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Mǽrlic [] adj great, splendid, glorious, famous; adv ~líce

mǽrnes [] f (-se/-sa) greatness, honor, fame

mǽrpól [] m (-es/-as) boundary-pool

mǽrpúl [] m (-es/-as) boundary-pool

mǽrpytt [] m (-es/-as) pit on a boundary

mǽrsere [] m (-es/-as) herald

mǽrsian1 [] wv/t2 1. to make or become famous, proclaim, declare, announce; celebrate; glorify, honor, exalt, praise; spread (fame); enlarge; 2. to mark out, bound, limit

mǽrsíc [] n (-es/-) border rivulet

mǽrstán [] m (-es/-as) boundary-stone

mǽrsung [] f (-e/-a) fame, report, renown; celebration, festival; exalting, magnifying; 1 magnificence, celebrity

mǽrsungtíma [] m (-n/-n) time of glorifying

mǽrð [] f (-e/-a) glory, fame; famous exploit

mǽrþorn1 [] m (-es/-as) boundary-hawthorn

mǽrþyrne1 [] f (-an/-an) boundary-hawthorn

mǽrweg1 [] m (-es/-as) boundary-road

mǽrweorc [] n (-es/-) noble work

mǽsc-see máx-

mæscre [] f (-an/-an) mesh

mæsen [] adj brazen; of maple

mæslere [] m (-es/-as) sacristan

mæsse [] f (-an/-an) mass, Eucharist, celebration of Eucharist; special mass-day, festival of the church [L missa]

mæsseǽfen [] m (-ǽfnes/-ǽfnas) eve of a festival

mæssebóc [] f (-béc/-béc) mass-book, missal

mæssecapitol [] m (-es/-as) chapter of the mass

mæssecréda [] m (-n/-n) creed said at mass, Nicene creed

mæssedæg [] m (-es/-dagas) mass-day, festival

mæssegierela [] m (-n/-n) mass-vestment, surplice

mæssehacele [] f (-an/-an) mass-vestment, cope, chasuble

mæssehrægl [] n (-es/-) vestment, surplice

mæsselác [] n (-es/-) mass offering, host

mæsseniht [] f (-e/-) eve of a festival; [gen/dat sing ~e; gen/dat pl ~a/~um]

mæssepréost [] m (-es/-as) mass-priest, clergyman, high-priest

mæssepréosthád [] m (-a/-a) office or orders of a mass-priest

mæssepréostscír [] f (-e/-a) district for which a mass-priest officiated

mæsserbana [] m (-n/-n) murderer of a priest

mæssere [] m (-es/-as) priest who celebrates mass

mæsseréaf [] n (-es/-) mass-vestments

mæssesang [] m (-es/-as) office of mass

mæssesteall [] m (-es/-as) seat in a church choir, place from which the priest said mass?

mæssetíd [] f (-e/-e) time of saying mass

mæsseþegn [] m (-es/-as) mass-priest

mæsseþénung [] f (-e/-a) service of the mass, celebration of mass

mæsseúhta [] m (-n/-n) hour, or service, of matins on feast-day

mæssewín [] n (-es/-) wine used at mass

mæssian1 [] wv/t2 to celebrate mass; ge~ to attend mass

mæssung [] f (-e/-a) office of mass

mæst [] 1. m (-es/-as) (ship’s) mast; 2. m (-es/-as) mast, food of swine, acorns, beech-nuts

mǽst [] 1. adj most; spl of micel; 2. adv mostly, for the most part, in the greatest degree, chiefly, especially, very much; eal ~, ~ eal almost, nearly; ~ ǽlc nearly every one; 3. n (-es/-) most

mæstan1 [] wv/t1b to feed with mast, fatten; anoint

mæstcyst [] f (-e/-e) mast-socket

mæstelberg [] m (-es/-as) fattened hog [bearg]

mæsten [] n (mæstnes/-) mast, pasture for swine

mæstenrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) right of feeding swine in mast-pastures

mæstentréow [] n (-es/-) tree yielding mast

mæstland [] n (-es/-) land yielding mast

mǽstlícost [] spl adv particularly

mæstling [] 1. m (-es/-as) brass; brazen vessel; [listed as n]; 2. fatling

mæstlingsmið [] m (-es/-as) brass-worker

mæstlón [] noun pl pulleys at the top of a mast

mæstráp [] m (-es/-as) mast-rope

mæsttwist [] m (-es/-as) rope supporting a mast

mǽte [] adj mean, moderate, poor, inferior, small, bad; adv ~

mǽting [] f (-e/-a) dream

mǽð [] 1. f (-e/-a) measure, degree, proportion, rate; honor, respect, reverence; what is meet, right, fitness, ability, virtue, goodness; lot, state, rank; 2. n (-es/maðu) cutting of grass

mǽðegian1 [] wv/t2 to honor, respect, spare

mæðel [] n (-es/-) council, meeting, popular assembly; 2 speech, interview

mæðelcwide2 [] m (-es/-as) discourse

mæðelern [] n (-es/-) council-house, praetorium

mæðelfrið [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-u) security (frið) enjoyed by public assemblies

mæðelhégende2 [] adj holding conclave, deliberating

mæðelhergende2 [] adj holding conclave, deliberating

mæðelstede [] m (-es/-as) place of assembly; battlefield

mæðelword [] n (-es/-) address, speech

mǽðere [] m (-es/-as) mower

mǽðful [] adj humane

mǽðléas [] adj rapacious

mǽðlic [] adj moderate, proportioned, befitting; adv ~líce humanely, courteously

mǽðméd [] f (-e/-a) pay for homemaking

mǽðre [] m (-es/-as) mower

mǽðrian1 [] wv/t2 to honor

mǽðung [] f (-e/-a) measuring, adjudication

mǽw [] m (-es/-as) mew, sea-gull

mǽwpul [] m (-es/-as) seagulls’ pool

me [] 1. pron me; dative of ic; 2. see menn

meagol [] adj mighty, strong, firm, emphatic, impressive [magan]

meagollíce [] adv earnestly

meagolmód [] adj earnest, strenuous

meagolmódnes [] f (-se/-sa) earnestness

meagolnes [] f (-se/-sa) earnestness, strength of will

mealmeht [] adj sandy?, chalky? [malm]

mealmstán [] m (-es/-as) soft stone, sandstone, limestone? [malm]

mealt [] 1. n (-es/-) steeped grain, malt; 2. adj sour; 3. past of meltan

mealtealoð [] n (-es/-) malt-ale

mealtgescot [] n (-es/-u) payment in malt

mealthús [] n (-es/-) malt-house

mealtwyrt [] f (-e/-e) malt-wort

mealwe[] f (-an/-an) mallow [L: malva]

mearc [] f (-e/-a) 1 mark, sign, line of division; standard; 1 boundary, limit, term, border; defined area, district, province; tó þæs ge~es þe in the direction that

mearca [] m (-n/-n) space marked out

mearcdíc [] f (-e/-a) boundary-ditch

mearcere [] m (-es/-as) writer, notary

mearcford [] m (-a/-a) boundary-ford

mearcgemot [] n (-es/-u) court for settling boundaries of properties?

mearcgrǽfa [] m (-n/-n) boundary-thicket

mearchlinc [] m (-es/-as) boundary-ridge

mearchof [] n (-es/-u) dwelling

mearcian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres mearcað past mearcode ptp gemearcod to mark, stain, brand, seal; mark a boundary, measure, define, describe, designate; mark out, design; create; note, observe; gemearcod baptized

mearcísern [] n (-es/-) branding iron

mearcísen [] n (-ísnes/-) branding iron

mearcland [] n (-es/-) border-land, march, moor; 2 province, country, district; sea-coast

mearcpæð2 [] m (-es/-paðas) road, path

mearcstapa2 [] m (-n/-n) march-hunter

mearcstede [] m (-es/-as) border-land, desolate district

mearcþréat [] m (-es/-as) army, troop

mearcung [] f (-e/-a) marking, branding; mark, characteristic; 1 description, arrangement; constellation; title, chapter

mearcweard [] m (-es/-as) wolf

mearcweg [] m (-es/-as) border-road

mearcwill [] m (-es/-as) boundary-spring

mearg [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) 1. marrow, pith; 2. sausage (see mærg); 3. see mearh 1.

méargealla [] m (-es/-as) gentian [mearh]

mearglic [] adj marrowy, fat

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