch [triclinium]

recedlic [] adj palatial

recednes1 [] f (-se/-sa) narrative, history; interpretation; direction, correction; ánfeald ge~ prose

réceléas [] adj reckless, careless, negligent

réceléasian [] wv/t2 to neglect

réceléaslíce [] adv heedlessly, carelessly, inattentively

réceléasnes [] f (-se/-sa) recklessness, carelessness, negligence

récels [] m (-es/-as) incense, frankincense; [réc]

récelsbúc [] m (-es/-as) censer

récelsfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) censer

récelsian [] wv/t2 to perfume with incense

récelsréoce [] f (-an/-an) burning of incense

recen [] adj ready, prompt, quick; rapid, violent

recene [] adv instantly, quickly

recenian [] wv/t2 to pay; ge~ to explain, recount, relate

recenlíce [] adv immediately, forthwith

recennes [] f (-se/-sa) coming together?; going?

recondlic [] adj Consisting of a great number, numerous, manifold; Full of rhythm or harmony, according to rhythm, measured, rhythmical, harmonious, melodious [numerosus]

rédestán [] m (-es/-as) synophites, red ochre; sinopis

réfa1 [] m (-n/-n) high official, reeve, steward, sheriff, count (comes), prefect, consul

regn [] m (-es/-as) rain; showers of rain

regnheard [] adj very hard

regnian [] wv/t2 1. to rain; 2. see rénian

regnþéof2 [] m (-es/-as) downright thief

regol [] m (-es/-as) rule, regulation, canon, law, standard, pattern; monastic code of rules; ruler (instrument); [L regula]

regolbryce [] m (-es/-as) breech of rules

regolfæst [] adj rigid, strict, adhering to monastic rules

regolian [] wv/t2 to draw lines with a ruler

regollagu [] f (-e/-a) monastic law

regollic [] adj according to rules, canonical, regular; adv ~líce

regollíf [] n (-es/-) life according to ecclesiastical rules

regolsticca [] m (-n/-n) rule, ruler (instrument)

regolþéaw [] m (-es/-as) discipline of (monastic) rule

regolweard [] m (-es/-as) regulator, director, ruler, abbost, provost

regulares [] m pl regular days in computation

relicgang [] m (-es/-as) visiting of relics

reliquias [] m pl relics of Saints (gen. –a, dat. –um); sing reliquium; ~ rǽran to carry relics in processions

remian [] wv/t2 to mend

Rémisc [] adj Roman

rempan [] wv/i1b to be hasty, precipitate

rénboga [] m (-n/-n) rainbow

renc [] f (-e/-a) pride, ostentation

rencu [] f (-e/-a) pride, ostentation

rendan [] wv/t1b to rend, tear, cut down

réndropa [] m (-n/-n) raindrop

renge [] f (-an/-an) spider, spider’s web [L aranea]

rengwyrm [] m (-es/-as) intestinal worm

rénian1 [] wv/t2 to prepare; ge~ arrange, set in order, mend, set (trap); ge~ adorn; ge~ tó bismere humiliate, degrade; [regnian; Goth raginón]

rénig [] adj rainy

rénlic [] adj rainy

rénscúr [] m (-es/-as) rain-shower

rénsnægl [] m (-es/-as) snail

rénwæter [] n (-es/-) rain-water

renweard [] m (-es/-as) house-guardian [ærn)

rénwyrm [] m (-es/-as) earthworm

réoc [] adj savage, furious

réocan [] 1. sv/i2 3rd pres ríecð past réac/rucon ptp gerocen to emit vapor, steam or smoke; reek; 2. see récan

réocende [] adj smoking, steaming

réod [] 1. adj red, ruddy; 2. n (-es/-) red color; 3. see hréod

réodan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ríedeð past réad/rudon ptp geroden to redden, stain with blood; 2 kill?

reodian [] wv/t2 to sift?, search out?

réodmúða [] m (-n/-n) parrot, faseacus (bird)

réofan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ríefð past réaf/rufon ptp gerofen to rend, break

reohhe [] f (-an/-an) ray, thornback?

réoma [] m (-n/-n) membrane, ligament

réon [] 1. see réowon, past pl of rówan; 2. wv/t1b? to lament

réone acc sing masc of réo(we)

réonian1 [] wv/t2 to conspire, plot

réonig2 [] adj mournful, sad, gloomy

réonigmód2 [] adj mournful, weary

réonung1 [] f (-e/-a) whispering, muttering, conspiracy; astrology; [rún]

reopa [] m (-n/-n) bundle of corn, sheaf

reord2 [] 1. f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) voice; language, speech; 2. f (-e/-a) sustenance, food; meal, feast; 3. past 3rd sing of rǽdan

reordberend2 [] m (-es/-) man

reordhús [] n (-es/-) eating room, refectory

reordian [] wv/t2 1. to speak, discourse; read; 2. 1 to feed, refresh, entertain, feast

reordung1 [] f (-e/-a) refection, meal

reosan [] ? (-?/-?) pissli, name of a plant?

réost [] ? (-?/-?) rest (part of a plough)

réotan2 [] sv/t2 3rd pres ríeteð past réat/ruton ptp geroten to weep, mourn, wail

réotig [] adj mournful, sad, tearful

réowe [] f (-an/-an) covering, rug, blanket, mantle [= rýhe]

repan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ripð past ræp/rǽpon ptp gerepen to reap

repel [] m (-es/-as) staff, rod

reps [] m (-es/-as) response (in a church service) [L responsorium]

repsan [] wv/t1b to reprove, blame

repsung [] f (-e/-a) 1. a division of the night; 2. reproving

résele [] f (-an/-an) answer, solution

respons [] ? (-?/-?) response

rest [] f (-e/-a) rest, quiet, repose, sleep; 1 resting-place, bed, couch; grave

resta1 [] m (-n/-n) bedfellow, consort, wife

restan [] wv/t1b, wv/r1b to rest, repose; ge~ give rest to, lodge; w.g. to rest from, remain, lie

restbedd [] n (-es/-) bed, couch

restdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of rest, Sabbath day (1)

restedæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of rest, Sabbath day (2)

restendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of rest, Sabbath day (3)

restengéar [] n (-es/-) year of rest from work

restgemána [] m (-n/-n) cohabitation

resthús [] n (-es/-) chamber

restléas [] adj restless, without rest

rétan1 [] wv/t1b to delight, cheer, comfort [rót]

rétend [] m (-es/-) comforter

rétu [] f (-e/-a) joy [dat reote]

reðe [] adj righteous, just

réðe [] adj (of persons) fierce, cruel, violent, harsh, severe; (of things) terrible, dreadful; zealous

reðehygdig [] adj right-minded

reðemann [] m (-es/-menn) usurer [Goth raðjo?]

réðemód2 [] adj savage, cruel, fierce, indignant

réðen [] adj wild

réðian [] wv/i2 3rd pres réðað past réðode ptp geréðod to rage, be fierce

réðigian [] wv/i2 3rd pres réðigað past réðigode ptp geréðigod to rage, be fierce

réðig [] adj fierce

réðigmód [] adj savage, fierce

réðlic [] adj fierce, cruel, deadly; adv ~líce violently

réðnes [] f (-se/-sa) cruelty, severity, harshness; savageness, ferocity; zeal; storminess

réðra1 [] m (-n/-n) rower, sailor

réðru1 [] n pl oars

réðscipe [] m (-es/-as) fury, anger

réwet [] n (-es/-) rowing; rowing-boat, vessel [rowan]

réwut [] n (-es/-) rowing; rowing-boat, vessel [rowan]

rex [] m (-es/-as) cyning, king [inserted for cyning]

ribb [] n (-es/-) rib

ribbe [] f (-an/-an) hound’s-tongue, ribwort

ribbspáca [] n pl rib-spokes, the brisket?

ríca [] m (-n/-n) influential man, ruler

ríce [] 1. adj strong, powerful; great, mighty, of high rank; rich; 2. n (-es/-u) rule, reign, power, might, authority, empire; fón tó ~ to ascend the throne; kingdom, nation, diocese; reign (period of time)

rícedóm [] m (-es/-as) kingly rule

rícehealdend [] m (-es/-) guardian of the kingdom

ríceter [] n (-es/-) force, might, power, rule, dominion, glory, greatness; ambition; tyranny, oppression, violence; arrogance

rícetere [] n (-es/-) force, might, power, rule, dominion, glory, greatness; ambition; tyranny, oppression, violence; arrogance

ríclic [] adj sumptuous; adv ~líce powerfully; sumptuously

rícsere [] m (-es/-as) ruler

rícsian [] wv/t2 to bear rule, reign, govern, tyrannize; dominate, prevail

rícsiend [] m (-es/-) ruler

rícsung [] f (-e/-a) domination

rídan [] sv/i1 3rd pres rídeð past rád/ridon ptp is geriden 1 to ride; move about, swing, rock, ride (at anchor); float, sail; chafe (of fetters); ge~ ride over, occupy (a country), seize; ge~ ride up to; tó handa ge~ to bring into a person’s power or possession; on ancre ~ to ride at anchor

ridda [] m (-n/-n) rider, horseman, horse-soldier

rídehere [] m (-es/-as) mounted force

rídend [] m (-es/-) rider, cavalier

rídere [] m (-es/-as) rider, trooper, knight

ridesoht [] f? (-e/-a) fever [hrið?, suht?]

rídusende [] adj swinging

rídwiga [] m (-n/-n) horse-soldier

ríf [] adj violent, fierce, ravenous, noxious

rífe [] adj abundant

rifelede [] adj wrinkled

rifeling [] m (-es/-as) shoe or sandal of raw hide

rifelung [] f (-e/-a) wrinkle

rífnes [] f (-se/-sa) fierceness

rift [] n (-es/-) cloak, veil, curtain

rifte [] n (-es/-u) cloak, veil, curtain

rifter [] m (riftres/riftras) reaping-hook, sickle, scythe

riftre [] m (-es/-as) reaper

riftere [] m (-es/-as) reaper

Rigindún [] m (-es/-as) Rigdon

riht1 [] 1. n (-es/-) (what is straight), right, equity, justice, law, canon, rule; cause, legal action; a right, privilege; correctness, truth; on ~e, mid ~e rightly, correctly, properly; what is due, duty, obligation; reckoning, account; 2. adj straight, erect, direct; right, proper, fair, just, equitable, lawful, permissible; upright, righteous; true, correct; fitting, appropriate; real, genuine; right (as opposed to left)

rihtæðelcwén [] f (-e/-e) lawful wife

rihtæðelu [] n pl true nobility

rihtǽw [] f (-e/-a) lawful wedlock; lawful wife

rihtan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres rihteð past rihtede ptp gerihted to make straight; set right, amend, correct, rebuke; guide, govern, direct, rule; set up, assign, restore, replace, erect

rihtándaga [] m (-n/-n) proper (fixed) day

rihtandswaru [] f (-e/-a) retort, reproof

rihtcynecynn [] n (-es/-) legitimate royal family

rihtcyning [] m (-es/-as) lawful king

rihtcynn [] n (-es/-) true stock

rihtdóm [] m (-es/-as) just judgment

rihtdónde [] adj doing what is right

rihte [] adv right, due, straight (of direction, as in right on, due east), outright; precisely, exactly, just; rightly, duly, well, correctly, truly, properly, fairly, justly; directly, immediately; þǽr ~ thereupon, straightaway

rihtebred [] n (-es/-u, -breodu) measure, rule , square

rihtend [] m (-es/-as) director, ruler, leader, guide

rihtendebyrdnes [] f (-se/-sa) right order

rihtere [] m (-es/-as) director, ruler

rihtes [] adv right, straight

rihtfædrencynn [] n (-es/-) direct paternal descent or pedigree

rihtfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) duly ordained fast

rihtfæstendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) duly appointed fast-day

rihtfæstentíd [] f (-e/-e) duly appointed time of fasting

rihtfremmende2 [] adj acting rightly

rihtful [] adj rightful, honorable

rihtgebroðru [] m pl brethren

rihtgefég [] n (-es/-u) proper joint

rihtgefremed [] adj catholic, orthodox

rihtgegylda [] m (-n/-n) duly appointed member of a guild

rihtgehátan [] sv/t7 3rd pres rihtgehǽteð past rihtgehét/on, rihtgeheht/on ptp rihtgeháten to pledge oneself, swear

rihtgehíwan [] noun pl lawfully married persons

rihtgeléafful [] adj orthodox

rihtgeléaffulnes [] f (-se/-sa) right belief

rihtgeléaflíce [] adv in an orthodox manner

rihtgelíefed [] adj orthodox, catholic

rihtgelíefende [] adj believing rightly, faithful

rihtgemæcca [] m (-n/-n) lawful husband

rihtgemet [] n (-es/-u, -meotu) proper measure

rihtgesamhíwan [] noun pl lawfully married persons

rihtgescéad [] n (-es/-) right understanding

rihtgeset [] adj duly appointed, canonical

rihtgesetednes [] f (-se/-sa) right ordinance

rihtgesetnes [] f (-se/-sa) rightful office

rihtgesinscipe [] m (-es/-as) lawful wedlock

rihtgeþancod [] adj right-minded

rihtgewitt [] n (-es/-) right mind

rihtgewittelic [] adj rational

rihtgewittig [] adj in one’s right mind

rihtgifu [] f (-e/-a) irrevocable gift

rihthámscyld [] f (-e/-e), m (-es/-as) legal means of protection to a homestead?

rihthámsócn [] f (-e/-a) actual offence of attacking a man in his own house; the actual franchise of holding please of this offence and receiving the penalties for it; the actual penalty itself

rihthand [] f (-a/-a) right hand

rihthanddǽda [] m (-n/-n) actual perpetrator

rihthǽmed [] n (-es/-) lawful wedlock

rihtheort [] adj righteous, just

rihthíwa [] m (-n/-n) lawful consort

rihthláford [] m (-es/-as) rightful lord

rihthláforddóm [] m (-es/-as) lawful authority

rihthláfordhyldu [] f (-e/-a) loyalty

rihtlagu [] f (-e/-a) regular legal ordinance

rihtlandgemǽre [] n (-es/-u) lawful boundary (of land)

rihtlǽcan1 [] irreg wv/t1b to make straight, put right, rectify, set in order; direct

rihtlǽce [] m (-es/-as) duly qualified physician

rihtlǽcung [] f (-e/-a) criticism, correction

rihtlic [] adj right, proper, just, fit, righteous; adapted, fitted; adv ~líce justly, uprightly, virtuously; properly, rightly, regularly; correctly, precisely

rihtlícettere [] m (-es/-as) downright hypocrite

rihtlíf [] n (-es/-) right life, regular union (of married people)

rihtlíflád [] f (-e/-a) right way of life

rihtliðlic [] adj articulate

rihtmédrencynn [] n (-es/-) direct mother’s line, direct maternal descent or pedigree

rihtméterfers [] n (-es/-) correct hexameter verse

rihtmunuc [] m (-es/-as) true monk

rihtnama [] m (-n/-n) correct name

rihtnes [] f (-se/-sa) rightness, rectitude, equity; perpendicularity, straightness; reckoning, account; ge~ correction

rihtnorðanwind [] m (-es/-as) north wind

rihtraciend [] m (-es/-) expounder of righteousness (the preacher, Ecclesiastes)

rihtracu [] f (-e/-a) correct account

rihtregol [] m (-es/-as) right rule, canon

rihtryne [] m (-es/-as) right or straight course

rihtscrífend [] m (-es/-) one skilled in the law, a lawyer [jurisconsult], lawyer

rihtscriftscír [] f (-e/-a) properly assigned district of a confessor, parish

rihtscylling [] m (-es/-as) shilling of sterling money

rihtscytte [] adj sure of aim

rihtsinscipe [] m (-es/-as) lawful wedlock

rihtsméaung [] f (-e/-a) right reasoning or argument

rihtspell [] n (-es/-) true discourse

rihtstefn [] f (-e/-a) ordinary voice

rihttíd [] f (-e/-e) proper time

rihttima [] m (-n/-n) proper time

rihtþéow [] m (-es/-as) lawful slave

rihtþéowa [] m (-n/-n) lawful slave

rihtung [] f (-e/-a) action of guiding aright, direction, order, rule, guidance; correction, reproof; body of rights, privilege?, privileged district?; regularis (in computation)

rihtungþréd [] m (-es/-as) plumb-line

rihtweg [] m (-es/-as) right way

rihtwer [] m (-es/-as) lawful husband; legally correct ‘wergild’

rihtwestende [] m (-es/-as) extreme western limit

rihtwíf [] n (-es/-) lawful wife

rihtwillende [] adj wishing to do right

rihtwís [] adj righteous, just; right, justifiable

rihtwísend [] m (-es/-) Sadducee

rihtwísian1 [] wv/t2 to make righteous, justify; direct aright, rule

rihtwíslic [] adj righteous; adv ~líce rightly, reasonably

rihtwísnes [] f (-se/-sa) righteousness, justice; rightness, reason; righteous acts

rihtwrítere [] m (-es/-as) correct writer

rihtwuldriende [] adj orthodox

rihtwyrðe [] adj proper, fitting

rihtymbren [] n (-es/-) duly appointed Embertide

rihtymbrendagas [] m pl duly appointed Ember days

rím1 [] n (-es/-) number, counting, reckoning; calendar, numeral

rima [] m (-n/-n) rim, verge, border, coast

ríman [] wv/t1b 1 to count, number, reckon; tell, enumerate, relate; account, esteem as

rímáð [] m (-es/-as) oath by a number of persons

rímcræft1 [] m (-es/-as) arithmetic, reckoning, computation; calendar

rímcræftiga [] m (-n/-n) one skillful at figures

rímgetæl2 [] n (-es/-getalu) number

rímgetel2 [] n (-es/-u, geteolu) number

rímre [] m (-es/-as) reckoner, calculator

rímtalu [] f (-e/-a) number

Rín [] f (-e/-a) the river Rhine

rínan [] sv/i1, sv/t1 3rd pres rínð past rán/rinon ptp gerinen or wv/t1b, wv/i1b impersonal to rain; to send down, or fall, like rain; ge~ to wet with rain

rinc [] m (-es/-as) man, warrior, hero

rincgetæl [] n (-es/-talu) number of men

rind [] f (-e/-a) rind, bark, outside

rinde [] f (-an/-an) rind, bark, outside

rindeclifer [] f (-e/-a) woodpecker?, nut-hatch?

rinden [] adj of bark

rindléas [] adj having no bark

rinnan1 [] sv/i3 3rd pres rinð past rann/runnon ptp is gerunnen to run, flow; ge~ run together, blend, coagulate

rinnelle [] f (-an/-an) runnel, rivulet, stream [= rynele]

rinnung [] f (-e/-a) rennet; ge~ coagulation

ríp1 [] n (-es/-) harvest; cut corn, sheaf; ripeness, maturity

rípan [] 1. sv/t1 3rd pres rípð past ráp/ripon ptp geripen 1 to reap; 2. see rípian

rípe [] adj ripe, mature

rípemann [] m (-es/-menn) reaper

rípere [] m (-es/-as) reaper

rípian [] wv/i2 to become ripe, ripen

rípísern [] n (-es/-) sickle

rípnes [] f (-se/-sa) ripeness, harvest

rippel? [] ? (-?/-?) a coppice?

ríptíma [] m (-n/-n) time of harvest

rípð [] f (-e/-a) harvest

rípung [] f (-e/-a) ripening, ripeness, maturity

rísan1 [] 1. sv/i1 3rd pres rísð past rás/rison ptp is gerisen to rise, stand up; rise together; be fit, be proper; 2. sv/t1 3rd pres rísð past rás/rison ptp gerisen to seize, carry off

risc [] f (-e/-a) rush [L]

risce [] f (-an/-an) rush [L]

riscbedd [] n (-es/-) bed of rushes

riscen [] adj made of rushes

rischealh [] m (-es/-halas) rushy corner?, rushy slope?

risciht [] adj rushy

riscléac [] n (-es/-) rush leak, rush garlic

riscríðig [] n (-es/-) rushy stream

riscþýfel [] m (-es/-as) rush-bed

rísende? [] adj rapacious

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