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Léa [] 1. see léo; 2. gen, dat, acc sing of léah
léac [] 1. n (-es/-) leek, onion, garlic, garden-herb; 2. past 3rd sing of lúcan léacblæd [] n (-es/-bladu) leak leaf léaccærse [] f (-an/-an) cress, nasturtium léactroc [] m (-es/-as) a bunch of berries [2nd most common] léactrog [] m (-es/-as) a bunch of berries [1st common] léactún [] m (-es/-as) kitchen-garden, garden of herbs léactúnweard [] m (-es/-as) gardener léacweard [] m (-es/-as) gardener léad [] n (-es/-) lead; leaden vessel, cauldron; an instrument of torture léaden [] adj leaden, of lead léadgedelf [] n (-es/-) lead-mine léadgewiht [] n (-es/-u) lead-weight, a scale of weight léadgota [] m (-n/-n) plumber léadstæf [] m (-es/-stafas) loaded stick léaf [] 1. 1 f (-e/-a) leave, permission, privilege; 2. n (-es/-) leaf, shoot; pl foliage; sheet of paper; 3. adj ge~ leafy léafa1 [] m (-n/-n) belief, faith; creed léafe1 [] f (-an/-an) leave, permission, license léafful1 [] adj believing; orthodox (Christian); faithful, trustworthy; adv ~líce léafhelmig [] adj leafy at the top léafhlystend [] m (-es/-) catechumen léafléoht [] adj easy to believe? léafnes [] f (-se/-sa) leave, permission léafscead [] n (-es/-u) leafy shade léafsele [] m (-es/-, -as) place for shade, booth léafwyrm [] m (-es/-as) caterpillar léag [] 1. f (-e/-a) lye, alkalized water; 2. see léah 1; 3. past 3rd sing of léogan, léon léah [] 1. m (léas/léas) piece of ground, lea, meadow; 2. see léag1, 3 leahtor [] m (leahtres/leahtras) vice, sin, offence, crime, fault; reproach; disease, injury leahtorcwide [] m (-es/-as) opprobrious speech leahtorful [] adj vicious, seductive leahtorléas [] adj faultless, blameless leahtorlic [] adj vicious, faulty; adv ~líce foully, wickedly leahtrian1 [] wv/t2 to accuse, revile, reprove, blame; corrupt leahtric [] m (-es/-as) lettuce [L lactuca] léahtrung [] f (-e/-a) derogation léan [] n (-es/-) reward, gift, loan, compensation, remuneration, retribution léan [] sv/t6 3rd pres líehð past lóg/on, lóg/on ptp gelagen to blame, reproach [also wv/t1b 3rd pres léað past léade ptp geléad] léangyfa [] m (-n/-n) rewarder léanian1 [] wv/t2 to reward, recompense, repay, requite [Ger lohnen] léap [] m (-es/-as) basket; basket for catching or keeping fish; measure; trunk (body) léas [] 1. adj w.g. without, free from, devoid of, bereft of; 1 false, faithless; untruthful, deceitful; lax; vain, worthless; 2. n (-es/-) falsehood, lying; untruth, mistake léasbregd [] 1. adj lying, false, deceitful; 2. m (-es/-as) cheating, trickery léasbregda [] m (-n/-n) trickster léasbregden [] f (-e/-a) falsehood léasbregdende [] adj wily, deceitful léasbregdnes [] f (-se/-sa) deception, falsehood léascræft [] m (-es/-as) false art léase [] adv falsely léasere [] m (-es/-as) liar, hypocrite; buffoon, mime, jester, fool léasettan [] wv/t1b to pretend léasferhð [] adj false léasfyrhð [] adj false léasferðnes [] f (-se/-sa) levity, folly léasgespeca [] m (-n/-n) a falsifier léasgewita [] m (-n/-n) a false witness léasgewitnes [] f (-se/-sa) false witness léasgielp [] m (-es/-as) vainglory léasian [] wv/i2 to lie léaslic [] adj false, deceitful, sham, empty; adv ~líce léaslícettan [] wv/t1b to dissemble léaslícettung [] f (-e/-a) dissimulation léasmódnes [] f (-se/-sa) instability léasnes [] f (-se/-sa) lying; levity léasólæccere [] m (-es/-as) false flatterer léasóleccan [] irreg wv/t1b to blandish, flatter léasólecung [] f (-e/-a) empty flattery léassagol [] adj lying, false léasscéawere [] m (-es/-as) spy léasspell [] n (-es/-) lie, fiction, fable léasspellung [] f (-e/-a) empty or false talk léassponung [] f (-e/-a) allurement léastyhtan [] wv/t1b to cajole léastyhtung [] f (-e/-a) cajolery léasuht [] ? (-?/-?) enticer, seducer léasung [] 1. f (-e/-a) leasing, lying, false witness, deceit, hypocrisy, artifice; a lie; empty talk, frivolity, laxity; 2. f (-e/-a) indemnity? léasungspell [] n (-es/-) idle tale léaswyrcend [] m (-es/-) deceiver léaðor [] n (-es/-) soap, soda léaðorwyrt [] f (-e/-e) soap-wort? léawfinger [] m (-fingres/-fingras) index-finger, forefinger leax [] m (-es/-as) salmon léc [] 1. m (-es/-as) look, regard; 2. see léac 1, 2 leccan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres lecð past leahte, lehte, leohte ptp geleaht to water, irrigate, wet, moisten, slake [Ger lechzen] leccing [] f (-e/-a) irrigation, watering lecg [] f (-e/-a) part of a weapon?, sheath? lecgan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres legð past legde ptp gelegd to lay, put, place, deposit, set; dispose, arrange; attach; bury; put before, submit; betake oneself, go; lay (egg); prostrate, cast down, lay low, kill; ~ on w.d. put upon, charge with; lástas ~ go, journey; on lást ~ follow [causative of licgan]; on lást ~ to follow lecða [] m (-n/-n) ship’s bottom or hold léf [] 1. adj feeble, infirm, weak, injured; 2. see léaf léfmann [] m (-es/-menn) sick person léfung [] f (-e/-a) paralysis légeléoht [] n (-es/-) light (of flame) leger [] n (-es/-) lying, illness; lair, couch, bed; grave; clǽne ~e consecrated grave; on lífe ge on ~e in life and in death [licgan]; ~ weardian keep one’s bed legerbǽre [] adj sick, ill legerbedd [] n (-es/-) bed, sick bed; grave legerfæst [] adj sick, ill legerstów [] f (-e/-a) burial place legertéam [] m (-es/-as) cohabitation, marriage legerwíte [] f (-e/-a), m (-es/-as) fine for unlawful cohabitation legie [] f (-an/-an) legion [L] leloðre [] f (-an/-an) silverweed? lemian1 [] wv/t2 to subdue; lame, disable lempedu [] f (-e/-a) lamprey [L lampreda] lemphealt [] adj limping lempit [] f (-e/-a) dish, basin lencten [] 1. m (-es/-as) springtime; the fast of Lent; 2. adj pertaining to Lent lenctenádl [] f (-e/-a) spring fever, tertian ague, dysentery lenctenbere [] m (-es/-as) Lent barley lenctenbryce [] m (-es/-as) breach of the Lenten fast lenctendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of Lent lenctenerðe [] f (-an/-an) land ploughed in spring lenctenfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) Lent lenctenhǽtu [] f (-e/-a) heat of spring lenctenlic [] adj of spring, vernal; Lenten lenctenlifen [] f (-e/-a) Lenten fare lenctenmónað [] m (-mónðes/-mónðas) a spring month lenctensufel [] n (-es/-) Lent food lenctentíd [] f (-e/-e) spring, Lent lenctentíma [] m (-n/-n) spring; Lent lenctenwuce [] f (-an/-an) a week in Lent (rubric) lendan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres lendeð past lende ptp gelend aux wesan to land, arrive; go; ge~ to endow with land lendenádl [] f (-e/-a) disease of the loins lendenbán [] n (-es/-) loin-bone lendenbrǽde [] f (-an/-an) loin lendenece [] m (-es/-as) pain in the loins lendenséoc [] adj diseased in the loins lendensíd [] adj reaching to the loins lendenu [] n pl loins lendenwyrc [] m (-es/-as) a disease of the kidneys leng [] 1. f (-e/-a) length, height; 2. adv longer (cmp of lange) lengan [] wv/t1b 1. 1 to lengthen, prolong, protract, delay; extend, reach, attain; belong; on hornum gelengdum tubis ductilibus; 2. ge~ to call for lenge [] 1. adj 1 belonging, related; near (of time); 2. see lange; 3. see lengu lengfære [] adj more durable lengian [] impersonal wv/t2 w.a. to long [deleted] lengtogra [] cmp adj more prolix; cmp of langtog lengðu [] f (-e/-a) length; on ~e at length, finally lengu [] f (-e/-a) length; height lent [] f (-e/-a) lentil [L lentem] léo [] m (-n/-n), f (-n/-n) lion, lioness [L] léod [] 1. m (-es/-as) man; ‘wergeld’ for manslaughter; ge~ fellow-countryman, compatriot; 2 chief, prince, king; 2. f (-e/-a) people, nation [usu in pl léode] léodan2 [] sv/t2 3rd pres líedeð past léad/ludon ptp geloden to spring up, grow; spring from léodbealu2 [] n (-wes/-) calamity to a people léodbiscop [] m (-es/-as) suffragan bishop, provincial léodburg2 [] f (-byrg/-byrg) town; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum] léodbygen [] f (-e/-a) sale of one’s compatriots, slave-traffic léodcyning [] m (-es/-as) king, ruler léode [] f pl men, people, country léodfruma2 [] m (-n/-n) prince, patriarch, chief léodgeard2 [] m (-es/-as) country léodgebyrga2 [] m (-n/-n) lord, protector, prince, king léodgeld [] n (-es/-) ‘wergeld’ for manslaughter léodgeþincð [] f (-e/-a) order, rank léodgewinn [] n (-es/-) strife léodgryre [] m (-es/-as) general terror léodhata [] m (-n/-n) persecutor, tyrant léodhete2 [] m (-es/-as) popular hatred, hostility léodhryre [] m (-es/-as) fall of a prince (or nation?) léodhwæt [] adj very valiant léodmǽg2 [] m (-es/-mágas) relative, comrade léodmægen2 [] n (-es/-) might of the people, host léodmearc2 [] f (-e/-a) domain, country léodrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) country, region léodriht [] n (-es/-) law of the land léodrúne [] f (-an/-an) pythoness, sorceress léodscearu [] f (-e/-a) tribe, nation léodsceaða2 [] m (-n/-n) public enemy léodscipe [] m (-es/-as) nation, people; country, region léodstefn [] m (-es/-as) assembly léodþéaw [] m (-es/-as) popular usage léodweard2 [] f (-e/-a) government léodweras2 [] m pl men, human beings léodwerod [] n (-es/-) host of people léodwita [] m (-n/-n) wise man, elder, chief léodwynn [] f (-e/-a) home joy léof [] 1. 1 adj dear, valued, beloved, pleasant, agreeable; 2. m (-es/-as) beloved one, friend; (in addressing persons) sir!, sire!; impure companion léoffæst [] adj dear, precious léofian [] wv/i2 to be or become dear léoflic [] adj dear, lovable, pleasant, beautiful, delightful; precious, valued; adv ~líce lovingly, kindly, gladly, willingly léofspell [] n (-es/-) good news léoftǽl [] adj kind, lovable, loving, dear, grateful, agreeable léoftǽle [] adj kind, lovable, loving, dear, grateful, agreeable léofwende [] adj kind, loving, gracious, acceptable, estimable, agreeable léofwendum [] adv ardently léogan1 [] sv/i2 3rd pres líegð past léag/lugon ptp gelogen to lie; deceive, belie, betray; be in error; ~ on to charge falsely léogere [] m (-es/-as) liar, false witness; hypocrite léoht [] 1. adj light, not heavy; slight, easy, trifling, inconsiderable; quick, agile; gentle; 2. n (-es/-) light, daylight; power of vision; luminary; world; 3. adj luminous, bright, light, clear, resplendent, renowned, beautiful léohtbǽre [] adj brilliant, luminous léohtbéamede [] adj bright-shining léohtberend [] m (-es/-) light-bearer, Lucifer léohtberende [] adj light-bearing, luminous léohtbora [] m (-n/-n) light-bearer léohtbrǽdnes [] f (-se/-sa) levity, frivolity, wantonness léohte [] 1. adv lightly, easily, comfortably; 2. adv brightly, clearly, brilliantly léohtfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) lantern, torch, lamp, light léohtfætels [] m (-es/-as) lamp léohtfruma2 [] m (-n/-n) source of light léohtgesceot [] n (-es/-u) payment for providing lights in church léohtgescot [] n (-es/-u) payment for providing lights in church léohtian [] wv/t2 1. to be lightened, relieved; 2. to become light, dawn; give light, illuminate léohtísern [] n (-es/-) candlestick léohtléas [] adj dark léohtlic [] 1. adj light, of little weight or importance; adv ~líce lightly, slightly; inconsiderately; easily, quickly; gently, softly, slowly; 2. adj bright, radiant léohtmód [] adj easy-going léohtmódnes [] f (-se/-sa) inconstancy, frivolity léohtsáwend [] m (-es/-) author of light léohtscéawigend [] m (-es/-) light-seeing léoma1 [] m (-n/-n) ray of light, beam, radiance, gleam, glare; lightning léon1 [] 1. sv/t1 3rd pres líehð past láh/ligon ptp geligen to lend, give, grant [Ger leihen]; 2. gen, dat, acc sing of léo léona [] m (-n/-n), f (-n/-n) lion, lioness léones? [] f (-se/-sa) league léoneséað [] m (-a/-a) lion’s den léonflǽsc [] n (-es/-u) lion’s flesh léonfót [] m (-fét/-fét) lion’s foot (plant) léonhwelp [] m (-es/-as) lion’s club léoran1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres léorð past léorde ptp geléored (rarely geloren) to go, depart, vanish, die léorednes1 [] f (-se/-sa) departure, transmigration; death; anniversary of a death; vision léorende [] adj transitory leornere[] m (-es/-as) learner, disciple; scholar; reader leornes[] f (-se/-sa) learning leornestre[] f (-an/-an) student leornian1 [] wv/t2 to learn, read, study, think about leorningcild[] n (-es/-ru) student, disciple leorningcniht[] m (-es/-as) student, disciple leorningende[] adj teachable leorninghús[] n (-es/-) school leornung[] f (-e/-a) learning, reading, study, meditation; discipleship [dat sing leornunga] leornungcræft[] m (-es/-as) learning leornungmann[] m (-es/-menn) learner, disciple (used even of women) leornungscól[leor•nuŋg•skōl] f (-e/-a) school léoð[] n (-es/-) song, lay, poem léoðcræft[] m (-es/-as) poetic art; poem, poetry léoðcræftig[] adj skilled in song léoðcwide[] m (-es/-as) lay, poem léoðgidding[] f (-e/-a) lay, song, poem léoðlic[] adj versified léoðorún[] f (-e/-a) wise counsel given in song léoðsang [] m (-es/-as) song, poem, poetry leoðu [] 1. f (-e/-a) retinue, following?; 2. see líð léoðbend2 [] m (-es/-), f (-e/-a) chain, fetter, bond leoðubíge [] adj flexible, yielding leoðubígnes [] f (-se/-sa) flexibility of limbs leoðucǽga [] m (-n/-n) limbs serving as a key leoðucræft2 [] m (-es/-as) skill of hand leoðucræftig [] adj agile leoðufæst [] adj fast, able leoðulic [] adj appertaining to the limbs, bodily leoðusár [] n (-es/-) pain in the limbs leoðusyrce2 [] f (-an/-an) corselet leoðuwác [] adj with supple limbs, flexible, pliant leoðuwǽcan1 [] wv/i1b to be or become calm or pliant; appease, mitigate; revive; soften; adapt? léoðweorc [] n (-es/-) poetry léoðwíse [] f (-an/-an) verse, poetry léoðword [] n (-es/-) a word in a poem léoðwrenc [] m (-es/-as) trick in a poem?, spurious passage? léoðwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) poet léow [] n (-es/-er) ham, thigh leowe [] f (-an/-an) league (distance) lépene [] f? (-an/-an) a basket leppan [] wv/t1a to feed (hawks) lesan [] sv/t5 3rd pres lisð past læs/lǽson ptp gelesen to collect, pick, select, gather, glean lesca [] m (-n/-n) groin létanía [] m (-n/-n) litany [L litany] lettan1 [] wv/t1b to let, hinder, delay, impede, oppress lettend [] m (-es/-) hinderer letting [] f (-e/-a) letting, hindrance, delay leðercodd [] m (-es/-as) leather bag leðerhelm [] m (-es/-as) leathern helmet leðerhosu [] f (-e/-a) leathern gaiter leðerwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) tanner, currier leðren [] adj leathern léwsa [] m (-n/-n) weakness, misery Lia [] f (-e/-a) Lia Libanisc [] adj of Lebanon libban [] wv/t3 3rd pres leofað past lifde ptp gelifd to live, experience, be, exist líc [] n (-es/-) body; corpse líce1 [] adv as, like, equally, similarly (usu ge~); gelíce and like as if lícbeorg [] f (-e/-a) coffin, sarcophagus lícburg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) cemetery; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum] liccian [] wv/t2 to lick; lap, lick up liccing [] f (-e/-a) licking lícettan [] wv/t1b to feign, dissimulate; flatter lícettere [] m (-es/-as) deceiver, hypocrite lícettung [] f (-e/-a) feigning, deceit, hypocrisy, flattery lícetung [] f (-e/-a) feigning, deceit, hypocrisy, flattery lícfæt2 [] n (-es/-fatu) body licgan1 [] sv/i5 3rd pres ligeð past læg/lǽgon ptp is gelegen to lie, be situated, be at rest, remain, be; lie down, lie low, yield, subside, fall, lie prostrate, fail, lie dead; lead, extend to; flow, go, run; belong to; lie along, border?; ~ for take the part of; ~ mid cohabit with; ~ on cnéowum to kneel; wið licgendum féo for ready money líchama [] m (-n/-n) body, corpse; trunk líchamléas [] adj incorporeal líchamlic [] adj bodily, carnal, physical, material; adv ~líce bodily, personally, in the flesh líchanga [] m (-n/-n) gibbet? líchord2 [] n (-es/-) interior of the body líchrægel [] n (-es/-) winding-sheet líchryre [] m (-es/-as) bodily decay, death lícian [] 1. wv/t2 1 w.d. or impersonal to please; be sufficient; 2. ge~ to be or make like; seem likely líciendlic [] adj agreeable, pleasant; adv ~líce lícléoð [] n (-es/-) dirge líclic [] adj relating to the dead, funeral lícmann [] m (-es/-menn) bearer, pall-bearer lícnes [] f (-se/-sa) 1 likeness, similarity; figure, stature, image; ge~ parable lícpytt [] m (-es/-as) grave lícrest [] f (-e/-a) sepulcher, tomb; hearse; cemetery lícsang [] m (-es/-as) dirge lícsár2 [] n (-es/-) wound lícstów [] f (-e/-a) place of burial lícsyrce [] f (-an/-an) corselet líctún [] m (-es/-as) burial-ground lícþénung [] f (-e/-a) obsequies, funeral; laying out (of a corpse) lícþéote [] f (-an/-an) pore lícþrówere [] m (-es/-as) leper lícþrúh [] f (-þrýh/-þrýh) sepulcher [dat pl ~þrúm] lícung1 [] f (-e/-a) pleasure lícwíglung [] f (-e/-a) necromancy lícwund [] f (-e/-a) wound lícwyrðe1 [] adj pleasing, acceptable; estimable, praiseworthy; accepted, recognized, sterling lícwyrðlíce [] adv pleasingly lícwyrðnes [] f (-se/-sa) good pleasure lid2 [] n (-es/-u) ship, vessel [líðan] lida [] m (-n/-n) sailor lidmann2 [] m (-es/-menn) seafarer, sailor, pirate lidweard [] m (-es/-as) shipmaster lidwérig [] adj weary of sea-voyages Lidwiccas [] m pl the people of Brittany, (or using the name of the people for the country) Brittany; [The word seems to contain the British word for Amoricea, Llydaw] Lidwícingas [] m pl the people of Brittany, (or using the name of the people for the country) Brittany; [The word seems to contain the British word for Amoricea, Llydaw] líefan1 [] 1. wv/t1b to allow, grant, concede; 2. wv/t1b, wv/i1b to believe, trust, confide in; 3. ge~ to be dear to líeg [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) fire, flame, lightning líesan1 [] wv/t1b to loosen, release, redeem, deliver, liberate líesing [] 1. m (-es/-as) freedman; 2. f (-e/-a) deliverance, release líf [] 1. n (-es/-) life, existence; life-time; on ~e, tó ~e, ~esalive; way of life (e.g. monastic); place where the life is according to rule, monastery; 2. see léf; 3. see leaf1 lífbrycgung [] f (-e/-a) way of life lífbysig [] adj struggling for life lífcearu2 [] f (-e/-a) care about life lífdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) life day, lifetime (usu in pl) lifen [] f (-e/-a) sustenance lifer [] 1. f (lifre/lifra) liver; 2. f (-e/-a) a weight [L libra?] liferádl [] f (-e/-a) liver complaint liferbýl [] m (-es/-as) protuberance of the liver liferhol [] n (-es/-u) hollow in the liver liferlæppa [] m (-n/-n) lobe of the liver liferséoc [] adj ill in the liver liferséocnes [] f (-se/-sa) disease of the liver liferwærc [] m (-es/-as) pain in the liver liferwyrt [] f (-e/-e) liverwort [listed as n] líffadung [] f (-e/-a) regulation of life líffæc [] n (-es/-facu) lifetime, life líffæst1 [] adj living, quickened, full of life, vigorous; life-giving; settled líffæstan1 [] wv/t1b to quicken, endow with life líffréa2 [] m (-n/-n) Lord of life, God líffruma2 [] m (-n/-n) source of life (God) lífgedál [] n (-es/-) death lífgesceaft2 [] f (-e/-a) life’s conditions or record lífgetwinnan [] m pl twins lifiende [] adj that lives or has life; when alive; noun the living líflád [] f (-e/-a) course of life, conduct lífléas [] adj not endowed with life, lifeless, inanimate; dead lífléast [] f (-e/-a) loss of life, death líflic [] adj living; lively; long-lived; necessary to life, vital; adv ~líce vitally, so as to impart life lífflyre [] m (-es/-as) loss of life lífneru [] f (-e/-a) food, sustenance lífweard [] m (-es/-as) guardian of life lífweg [] m (-es/-as) way of life, way in life lífwela2 [] m (-n/-n) riches lífwelle [] adj living (water) lífwraðu2 [] f (-e/-a) protection of life lífwynn2 [] f (-e/-a) enjoyment of life lígbǽre [] adj flaming lígberende [] adj flaming lígbryne2 [] m (-es/-as) burning, fire lígbysig [] adj busy with fire lígcwalu [] f (-e/-a) fiery torment lígdraca2 [] m (-n/-n) fiery dragon lígegesa [] m (-n/-n) flaming terror lígen [] 1. adj flaming, fiery; 2. past part of léon líget [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) lightning, flash of lightning [líeg] lígetu [] f (-e/-a) lightning, flash of lightning [líeg] lígetræsc [] m (-es/-as) lightning, flash of light, coruscation [líget] lígetsleht [] m (-es/-as) lightning-stroke, thunderbolt lígetung [] f (-e/-a) lightning lígfǽmende [] adj vomiting fire lígfámbláwende [] adj vomiting fire lígfýr [] n (-es/-) fire líglic [] adj fiery líglocc [] adj having flaming locks líglocced [] adj having flaming locks lígnan2 [] wv/t1b to deny ligrægel [] ? (-?/-?) a garment of varied hues lígræscetung [] f (-e/-a) lightning lígræscung [] f (-e/-a) lightning lígspíwel [] adj vomiting flame lígþracu2 [] f (-e/-a) fiery onset, violence of flames [dat sing ~þræce] lígýð [] f (-e/-a) wave of fire líhtan [] 1. wv/t1b 1 to make light, easy, relieve, alleviate; dismount, alight; 2. to lighten, illuminate, give light, shine; grow light, dawn; light, kindle líhting [] 1. f (-e/-a) relief, alleviation, release; 2. f (-e/-a) shining, illumination, light; dawn; lightning líhtingnes [] f (-se/-sa) lightness of taxation líhtnes [] f (-se/-sa) brightness lilie [] f (-an/-an) lily [L lilium] lim [] n (-es/leomu) limb, member; branch; agent, offspring?; bone? lím [] m (-es/-as) anything sticky, lime, mortar, cement, gluten; bird-lime, snare límfín [] f (-e/-a) lime-heap limgelecg [] n (-es/-) shape limgesíð [] f (-e/-a) body limhál [] adj sound of limb líming [] f (-e/-a) smearing, plastering limlǽw [] f (-e/-a) injury to limbs, mutilation limlǽweo [] adj maimed limléas [] adj without limbs limmǽlum [] adv limb by limb limmlama [] wk adj, masc. noun crippled limnacod [] adj stark naked limpan1 [] sv/i3 3rd pres limpð past lamp/lumpon ptp is gelumpen to happen, occur, exist; belong to, suit, befit; concern limpful1 [] adj fitting, convenient limplǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b to unite, connect limséoc2 [] adj lame, paralytic limwǽde [] n (-es/-u) clothing limwæstm [] m (-es/-as) stature limwérig [] adj weary of limb lín [] n (-es/-) flax, linen, cloth, napkin, towel línæcer [] m (-es/-as) flax-field lind [lind] 1. f (-e/-a) lime-tree, linden; 2 shield (of wood); 2. see lynd lindcroda [] m (-n/-n) crash of shields, battle linden [] adj made of linden-wood lindgecrod [] n (-es/-u) shield-bearing troop lindgelác [] n (-es/-) battle lindgestealla2 [] m (-n/-n) companion in war lindhæbbende [] m (-es/-) shield-bearer, warrior lindplega2 [] m (-n/-n) shield-play, battle lindrycg [] m (-es/-as) ridge where limes grow lindwered [] n (-es/-) troop armed with shields lindwiga [] m (-n/-n) warrior lindwígend2 [] m (-es/-) shielded warrior lindwíggend2 [] m (-es/-) shielded warrior líne [] f (-an/-an) line, cable, rope; series, row; rule, direction linen [] adj linen, made of flax línenhrægl [] n (-es/-) linen cloth línenweard [] adj clad in linen línete [] f (-an/-an) linnet línetwige [] f (-an/-an) linnet línetwigle [] f (-an/-an) linnet línhǽwen [] adj flax-colored línland [] n (-es/-) land in flax línléag [] m (-es/-as) flax ground linnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres linð past lann/lunnon ptp gelunnen w.i. or w.g. to cease from, desist, lose, yield up (life) línsǽd [] n (-es/-) linseed línsétcorn [] n (-es/-) a grain of linseed línwǽd [] f (-e/-e) linen cloth or garment línwyrt [] f (-e/-e) flax lippa [] m (-n/-n) lip lippe? [] f (-an/-an) lip líra [] m (-n/-n) any fleshy part of the body, muscle, calf of the leg líreht [] adj fleshy liss [] f (-e/-a) grace, favor, love, kindness, mercy; joy, peace, rest; remission, forgiveness; alleviation; saving (of life); [formerly líðs] [líðe] lissan [] wv/t1a to subdue list [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) art, cleverness, cunning, experience, skill, craft; ~um cunningly, skillfully líste [] f (-an/-an) list, fringe, border listelíce [] adv carefully listhendig [] adj skillful listwrenc [] m (-es/-as) deception lit [] ? (-?/-?) color, dye lítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres líteð past lát/liton ptp geliten to cause to bow, bend, incline; [from lútan as bígan is from búgan] lið [] 1. n (-es/-u, leoðu), m (-es/-as) limb, member; joint; tip (of finger), point; 2. n (-es/-u, leoðu) fleet [ON lið] líð [] 1. n (-es/-) cider, native wine, fermented drink; beaker, cup; 2. mercy; 3. pres 3rd sing of licgan; 4. adj see líðe; 5. see líhð Líða [] m (-n/-n) name of the months June (ǽrra ~), and July (æftera ~) liðádl [] f (-e/-a) gout líðan [] sv/i1 3rd pres líðeð past láð/lidon ptp is geliden 1. 1 to go, travel, sail; ge~ arrive; 2. to be bereft of; 3. see líðigian líðe [] adj lithe, soft, gentle, meek, mild, serene, benign, gracious, pleasant, sweet [cmp lýðre] líðeléaf [] n (-es/-) camomile líðelic [] adj gentle, soft, mild; adv ~líce liðera [] m (-n/-n) sling, slinging pouch (2) liðercian [] wv/t2 to smooth down, flatter liðere [] f (-an/-an) sling, slinging pouch (1) liðerlic [] adj of a sling liðewácung [] f (-e/-a) mitigation; [compeditorium] [pl as leoðuwácunga] liðian1 [] wv/t2 to unloose, release líðig [] adj lithe, flexible, bending, yielding líðigian [] wv/t2 1 to soften, calm, mitigate, assuage, appease; be mild liðincel [] n (-incles/-inclu) little joint líðnes [] f (-se/-sa) mildness, softness, gentleness, kindness liðséaw [] n (-es/-) synovia liðsmann [] m (-es/-menn) seafarer, pirate liðule [] m (-es/-as) synovia [lið, ele] líðung [] f (-e/-a) alleviation, relief; complaisance, indulgence, kindness, obliging disposition or conduct, mercy, grace, favor; Permission to do any thing; forbearance in view of any wrong that has been done, forgiveness, pardon, remission [venia], a pitying, pity, compassion, commiseration; rhetor., a pathetic speech [miseratio] líðwǽge [] n (-es/-u) drinking-cup liðwærc [] m (-es/-as) pain in the limbs líðwyrde [] adj mild of speech líðwyrt [] f (-e/-e) dwarf elder líxan [] wv/i1b to shine, flash, glitter, gleam líxende [] adj splendidly líxung [] f (-e/-a) brilliance, brightness lobbe [] f (-an/-an) spider loc [] 1. n (-es/-u) lock, bolt, bar; enclosure, fold, prison, stronghold; bargain, agreement, settlement, conclusion; clause; [lúcan]; 2. see locc 1 lóc, lóca [] interj look, see, look you; ~ hú however; whatever;~ hwænne/hwonne whenever; spel ~ hwænne mann wille a discourse for any occasion you please; ~ hwǽr wherever; ~ hwǽðer whichever; ~ hwá whoever, ~ hwæt whatever; ~ hwylc whichever; ~ nu observe, note, behold loca [] 1. m (-n/-n) enclosure, stronghold; 2. m (-n/-n) lock (of wool) locbore[] f (-an/-an) one who wears long hair, free woman locc [] 1. m (-es/-as) lock (of hair), hair, curl; 2. see loc 1 loccian1 [] wv/t2 to attract, entice, soothe loccod [] adj hairy, shaggy locfeax [] n (-es/-u) hair locgewind [] m (-es/-as) hair lochyrdel [] m (-es/-as) hurdle for sheepfolds lócian [] wv/t2 1 to see, behold, look, gaze; observe, notice, take heed; belong, pertain; ~ tó regard with favor locor [] m (-es/-as) plane (tool) locstán [] m (-es/-as) stone closing an entrance loddere [] m (-es/-as) beggar [lýðre] lof [] 1. n (-es/-u) praise, glory, repute; song of praise, hymn; 2. n (-es/-u) protection, help? lóf [] ? (-?/-?) band, fillet; [redimicula] lofbǽre [] adj praising, giving praise lofdǽd [] f (-e/-e) praiseworthy deed lofgeorn [] adj eager for praise; lavish?, ostentatious? lofherung [] f (-e/-a) praising lofian [] wv/t2 to praise, exalt; 1 appraise, value loflác [] n (-es/-) offering in honor of any one loflǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b to praise loflic [] adj laudable; adv ~líce gloriously lofmægen [] n (-es/-) praise lofsang [] m (-es/-as) song of praise, canticle, hymn, psalm; lauds lofsealm [] m (-es/-as) the 148th Psalm, lauds lofsingende [] adj singing hymns of praise lofsum [] adj praiseworthy lofte [] adv phr ~ (on) in the air, aloft lofung [] f (-e/-a) praising, laudation; appraising lógian1 [] wv/t2 to lodge, place, put by; put in order, arrange, collect, settle; discourse; divide, portion out; ge~ úp lay by, deposit; gelógod interpolated; gelógod spræc (well)-ordered speech logðer [] adj cunning, artful lóh [] 1. n (lóges/-) place, stead (only in phr on his ~); 2. past 3rd sing of lean 2 lóhsceaft [] m (-es/-as) bolt, bar?, stick with a strap to it? lóma1 [] m (-n/-n) tool, utensil, article of furniture lóme1 [] 1. adj frequent; 2. adv often, frequently; oft (and) ge~ constantly, diligently lómlǽcan1 [] irreg wv/t1b to frequent; be frequent londádl [] f (-e/-a) strangury? [hland] Longbeardan [] m pl Lombards Longbeardas [] m pl Lombards loppe [] f (-an/-an) spider loppestre [] f (-an/-an) lobster; locust lor [] n (-es/-u) loss, destruction (in phr tó ~e/lóse) lorg [] f (-e/-a), m (-es/-as) pole, distaff, weaver’s beam lorh [] f (-e/-a), m (lóres/lóras) pole, distaff, weaver’s beam losian [] wv/t2 1 to be lost, fail, perish; 1 escape, get away; lose; destroy losigendlic [] adj ready to perish losing [] f (-e/-a) loss, destruction loswist [] f (-e/-e) loss, destruction lot [] n (-es/-u) fraud, guile lotwrenc [] m (-es/-as) deception, deceit, cunning, artifice, trick lotwrencceast [] f (-e/-a) cunning loða [] m (-n/-n) upper garment, mantle, cloak loðrung [] f (-e/-a) delusion; rubbish, nonsense lox [] m (-es/-as) lynx [Ger luchs] lúcan [] sv/t2 3rd pres lýcð past léac/lucon ptp gelocen 1. 1 to lock, close, enclose, fasten, shut up; intr to close up, form one mass; interlock, intertwine, twist, wind; conclude; 2. pluck out, pull up ludgæt [] n (-es/-gatu) side-gate, postern gate lufe [] f (-an/-an) loved home lufen [] f (-e/-a) hope? lufestice [] f (-an/-an) lovage (plant) [L levisticum] lufestre [] f (-an/-an) female lover luffeorm [] f (-e/-a) hospitality lufian1 [] wv/t2 to love, cherish, sow love to; fondle, caress; delight in, approve, practice lufiend [] m (-es/-) lover lufiende [] adj affectionate lufiendlic [] adj lovely, beautiful; lovable lufigendlic [] adj lovely, beautiful; lovable luflic [] adj amiable, loving; lovable; adv ~líce kindly; willingly, gladly lufrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) love lufsum [] adj loving, lovable, pleasant
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