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Ongelic [] 1. adj like; 2. n (-es/-u) likeness; 3. adv ~líce

ongelícnes [] f (-se/-sa) form, pattern

ongemand[] 1. prep w.d. among, during; meanwhile; 2. adv among, during; meanwhile; ~ þisum, ~ þǽm meanwhile

ongemang [] 1. prep w.d. among, during; meanwhile; 2. adv among, during; meanwhile; ~ þisum, ~ þǽm meanwhile

ongemong [] 1. prep w.d. among, during; meanwhile; 2. adv among, during; meanwhile; ~ þisum, ~ þǽm meanwhile

ongenǽman [] wv/t1b to take away (from)

ongéotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ongíeteð past ongéat/onguton ptp ongoten to infuse, impregnate

ongéotung [] f (-e/-a) pouring in

ongesetenes [] f (-se/-sa) knowledge

ongesléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ongesliehð past ongeslóg/on ptp ongeslagen to slay

ongespanan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ongespenð past ongespéon/on ptp ongespanen to draw on, allure

ongetǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b to enjoin

ongetimbran [] wv/t1b to build up

ongewinn [] n (-es/-) assault

ongiefan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ongiefð past ongeaf/ongéafon ptp ongiefen to give back; forgive

ongieldan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ongieldeð past ongeald/onguldon ptp ongolden to atone for, be punished for, pay (the penalty) for; pay for, repay, atone for; pay, offer (gifts, sacrifice) [Ger entgelten]

ongierwan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ongiereð past ongierede ptp ongiered 1. to unclothe, divest, strip [=un-]; 2. to clothe

ongietan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ongieteð past ongeat/ongéaton ptp ongieten to grasp, get, lay hold of, seize; understand, learn, recognize, know, distinguish, judge, consider; see, perceive; discover, hear; feel, experience; know carnally

ongietenes [] f (-se/-sa) knowledge, understanding; meaning

onginnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onginð past ongann/ongunnon ptp ongunnen to begin, attempt, endeavor, try hard, set upon, undertake, take in hand; (This verb is often used periphrastically with another verb in the infinitive, to denote the simple action of the latter. The compound is best translated by the historical aorist of the second verb; hé onginnð ofgiefan he gave up; hé onginnð 2 géarum gelifd he lived 2 years there); attack, assail; act

onginnendlic [] adj inchoative

onginnes [] f (-se/-sa) undertaking

ongolden [] adj repaid, requited; ptp of ongieldan

ongratian [] wv/t2 to laugh at or with, to smile at or upon, especially approvingly; Subject., to be favorable, kindly disposed to one; Object. (i. e. in reference to the effect produced), to be pleasing to, to please [ongratað – arridet]

ongryndan [] wv/t1b to laugh at or with, to smile at or upon, especially approvingly; Subject., to be favorable, kindly disposed to one; Object. (i. e. in reference to the effect produced), to be pleasing to, to please [ongrynt? – arridet]

ongrype [] m (-es/-as) attack

ongryrelic [] adj horrible

ongyrdan [] wv/t1b to unbuckle, unfasten

ongyrnan [] wv/t1b In law, to propose in opposition; To impose, appoint, ordain, inflict [ongyrnð – inrogat]

ongyte [] m (-es/-as) in-pouring

onhafen [] adj lifted up, exalted; ptp of onhebban

onhagian [] impersonal wv/t2 to be possible or convenient, be fitting, suit, please; be at leisure

onhátan2 [] sv/t7 3rd pres onhǽteð past onhét/on, onheht/on ptp onháten to promise

onhátian [] wv/i2 to become hot

onháwian [] wv/t2 to behold

onhǽle [] adj secret, concealed, hidden

onhǽtan [] wv/t1b to heat, inflame

onhealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onhieldeð past onhéold/on ptp onhealden to hold, keep (peace)

onhéaw [] m (-es/-as) trunk of tree, block of wood for hewing on

onhebban [] sv/t6 3rd pres onhefeð past onhóf/on ptp onhafen to raise up, heave up, erect, lift up, exalt; leaven; begin; take away, remove

onhefednes [] f (-se/-sa) exaltation

onhergian [] wv/t2 to harass

onhettung [] f (-e/-a) persecution

onhieldan [] wv/i1b to bend, bend down, lean, recline, incline; decline, sink; fall away

onhieldednes [] f (-se/-sa) declining

onhígian [] wv/t2 to attack, despoil

onhindan [] adv behind, backward

onhinder [] adv behind, backward

onhinderling [] adv back

onhlídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onhlídeð past onhlád/onhlidon ptp onhliden to open, reveal, unclose; appear

onhlinian [] wv/t2 to lean on

onhnígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onhnígeð past onhnág/onhnigon ptp onhnigen to bend down, bow, worship

onhnigenes [] f (-se/-sa) adoration

onhóhsian [] wv/t2 to detest?; put an end to?

onhón [] sv/t7 3rd pres onhéhð past onhéng/on ptp onhangen to hang, crucify

onhréodan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onhríedeð past onhréad/onhrudon ptp onhroden to adorn (or onréodan redden?)

onhréosan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onhríesð past onhréas/onhruron ptp onhroren to fall upon, rush upon

onhréran [] wv/t1b to move, disturb, arouse, excite

onhrínan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onhrínð past onhrán/onhrinon ptp onhrinen w.g. or w.d. to touch, lay hold of

onhrine [] m (-es/-as) touch, contact

onhróp [] m (-es/-as) importunity; reproach

onhryre [] m (-es/-as) attack

onhupian [] wv/t2 to step back, retire

onhwelan [] sv/t4 3rd pres onhwilð past onhwæl/onhwǽlon ptp onhwolen to bellow back, resound

onhweorfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onhwierfð past onhwearf/onhwurfon ptp onhworfen to change, turn, reverse

onhwierfan [] wv/t1b to turn, change, turn round

onhwerfednes [] f (-se/-sa) change

onhycgan [] wv/t3 to consider

onhyrdan2 [] wv/t1b to strengthen, encourage [heard]

onhyrenes [] f (-se/-sa) imitation

onhyrgend [] m (-es/-) emulator, imitator

onhyriend [] m (-es/-) emulator, imitator

onhyrian [] wv/t1a 3rd pres onhyreð past onhyrede ptp onhyred to emulate, imitate

onhyring [] f (-e/-a) imitation, zeal

onhýrsumian [] wv/t2 to be busied with

onhyscan [] wv/t1b to mock at, vilify, reproach; detest; deceive [husc]

oniernan [] sv/i3 3rd pres oniernð past onarn/onurnon ptp is onurnen to give way, open (of a door); to run, to move quickly (on foot, on a horse, ship, etc.), to hasten, fly [currere]; to run into or towards, run upon, fall in with, to rush at, assail, attack; Milit., to make an inroad or irruption, to invade; to border on; To run against, strike against, offend; To commit a fault; To rush upon, assault carnally; Of events, to befall, happen, occur to [incurrere]; pour forth

oninnan [] 1. prep w.d. within, into, among; 2. adv within, into, among

onlæccan [] wv/t1a to reproach

onlǽnan [] wv/t1b to lend, grant, let, lease

onlǽtan [] wv/t1b to relax, permit

onlecgende [] adj (salve) to be applied

onlegen [] f (-e/-a) poultice

onléon2 [] sv/t1 3rd pres onlíehð past onlág/onligon ptp onligen to lend, grant, give

onlíc [] adj like, resembling, similar; adv ~líce

onlícnes [] f (-se/-sa) resemblance, likeness, similitude; picture, image, idol; parable; stature, form

onlíesan [] wv/t1b to loosen, set free, release

onlíesednes [] f (-se/-sa) remission (of sins)

onlíesend [] m (-es/-) liberator; redeemer

onlíesendlic [] adj absolvable

onlíesnes [] f (-se/-sa) deliverance

onlígian [] wv/t2 to inflame

onlíhtan [] wv/t1b to illuminate, give light to, enlighten; restore to sight; shine

onlíhtend [] m (-es/-) enlightener

onlíhting [] f (-e/-a) illumination, enlightenment

onlíhtnes [] f (-se/-sa) illumination

onliðian [] wv/t2 to loosen, relax

onlíðigian [] wv/i2 to become pliant, yield

onlócian [] wv/t2 to look on, behold

onlóciend [] m (-es/-) onlooker, spectator

onlúcan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onlýcð past onléac/onlucon ptp onlocen to unlock, open, unfold, reveal, disclose

onlútan [] sv/i2 3rd pres onlýtð past onléat/onluton ptp is onloten to bow, incline, bend down

onlútung [] f (-e/-a) involucrum

onmǽlan [] wv/t1b to speak to

onmearca [] m (-n/-n) inscription

onmearcung [] f (-e/-a) inscription

onmédan [] wv/t1b to presume, take upon oneself?

onmeltan? [] sv/t3 3rd pres onmilteð past onmealt/onmulton ptp onmolten to soften

onmétan [] wv/t1b 1. to paint, cover over?; 2. to come upon, find out

onmiddan [] 1. prep w.d. amid, in the midst, at the middle of; 2. adv in the middle, into the midst

onmunan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres onman/onmunon past onmunde ptp onmunen to esteem, think worthy of, consider entitled to; v/r care for, wish; remember; remind

onmyrran [] wv/t1a to mar, disturb

onniman [] sv/t4 3rd pres onnimð past onnóm/on, onnam/onnámon ptp onnumen to receive, take

onórettan2 [] wv/t1b to perform with effort, accomplish

onorðung [] f (-e/-a) inspiration, inbreathing

onpennian [] wv/t2 to open

onrád [] f (-e/-a) riding on horseback

onrǽs [] m (-es/-as) onrush, assault, attack

onrǽsan [] 1. wv/t1b to rush (on); 2. nom/acc pl of wk noun irruptions

onrǽsend [] m (-es/-) attacker

onréafian [] wv/t2 to strip (of)

onred [] m (-es/-as) name of a plant

onrid [] n (-es/-u, -reodu) riding horse

onrídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onrídeð past onrád/onridon ptp onriden to ride (on a raid, etc.)

onriht [] adj right, lawful, proper; owned by?; adv aright; adv ~líce

onríptíd [] f (-e/-e) harvest time

onryne [] m (-es/-as) course; incursion, assault

onsacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres onsæcð past onsóc/on ptp onsacen to contest, dispute, strive against, resist, repel; 2 attack; refuse, deny, contradict, refute; exculpate, excuse oneself; renounce

onsagu [] f (-e/-a) affirmation, accusation, reproach

onsand [] f (-e/-a) sending against

onsang [] m (-es/-as) incantation

onsáwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onsǽwð past onséow/on ptp onsáwen to sow; introduce into, implant

onsæc [] 1. adj denying; denied; excused; 2. see andsæc

onsǽgan2 [] wv/t1b to prostrate

onsǽge [] adj assailing, attacking [sígan]

onsægednes [] f (-se/-sa) sacrifice, offering; oblation, (sacrificial) victim

onsægnes [] f (-se/-sa) holocaust, sacrifice

onsægung [] f (-e/-a) sacrifice

onsǽlan [] wv/t1b to untie, loosen; [= unsǽlan]

onsǽtnes [] f (-se/-sa) snare

onsǽtnung [] f (-e/-a) snare

onscacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres onscæcð past onscóc/on ptp onscacen to shake, shake off, remove

onsceacnes [] f (-se/-sa) excuse [= onsacnes]

onscendan [] wv/t1b to confound, put to shame

onsceortian [] wv/i2 to grow short

onscéotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onscíeteð past onscéat/onscuton ptp onscoten to open

onscillan [] wv/i1a to give back a sound, resound

onscógan [] wv/t1b to unshoe; pp onscód

onscrýdan [] wv/t1b to clothe

onscunian [] wv/t2 to shun, avoid, fear, detest, hate; put away, reject, despise; irritate

onscuniendlic [] adj hateful, detestable

onscunigendlic [] adj hateful, detestable

onscunigend [] m (-es/-) hater

onscunung [] f (-e/-a) execration, abomination; exasperation

onscyte [] m (-es/-as) attack, assault

onsécan [] irreg wv/t1b to require, exact

onsecgan [] wv/t3 to renounce, deny; offer sacrifice; impute; inform

onsecgend [] m (-es/-) sacrificer

onsendan [] wv/t1b to send out, send forth, transmit, yield up; offer to

onséon [] 1. sv/t5 3rd pres onsiehð past onseah/onsáwon ptp onsewen to see, look on, behold, regard, take notice of; 2. see ansíen

onset [] m (-es/-as) a sitting on, riding on

onsetl [] m (-es/-as) a sitting on, riding on

onsetenes [] f (-se/-sa) laying on (of hands); constitution, founding

onsetnes [] f (-se/-sa) laying on (of hands); constitution, founding

onsettan [] wv/t1a to impose; oppress, bear down

onsícan [] sv/i1 3rd pres onsícð past onsác/onsicon ptp onsicen to sigh, groan

onsíen [] 1. 2 f (-e/-a) lack, want; 2. see ansíen

onsígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onsígð past onság/onsigon ptp onsigen to sink, decline, descend; approach, impend; assail

onsittan [] 1. sv/t5 3rd pres onsitteð past onsæt/onsǽton ptp onseten to seat oneself in, occupy; oppress; 2. sv/t5 3rd pres onsitteð past onsæt/onsǽton ptp onseten to fear, dread

onsittend [] m (-es/-) rider

onslæge [] m (-es/-as) blow

onslǽpan [] sv/i7 3rd pres onslǽpð past onsléop/on ptp onslǽpen, wv/t1b to go to sleep, sleep

onslúpan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onslýpð past onsléap/onslupon ptp onslopen to unloose

onsmyrung [] f (-e/-a) anointing

onsníðan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onsníðeð past onsnáð/onsnidon ptp onsniden to cut up

onspannan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onspenð past onspéon/on ptp onspannen to unfasten, unbind, unloose, open, disclose, release [=un-]

onspǽc [] f (-e/-a) imputation, charge, claim

onspeca [] m (-n/-n) accuser; claimant

onspecend [] m (-es/-) accuser, plaintiff

onspillend [] m (-es/-) player

onspornende [] adj not stumbling [=un-]

onsprǽc [] f (-e/-a) speech, discourse [an-]

onspreccan [] wv/t1a to enliven

onspringan [] sv/i3 3rd pres onspringð past onsprang/onsprungon ptp is onsprungen to spring forth, originate, rise, burst forth, burst asunder

onsprungennes [] f (-se/-sa) eclipse

onspurnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onspyrnð past onspearn/onspurnon ptp onspornen to strike against, stumble

onstal [] m (-es/-as) provision, supply

onstál [] m? (-es/-as) charge, reproof

onstandende [] adj urgent, persistent

onstæl [] m (-es/-stalas) order, arrangement

onstǽlan [] wv/t1b to impute to, accuse of

onstæpe [] m (-es/-as) ingress [=in-]

onstellan [] wv/t1a to institute, create, originate, establish, give the example of

onstépan [] wv/t1b to raise

onsteppan [] sv/i6 3rd pres onstepeð past onstóp/on ptp is onstapen to walk, go [=in-]

onstígend [] m (-es/-) mounted man

onsting [] m (-es/-as) claim, authority, jurisdiction, right of intervention

onstingan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onstingeð past onstang/onstungon ptp onstungen to be angry (with)?

onstíðian [] wv/t2 to harden

onstregdan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onstrigdeð past onstrægd/onstrugdon ptp onstrogden to sprinkle; wv/t1b

onstydfullnes [] f (-se/-sa) instability

onstýran [] wv/t1b to govern

onstyrednes [] f (-se/-sa) movement

onstyrenes [] f (-se/-sa) movement

onstyrian [] wv/t2 to move, rouse, disturb, stir, agitate, excite

onsundran [] adv singly, separately, apart; privately; especially

onsundron [] adv singly, separately, apart; privately; especially

onsundrum [] adv singly, separately, apart; privately; especially

onswápan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onswǽpð past onswéop/on ptp onswápen to sweep on, blow on; sweep away, banish

onswebban [] wv/t1a to put to sleep, bury

onswíðlic [] adj mighty, loud

onswífan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onswífeð past onswáf/onswifon ptp onswifen to swing forward, turn against; push off, put aside, turn away

onswornod [] adj confused

onsymbelnes [] f (-se/-sa) celebration (of mass)

ontalu [] f (-e/-a) claim at law

ontendan [] wv/t1b to kindle, set fire to, inflame

ontendnes [] f (-se/-sa) burning, fire; inflammation; incitement, fuel; passion

ontéon [] sv/t2 3rd pres ontíehð past ontéah/ontugon ptp ontogen to draw to oneself, assume, undertake; pull, pull out; untie

ontéona [] m (-n/-n) injury, oppression

ontige [] m (-es/-as) claim, usurpation

ontimber [] n (timbres/-) matter, material, substance, a theme; cause, occasion

ontimbernes [] f (-se/-sa) material; teaching, edification

ontimbran [] wv/t1b to instruct

ontimbrian [] wv/t2 to instruct

ontréowan [] wv/t1b to entrust, confide

ontrymian [] wv/t2 To grow strong or powerful; To increase, prevail, predominate; To come into use [invalescere]

ontrymman [] wv/t1a To grow strong or powerful; To increase, prevail, predominate; To come into use [invalescere]

ontýdran [] wv/t1b to nourish, foster

ontýdre [] adj sine foetu, effete

ontygnes [] f (-se/-sa) accusation

ontyhtan [] wv/t1b to urge on, incite; be intent on

ontyhtung [] f (-e/-a) attention, application, aim, intention, instigation

ontýnan [] wv/t1b tóðum ~ to utter

ontýnnes [] f (-se/-sa) opening

onþenian [] wv/t2 to stretch

onþéon2 [] sv/i1 3rd pres onþíehð past onþáh/onþigon ptp is onþigen, sv/i2 3rd pres onþíehð past onþéah/onþugon ptp onþogen to be useful, succeed, prosper

onþéowian [] wv/t2 to serve

onþicgan [] sv/t5 3rd pres onþigeð past onþeah/onþǽgon ptp onþegen to eat of, partake of

onþracian1 [] wv/t2 to fear, dread

onþracung [] f (-e/-a) fear, awe

onþræce [] adj formidable, dreadful

onþræclic [] adj formidable, dreadful

onþréagung [] f (-e/-a) reproach

onþrecan [] sv/i5 3rd pres onþricð past onþræc/onþrǽcon ptp onþrecen to fear

onþringan [] sv/i3 3rd pres onþringeð past onþrang/onþrungon ptp onþrungen to press on or forward; move, be moved?

onþunian [] wv/i2 to swell up?, move round?; exceed bounds

onþwægennes [] f (-se/-sa) washing

onþwéan [] sv/t6 3rd pres onþwíehð past onþwóg/on ptp onþwagen to wash

onufan [] 1. prep w.d. above, upon, on; beyond, after; 2. adv above, upon, on; beyond, after

onunder [] adv under

onuppan [] 1. prep w.d. upon, on; 2. adv in addition, besides

onútan [] adv out of doors

onwacan [] sv/i6 3rd pres onwæcð past onwéoc/on ptp is onwacen to awake; arise, be born

onwaccan [] f (-e/-a) incitement, arousing

onwadan [] sv/t6 3rd pres onwædeð past onwód/on ptp onwaden to penetrate into, attack, seize, occupy

onwarian [] wv/t2 to guard oneself against

onwǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b to weaken, shake (a resolution), soften, mollify [wác]

onwæcenes [] f (-se/-sa) arousing

onwæcnan [] wv/i1b to awake; arise, spring, be born [=áwæcnan]

onwæcnian [] wv/i2 to awake; arise, spring, be born [=áwæcnan]

onwæstm [] m (-es/-as) increase; branch

onwealcan [] sv/i7 3rd pres onwielcð past onwéolc/on ptp is onwealcen to roll, roll around

onweald [] 1. m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) authority, power, rule, sway, command; power, right or title to anything; jurisdiction, territory; power, empire, dominion; 2. adj mighty, powerful

onwealda [] m (-n/-n) ruler, governor, sovereign; the Lord, God

onwealdig [] adj powerful

onwealdnes [] f (-se/-sa) power, possession

onwealg [] adj whole, sound, entire, uninjured, safe

onwealh [] adj whole, sound, entire, uninjured, safe

onwealglíce [] adv wholly, completely

onwealhnes [] f (-se/-sa) soundness, wholeness, purity, modesty, chastity

onweard [] adj acting against, opposed to

onweg [] adv away, forth, out, off, onward, along

onwegácyrnes [] f (-se/-sa) apostasy

onwegácyrrednes [] f (-se/-sa) apostasy

onwegádrífan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onwegádrífeð past onwegádráf/onwegádrifon ptp onwegádrifen to drive away

onwegádrifennes [] f (-se/-sa) a driving away

onwegáfierran [] wv/t1a to remove away

onwegálǽdnes [] f (-se/-sa) removal

onwegáscúfan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onwegáscýfð past onwegáscéaf/onwegáscufon ptp onwegáscofen to push away

onwegáwendan [] wv/t1b to remove

onwegfæreld [] n (-es/-) departure

onweggewit [] n (-es/-u, -geweotu) mental aberration

onweggewitennes [] f (-se/-sa) departure

onwegpullian [] wv/t2 to pull away

onwendan [] wv/t1b to change, exchange; upset, end, overturn, turn aside, avert; change for the worse, pervert; transgress; deprive; return

onwendedlic [] adj changeable

onwendednes [] f (-se/-sa) movement, change, a changing, alteration

onwendnes [] f (-se/-sa) movement, change, a changing, alteration

onweorpan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onwierpð past onwearp/onwurpon ptp onworpen to cast in one’s teeth, accuse; turn or throw aside; begin the web

onweorpnes [] f (-se/-sa) on-pouring

onwícan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onwícð past onwác/onwicon ptp onwicen to yield, give way

onwille [] adj wished for, agreeable

onwindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onwindeð past onwand/onwundon ptp onwunden to unwind, loosen; retreat

onwinnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onwinð past onwann/onwunnon ptp onwunnen to attack, assail

onwist [] f (-e/-e) habitation

onworpennes [] f (-se/-sa) enticement, allurement, inspiration

onwréon [] sv/t1 3rd pres onwríehð past onwráh/onwrigon ptp onwrigen, sv/t2 3rd pres onwríehð past onwréah/onwrugon ptp onwrogen to uncover, unfold, display, explain, reveal

onwrignes [] f (-se/-sa) revelation, exposure, exposition

onwrigennes [] f (-se/-sa) revelation, exposure, exposition

onwrihnes [] f (-se/-sa) revelation, exposure, exposition

onwrítung [] f (-e/-a) inscription

onwríðan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onwríðeð past onwráð/onwriðon ptp onwriðen to unbind, unwrap [= unwríðan]

onwríðod [] adj supported; past part of onwríðan

onwríðung [] f (-e/-a) ligament, bandage

onwunian [] wv/t2 to inhabit, remain

onwunung [] f (-e/-a) dwelling-place; assiduity

onwyllan [] wv/t1a to cause to boil, inflame

onwylwan [] wv/t1b to roll up, roll together

onýðan [] wv/t1b to pour in

onýwan [] wv/t1b to show, manifest; wv/r1b to appear

open [] adj open, exposed; evident, well-known, public, manifest, plain, clear; open to re-trial

openærs [] m (-es/-as) medlar

openere [] m (-es/-as) opener

openian1 [] wv/t2 to open, open up, disclose, declare, reveal, expound; wv/i2 ge~ to become manifest; ge~ to be open to, exposed to

openlic [] adj open, public; adv ~líce openly, manifestly, plainly, clearly, unreservedly

opennes [] f (-se/-sa) openness, publicity; manifestation

openung1 [] f (-e/-a) opening, disclosure, manifestation

ór2 [] n (-es/-) beginning, origin; front; [ord]

or- [] prefix out of, =L ex-; is privative, as in orsorg, orwéna; or denites origin, antiquity, as in oreald; [Ger ur-]

óra [] 1. m (-n/-n) border, bank, shore; 2. m (-n/-n) ore, unwrought metal; brass; 3. a coin of Danish origin

orbléde [] adj bloodless [blód]

orc [] 1. m (-es/-as) pitcher, crock, cup; [Late L orca; L urceus]; 2. m (-es/-as) demon [L orcus]

orcéape [] adv gratis, without cause (1)

orcéapes [] adv gratis, without cause (2)

orcéapunga [] adv gratis, without cause (3)

orcéapungum [] adv gratis, without cause (4)

orcéasnes [] f (-se/-sa) immunity, purity

orcerdléh [] f (-e/-a) orchard [ortgeard, léah]

orcerdweard [] m (-es/-as) gardener

orcnǽwe [] adj evident, well-known

orcnéas [] m pl monsters [L Orcus]

orcþyrs [] m (-es/-as) monster of hell, Orcus

ord [] m (-es/-as) point, spear-point, spear; source, beginning; front, vanguard; chief; pl first men, the flower

ordǽle [] adj not participating, free from

ordál [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) ordeal [Ger urteil]

ordálísen [] n (-es/-) iron used in an ordeal

ordbana [] m (-n/-n) murderer

ordfruma [] m (-n/-n) fount, source; author, creator, instigator; 2 chief, prince

ordfrymm [] adj original

ordstæpe [] m (-es/-as) spear-stab, wound

ordwyga [] m (-n/-n) warrior

oreald [] adj very old [Ger uralt]; cmp orieldra; spl orielest

orel [] n (orles/-) robe, garment, mantle, veil [L orarium]

orene [] 1. adj excessive; harmful; 2. n (-es/-u) excess; injury? [orne]

orenlíce [] adv excessively

óret2 [] m (-es/-as) contest, battle

óretfeld [] m (-a/-a) place of contest

óretla [] m (-n/-n) contumely, insult

óretlof [] n (-es/-u) triumph

óretmæcg2 [] m (-es/-as) champion, warrior

óretmæcga2 [] m (-n/-n) champion, warrior

óretstów [] f (-e/-a) wrestling place, place of contest

óretta2 [] m (-n/-n) champion, warrior, hero

orf [] n (-es/-) cattle, livestock

orfcwealm [] m (-es/-as) cattle-plague, murrain

orfcynn [] n (-es/-) cattle

orfeorme [] adj 2 destitute of, lacking; 2 empty, useless; squalid, filthy

orfeormnes [] f (-se/-sa) squalor, filthiness

orfgebitt [] n (-es/-) grazing

orfiermu [] f (-e/-a) squalor

orfyrmð [] ? (-?/-?) refuse

organ [] m (-es/-as) canticle, song, voice

organa? [] m (-n/-n) musical instrument [L organum]

organe? [] f (-an/-an) musical instrument [L organum]

organe [] f (-an/-an) marjoram [origanum]

organestre [] f (-an/-an) player on an instrument

orgel [] ? (-?/-?) pride

orgeldréam [] m (-es/-as) sound of a musical instrument

orgellic [] adj ignominious; adv ~líce proudly, insolently, scornfully

orgelnes [] f (-se/-sa) pride

orgelword [] n (-es/-) arrogant speech

orgilde [] adj not having discharged a payment (of ‘wergeld’)

orgnian [] wv/t2 to sing to an instrumental accompaniment

orgyte [] adj well-known, manifest

orhlýte [] adj without lot or share in, destitute of

oríege [] adj out of sight, not visible

orieldu [] f (-e/-a) great age [ieldo]

orlæg2 [] n (-es/-lagu) fate

orleahter [] m (-es/-as) that which separates or divides two things from each other; an intervening space, interval, distance, division, separation; In gen., a distinction, difference; with respect to disputed matters, which are to be distinguished between, and thus decided upon, the decisive point, turning-point, critical moment, determination, decision; a dangerous, decisive moment, crisis, dangerous condition; risk, danger, hazard [discrimen], lack of vice or defect; danger

orleahtre [] adj blameless

orlegcéap [] m (-es/-as) battle-booty?

orlege [] 1. n (-es/-u) strife, war; 2. adj hostile

orlegfrom [] adj keen in battle

orleggífre [] adj fond of strife

orleghwíl2 [] f (-e/-a) war-time

orlegníð2 [] m (-es/-as) war, hostility

orlegsceaft [] f (-e/-a) In relig. lang., humiliation, a public prayer or supplication, an act of worship; Esp., a sacrificing, offering; out of the relig. sphere, an humble entreaty or petition, a supplication in gen.; To receive punishment; hence, punishment, penalty, torture, torment, pain, distress, suffering (class. and freq.; usu. of the penalty of death; syn. poena).;[supplicium?]

orlegstund [] f (-e/-a) time of adversity

orlegweorc [] n (-es/-) battle

ormǽte [] 1. adj boundless, huge, excessive, intense; 2. adv [metan]

ormǽtlic [] adj excessive; tremendous; adv ~líce

ormǽtnes [] f (-se/-sa) excess, immensity

ormód [] adj despondent, despairing, hopeless

ormódnes [] f (-se/-sa) desperation, despair

ornest [] n (-es/-) trial by battle

oroð [] n (-es/-) breath, breathing, snorting

orped [] adj adult, active; adv ~líce boldly; clearly, definitely

orrest [] f (-e/-a) battle, combat [ON orrusta]

orretscipe [] m (-es/-as) infamy

orrettan1 [] wv/t1a to put to confusion, disgrace

orsáwle [] adj lifeless, dead

orsceattinga [] adv gratuitously

orsorg [] adj w.g. unconcerned, without care or anxiety, safe [OHG ursorg]

orsorglic [] 1. adj w.g. secure; 2. adv ~líce carelessly, rashly; without anxiety or hindrance; securely, safely

orsorgnes [] f (-se/-sa) security, prosperity; carelessness

ortgeard [] m (-es/-as) garden, orchard

ortgeardléah [] m (-es/-as) orchard

ortgeardweard [] m (-es/-as) gardener

ortréownes [] f (-se/-sa) diffidence, mistrust

ortríewan [] wv/t1b to despair (of); ge~ doubt, disbelieve

ortríewe [] adj despairing, hopeless; treacherous, faithless

ortrúwian [] wv/t2 w.g. to despair, doubt

ortrúwung [] f (-e/-a) despair

ortýdre [] adj barren

orþanc [] 1. m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) intelligence, understanding, mind; cleverness, skill; skillful work, mechanical art; [OHG urdank]; 2. adj ingenious, skillful

orþancbend [] f (-e/-a) cunning band

orþances [] adv thoughtlessly

orþanclic [] adj ingenious

orþancpíl [] m (-es/-as) ploughshare?

orþancscipe [] m (-es/-as) mechanical art

orþancum [] adv skillfully

orðian [] wv/t2 to breathe, gasp; long for, aspire to [oroð]

orðung [] f (-e/-a) breathing, breath; pore

orwearde [] adv unguarded

orweg [] adj trackless?

orwegnes [] f (-se/-sa) inaccessibility

orwegstíg [] f (-e/-a) out-of-the-way track

orwéne [] adj w.g. hopeless, despairing of; despaired of, desperate

orwénnes [] f (-se/-sa) despair

orwíge [] adj not fighting, unwarlike, cowardly; not liable to the legal consequences (of homicide)

orwurð [] n (-es/-) ignominy

orwyrð [] f (-e/-a) shame, dishonor

orwyrðu [] f (-e/-a) shame, dishonor

orwyrðlic [] adj shameful

ós [] m (-es/-as) a divinity, god; name of the rune for o

oser [] ? (-?/-?) a pliant twig, a switch, withe, osier [vimen], osier

ósle [] f (-an/-an) merle [merula], ouzel, blackbird

óst [] m (-es/-as) protuberance, knot, lump

osterhláf [] m (-es/-as) oyster-patty

ostersciell [] f (-e-/-a) oyster-shell

óstig [] adj knotty, rough, scaly

óstiht [] adj knotty, rough, scaly

ostre [] f (-an/-an) oyster [L ostrea]

oterhola [] m (-n/-n) otter’s hole

otor [] m (-es/-as) otter

otr [] m (-es/-as) otter

ottor [] m (-es/-as) otter

oð [] 1. prep w.a., rarely w.d. to, up to, as far as; until; ~ þisumup to now; 2. conj until; 3. as prefix, usually denotes departure, separation, as in oðfeallan, oðwendan

oðberan2 [] sv/t4 3rd pres oðbirð past oðbær/oðbǽron ptp oðboren to bear away, carry off; bring

oðberstan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oðbirsteð past oðbærst/oðburston ptp oðborsten to break away, escape

oðbregdan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oðbrigdeð past oðbrægd/oðbrugdon ptp oðbrogden to snatch away, carry off, rescue, remove, withdraw

oðclífan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oðclífð past oðcláf/oðclifon ptp oðclifen to cleave to, stick, adhere

oðcwelan [] sv/i4 3rd pres oðcwilð past oðcwæl/oðcwǽlon ptp is oðcwolen to die

oðcierran [] wv/i1b to be perverted

oðdón [] irreg v/t to put out (eyes)

oðécan [] wv/t1b to add to [éac]

oðéhtian [] wv/t2 to drive away?, dispossess?

óðer [] 1. pron, noun, adj (always strong) one of two; second; other; something else, anything else; alternate, next; remaining, rest; further, existing besides; another; in pl the rest, the others; ~…óðerthe one…the other; other…than; ~ oððe…oððeeither…or; ~ healfone and a half; 2. see áhwǽðer; 3. comp adj óðerlícorotherwise; 4. ? (-?/-?) word, speech; [ON óðr]

óðergéara [] adv next year

óðerhwíle [] adv sometimes

oðfaran [] sv/t6 3rd pres oðfærð past oðfór/on ptp oðfaren w.d. to flee from

oðfæstan2 [] wv/t1b to inflict upon; set to (a task), entrust, commit

oðfeallan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oðfielð past oðféoll/on ptp oðfeallen to fall off, decline, decay; fall away from, be lost to, be wanting, fail; cease to concern

oðféolan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oðfíelð past oðfealh/oðfulgon ptp oðfolgen to cleave, adhere

oðfeorrian [] wv/t2 to take away

oðferian [] wv/t1a to take away, bear off; save (life)

oðfléogan [] sv/i2 3rd pres oðflíehð past oðfléag/oðflugon ptp oðflogen to fly away

oðfléon [] sv/t2 3rd pres oðflíehð past oðfléah/oðflugon ptp oðflogen w.d. to flee away, escape

oðflítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oðflíteð past oðflát/oðfliton ptp oðfliten to gain by legal process

oðgán [] irreg v/i to go away, escape

oðglídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oðglídeð past oðglád/oðglidon ptp oðgliden to glide away, escape

oðgrípan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oðgrípð past oðgráp/oðgripon ptp oðgripen to rescue

oðhealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oðhieldeð past oðhéold/on ptp oðhealden to keep back

oðhebban [] sv/t6 3rd pres oðhefeð past oðhóf/on ptp oðhafen to raise, exalt, lift up

oðhléapan [] sv/i7 3rd pres oðhlíepð past oðhléop/on ptp is oðhléapen to escape

oðhrínan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oðhrínð past oðhrán/oðhrinon ptp oðhrinen to touch

oðhýdan [] wv/t1b to hide from

oðhylde [] adj contented

oðiernan [] sv/i3 3rd pres oðiernð past oðarn/oðurnon ptp is oðurnen to run away

oðíewan [] wv/t1b to show; show oneself, appear

oðíewodnes [] f (-se/-sa) manifestation

oðlǽdan [] wv/t1b to lead away, carry off, snatch from, withdraw

oðlengan [] wv/t1b to belong, pertain

oðrídan [] sv/i1 3rd pres oðrídeð past oðrád/oðridon ptp is oðriden to ride, proceed

oðrinnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oðrinð past oðrann/oðrunnon ptp oðrunnen to run off, escape

oðrówan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oðréwð past oðréow/on ptp oðrówen to escape by rowing

oðsacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres oðsæcð past oðsóc/on ptp oðsacen w.g. to deny abjure

oðscacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres oðscæcð past oðscóc/on ptp oðscacen to escape

oðscéotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres oðscíeteð past oðscéat/oðscuton ptp oðscoten to escape, slip off, turn aside

oðscúfan [] sv/i2 3rd pres oðscýfð past oðscéaf/oðscufon ptp oðscofen to move off

oðspernung [] f (-e/-a) stumbling-block

oðspurnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oðspyrnð past oðspearn/oðspurnon ptp oðspornen to dash against

oðstandan [] sv/i6 3rd pres oðstendeð past oðstód/on ptp is oðstanden to stand fixed, remain, cease; stand behind; sv/t6 perplex, hinder

oðstillan [] wv/t1a to stop

oðswerian [] sv/t6 3rd pres oðswereðpast oðswór/onptp oðsworento abjure, deny on oath

oðswígan [] sv/i1 3rd pres oðswígðpast oðswág/oðswigonptp is oðswigento become silent

oðswimman [] sv/i3 3rd pres oðswimðpast oðswamm/oðswummonptp is oðswummento escape by swimming

oðtéon [] sv/t2 3rd pres oðtíehð past oðtéah/oðtugonptp oðtogento take away

oðþæt [] conj until [or 2 words]

oððe [] conj or; and; ~…oððe either…or; [=oð ðe] until

oðþéodan [] wv/t1b to sever, dismember

oðþicgan [] sv/t5 3rd pres oðþigeð past oðþeah/oðþǽgon ptp oðþegen to take away

oðþingian [] wv/t2 to obtain by unfair means, usurp

oððo [] conj or [= oððe] (1)

oððon [] conj or [= oððe] (2)

oðþringan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oðþringeð past oðþrang/oðþrungon ptp oðþrungen to deprive of; drive out

oðwendan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres oðwendeð past oðwendede ptp oðwended to turn away, divert, deprive of

oðwindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oðwindeð past oðwand/oðwundon ptp oðwunden to escape, get away

oðwítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oðwíteð past oðwát/oðwiton ptp oðwiten to charge with, blame, reproach with, taunt

oðwyrcan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres oðwyrcð past oðworhte ptp oðworht to harm

ówæstm [] m (-es/-as) shoot, branch, twig

óweb [] n (-es/-u) woof, weft

ówef [] n (-es/-u) woof, weft

ówisc [] f (-e/-a) edge

oxa [] m (-n/-n) ox; nom/acc pl also exen, œxen; dat pl oxnum, oxum

oxancealf [] n (-es/-ru) ox-calf

oxangang [] m (-es/-as) an eighth of a ‘plough-land,’ hide

oxanhyrde [] m (-es/-as) herdsman

oxanlyppe [] f (-an/-an) oxlip

óxn [] f (-e/-a) armpit

oxnalybb [] n (-es/-) ox-heal (plant)



pád [] f (-e/-a) an outer garment, covering, coat, cloak

paddaníeg [] f (-e/-a) toad-meadow, frog-island

padde [] f (-an/-an) toad, frog

pade [] f (-an/-an) toad, frog

pál [] m (-es/-as) 1. a pole, stake, post; 2. a kind of hoe or spade [L palus]

palent [] m (-es/-as) palace [Late L palantium]

palendse [] f (-an/-an) palace [Late L palantium]

palentse [] f (-an/-an) palace [Late L palantium]

palente [] f (-an/-an) palace [Late L palantium]

pallente [] f (-an/-an) palace [Late L palantium]

palentlic [] adj of a palace, palatial, relating to a palace

pallium [] m (-es/-as) pallium, a cloak; the archiepiscopal pall; splendid garment [L]

palm [] m (-es/-as) palm-tree; palm-branch

palma [] m (-n/-n) palm-tree; palm-branch

palmappel [] m (-apples/-applas) the fruit of a palm, date

palmæppel [] m (-æpples/-æpplas) the fruit of a palm, date

palmbearu [] m (-wes/-was) palm-grove

Palmdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Palm Sunday

Palmsunnandæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Palm Sunday

palmtréo [] m (-treowes/-treowas) palm-tree [also ~tréow]

palmtwig [] n (-es/-twiogu) palm-twig, palm-branch

palmwicu [] f (-e/-a) the week which begins with Palm Sunday

palmwuce [] f (-an/-an) week of which Palm Sunday is the first day

palstr [] noun prick, point, spike

palster [] noun prick, point, spike

palðer [] m (-es/-as) panther

pandher [] m (-es/-as) panther

panic [] m (-es/-as) a kind of millet

panmete [] m (-es/-mettas) cooked food

panne [] f (-an/-an) pan

Pante [] f (-an/-an) the river Blackwater in Essex

panþer [] m (-es/-as) panther

pápa [] m (-n/-n) pope [L papa]

pápanhád [] m (-a/-a) papal office, the papal dignity

pápdóm [] m (-es/-as) papal office, the papacy

paper [] m? (papres/papras) papyrus

papolstán [] m (-es/-as) a pebble-stone, pebble [L papula]

pápseld [] n (-es/-) papacy, the papal see

pápsetl [] n (-es/-) papacy, the papal throne

paradís [] m (-es/-as) Paradise

paralisin [] ds of noun paralysis

pardus [] m? (-es/-as) leopard

part [] m (-es/-as) a part [L]

Parthe [] m pl the Parthians

Parþware [] m pl the Parthians

passion [] f (-e/-a) the part of the gospel containing the account of Christ’s passion

Paternoster [] m (-nostres/-nostras), n (-nostres/-) the Lord’s Prayer

páwa [] m (-n/-n) peacock, peahen

páwe [] f (-an/-an) peacock, peahen

pǽca [] m (-n/-n) deceiver

pǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres pǽceð past pǽhte ptp gepǽht to cheat, deceive

pægel [] m (pægles/pæglas) gill, small measure, wine vessel, a pail

pǽl [] m (-es/-as) javelin

pæll [] m (-es/-as) a pall, silk robe, cloak, covering, costly robe; pall, hanging, covering; purple garment, purple [L pallium]

pællen [] adj of costly stuff, purple, rich or costly (of garments)

pærl? [] ? enula (gemmula?)

pæð [] m (-es/paðas) path, track; valley

pæðfeld [] m (-a/-a) a field across which a path runs?

pæððan [] wv/t1a 3rd pres pæðeð past pæðede ptp gepæðed to tread (a path), traverse, travel over, pass along

péa [] m (-n/-n) peafowl

Péacland [] n (-es/-) the Peak of Derbyshire

Péacsǽtan [] m pl the occupiers of the Peak

peall [] adj? defrutum (sc vinum)

pearroc [] m (-es/-as) clatrum, fence by which a space is enclosed; enclosure, enclosed land

pearruc [] m (-es/-as) clatrum, fence by which a space is enclosed; enclosure, enclosed land

pecg [] m? (-es/-as) pig?

pécung [] f (-e/-a) deception

Pedrida [] m (-n/-n) the river Parret

pelican [] m (-es/-as) pelican

Péne [] m pl the Carthaginians

pening [] m (-es/-as) a penny coin, money, (1) referring to other than English coinage; (2) of Englishcoinage, a silver coin, the 240th part of a pound; (3) as a weight, pennyweight;

peninghwierfere [] m (-es/-as) money-changer

peningmangere [] m (-es/-as) a money-dealer, money-changer

peningslieht [] m (-es/-as) the striking of money, coining money

peningwǽg [] f (-e/-a) pennyweight

peningweorð [] n (-es/-) pennyworth

penn [] m (-es/-as) pen, fold [L]

Pentecosten [] m (-es/-as) Pentecost, the fiftieth day after the resurrection, Whitsuntide

Penwihtsteort [] m (-es/-as) The Land’s End in Cornwall

Peohtas [] m pl the Picts

peonie [] f (-an/-an) peony [L]

peorð [] m (-es/-as) name of the rune for p, chessman?

perewós [] n (-es/-) pear-juice, perry, a drink made from pears

pernex [] m (-es/-as) a supposed bird? (mistranslation of L pernix]

Perscware [] m pl the Persians

Perse [] m pl the Persians

Perséas [] m pl the Persians

persic [] m (-es/-as) peach [L persicum]

Persida [] m (-n/-n) Persia

persoc [] m (-es/-as) peach [L persicum]

persuc [] m (-es/-as) peach [L persicum]

Persisc [] adj Persian

persoctréow [] n (-treowes/-) peach-tree

peru [] f (-e/-a) pear [L pirum]

perwince [] f (-an/-an) periwinkle (plant)

petersilie [] f (-an/-an) parsley [Ger petersilie]

Petrus [] m (-es/-as) the apostle Peter

philosoph [] m (-es/-as) a philosopher [L]

pic [] n (-es/-u) pitch [L picem]

píc [] m (-es/-as) a point, pointed tool, pointed instrument, pick, pickaxe

pícan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres píceð past pícte ptp gepíced to use a píc, to remove by means of a píc, to pick

picen [] adj pitchy, of pitch

picgbréad [] n (-es/-) glans, mast, pig’s food

pician [] wv/t2 3rd pres picað past picode ptp gepicod to pitch, cover with pitch

pícung [] f (-e/-a) stigmata, a pricking

píe [] f (-an/-an) parasite, an insect

pierisc [] adj Pierian

pigment [] m? (-es/-as) a pigment, drug [L]

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