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Myne [] 1. 2 m (-es/-as) memory, remembrance; feeling, affection, love, favor; purpose, desire, wish; memorial; ~ witanto love; 2. m (-es/-as) minnow; 3. see mene

mynecen [] f (-ne/-na) female monk, nun [munuc]

mynecenu [] f (-e/-a) female monk, nun [munuc]

mynegiendlic [] adj hortatory

mynegung1 [] f (-e/-a) warning, admonition, exhortation; claim [= gemyndgung]

mynelic [] adj desirable

mynet [] n (-es/-) coin, money [L moneta]

mynetcýpa [] m (-n/-n) money-changer

mynetere [] m (-es/-as) minter, coiner; money-changer

mynetian1 [] wv/t2 to coin

mynetísen [] n (-es/-) coinage?, die for stamping coin?

mynetslege [] m (-es/-as) minting, coinage

mynetsmiððe [] f (-an/-an) mint

mynian [] wv/t2 to intend, be impelled; direct oneself towards an object

mynle [] f (-an/-an) desire

mynna [] m (-n/-n) intention

mynster [] n (-es/-) monastery, nunnery; mother-church, minster, cathedral

mynsterbóc [] f (-bóce/-béc) minster-book

mynsterclǽnsung [] f (-e/-a) purification of a minster

mynsterclúse [] f (-an/-an) monastic enclosure, stall, cell, monastery

mynsterfæder [] m (-es/-as) abbot

mynsterfǽmne [] f (-an/-an) nun

mynstergang [] m (-es/-as) act of joining an order of monks

mynstergéat [] n (-es/-gatu) monastery gate

mynsterhám [] m (-es/-as) monastery

mynsterhata [] m (-n/-n) persecutor of monasteries

mynsterland [] n (-es/-) land owned by a monastery

Mynsterlic [] adj monastic; adv ~líce

mynsterlíf [] n (-es/-) monastic life; monastery

mynstermann [] m (-es/-menn) monk

mynstermunuc [] m (-es/-as) monk who lives in a monastery (i.e. not an anchorite)

mynsterprafost [] m (-es/-as) provost of a monastery

mynsterpréost [] m (-es/-as) priest of a church or minster

mynsterscír [] f (-e/-a) control of a monastery

mynsterstede [] m (-es/-as) monastic buildings

mynsterstów [] f (-e/-a) place of a minster, town

mynstertimbrung [] f (-e/-a) building of a monastery

mynsterþéaw [] f (-e/-a) monastic custom

mynsterþegnung [] f (-e/-a) monastic service

mynsterþing [] n (-es/-) property of the monestary

mynsterwíse [] f (-an/-an) monastic custom

myntan1 [] wv/t1b to intend, determine, resolve; destine; think; bring forth; give up to

myranhéafod [] n (-héafdes/-) mare’s head (a nickname)

myrgan [] wv/i1b to be merry, rejoice

myrge [] adj pleasing, agreeable; pleasant, sweet [merry]; adv ~, ~líce pleasantly, melodiously

myrgeléoð [] n (-es/-) epitaph?

myrgen [] 1. f (-e/-a) joy, pleasure; 2. see morgen

myrgnes [] f (-se/-sa) melody

myrgð [] f (-e/-a) mirth, joy, pleasure, sweetness (of sound)

myrhð [] f (-e/-a) mirth, joy, pleasure, sweetness (of sound)

myrra [] m (-n/-n) myrrh

myrre [] f (-an/-an) myrrh

myrrelse [] f (-an/-an) offence, scandal, stumbling-block

myrten [] 1. n (-es/-) flesh of an animal which has died of itself, carrion; 2. adj dead (of animals which have not been killed)

myrðe? [] adj murderous

myrðra [] m (-n/-n) homicide, murder

myrðran see á~, for~, of~

myrðrian see á~, for~, of~

myrðrung [] f (-e/-a) parricide, murder

myrðu [] 1. f (-e/-a) mischief, trouble; 2. adj murderous

myscan1 [] wv/t1b to injure, afflict; offend

myscl [] noun pl flies



[] conj, adv not, no, not at all, not even, never, by no means; ~ þæt án not only; ~…~ neither…nor; ne ~ nor; ~ má no more; ~ læs not a smaller number; ~ máre sb. nothing more; [1. qualifying a verb expressed or implied, (a) without any other negative particle, (b) with other negatives; 2. qualifying (a) an adjective; (b) anadverb or adverbial phrase]

nabban [] wv/t3 3rd pres næfð past næfde ptp genæfd not to have, to lack, be without [ne + habban]

naca2 [] m (-n/-n) vessel, boat, bark, ship [Ger nachen]

nacian [] wv/t2 to strip (the clothes off a person)

nacod [] adj 1. naked, nude, bare; empty; (a) of persons, without clothing, destitute of clothing (implying poverty and wretchedness); (b) of an animal, unsaddled, bare-backed; (c) of a sword, naked, unsheathed; (d) of a surface, bare, without a covering; 2. bare in a metaph. sense, (a) of persons, destitute, stripped of property; (b) ofwords, not accompanied with deeds; God nelle þæt þu hine lufie mid nacodum wordum ac mid rihtwísum dǽdum; (c) ofanarrative, bare, without amplification or comment; [in Clark Hall, listed as f nakedness]; 3. f (-e/-a) nakedness

nacodwráxlere [] m (-es/-as) gymnosophist

nafela [] m (-n/-n) navel

nafeða [] m (-n/-n) nave (of a wheel)

nafu [] f (-e/-a) nave (of a wheel)

nafugár [] m (-a/-a) an auger

nafulsceaft [] f (-e/-a) navel

nágan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres náh past náhte ptp genǽgen/genágen not to owe, not to be bound, not to be allowed, to have no right to, ought not; not to own, not to have, to lose, be unable to; not to be obliged or bound to do; w.a.; w.g.; náhte ought not

náht [] 1. n (-es/-u) naught, nothing, a thing of no value; wickedness, evil-doing; instrumental náhte + comparative adjectives = nothing; w.g.; ealles ~ nothing at all; ~ elles nothing else; 2. adj useless, bad, poor; 3. adv not, not at all [ + wiht]

náhtfremmend [] m (-es/-) evil-doer

náhtgítsung [] f (-e/-a) wicked avarice

náhtlic [] adj worthless, of no avail; adv ~líce wickedly, badly

náhtnes [] f (-se/-sa) worthlessness, cowardice

náhtscipe [] m (-es/-as) worthlessness [listed as f]

náhwanon [] adv from nowhere; not at all

náhwǽr [] adv nowhere, in no place; in no case, never; in no respect, not at all

náhwǽrn [] adv nowhere, in no case, never, not at all

náhwæðer [] 1. adj neither; (neuter); 2. conj neither; ~…ne neither…nor

náhwider [] adv nowhither, to nowhere, to no place

náhwonan [] adv from nowhere

nám [] f (-e/-a) (legal) seizure, seizure of property belonging to one which is in the hands of another

nama [] m (-n/-n) 1. name (as the individual designation of a single person, animal, place, or thing; mín nama is Adam my name is Adam; 2. noun, the particular word used to denote any object of thought not considered in a purely individual character; swá is his nama as is its name; 2b. a title of rank or dignity; 3. the name of God or Christ, with implication of divine nature and power inherent in it; Dryhten úre God, hú wundorlic þín nama is Lord our God, how wonderful is your name; 4. the reputation of some character or attribute, with gen. or clause; híe mé habbað benumen mínes naman they have deprived me of my reputation; 4a. a distinguished name, reputation; 5. (one’s) repute or reputation; 6. the mere appellation in contrast or opposition to the actual person or thing; 7. in prepositional phrases, (1) be naman, (a) with verbs of naming; maniga éa sind be naman nemnede for þǽm gefeohte many rivers are named for the battle; (b) with verbs of calling upon, mentioning, etc.; (c) with verb ofknowing, individually; ic can þec be naman I know thee individually; (2) on/in naman, (a) in phrases expressing invocationof, reliance on, devotion to, (α) the persons of the Godhead; híe fulligað on naman Fæder and Suna and þæs Hálgan Gástes they baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; (β) power of evil; (b) inadjuration, (α) by reference to the Deity or to saints; ic bebeode on Godes naman I ask in God’s name; (β) by reference to heathen gods orevil spirits; hé him swór on his goda naman he swore to him on his good name; (c) in case of dedication; (d) under the character or dedication of

nambóc [] f (-béc/-béc) a book in which names are written, register of names

nambred [] n (-es/-u) a tablet on which names are written, register of names (on a tablet)

namcíeging [] f (-e/-a) a calling by name, naming

namcúð [] adj well-known, having the name well-known, famous; celebrated, famous, of note, renown

namcúðlíce [] adv by name, individually

namian1 [] wv/t2 to name, give a name to; name, mention the name of, mention; call, call by some name or epithet; name, nominate, appoint by name to a particular duty

nammǽlum [] adv by name, name by name

namnian [] wv/t2 to name, invoke, call by name

namrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) learning, erudition; naming

nán [] 1. pron, adj none, not one, no; ~e þinga on no account; mid nánum ~um not at all; 2. noun w.g. none, no one, no man, nothing [né, án]

nánuht [] 1. n (-es/-u) (oft w.g.) nothing, naught; 2. adv nothing, not at all, in no wise (3)

nánwiht [] 1. n (-es/-u) (oft w.g.) nothing, naught; 2. adv nothing, not at all, in no wise (1)

nánwuht [] 1. n (-es/-u) (oft w.g.) nothing, naught; 2. adv nothing, not at all, in no wise (2)

nard [] m (-es/-as) spikenard, unguent [L nardus]

náteshwón [] adv not, not at all, by no means

náteþæshwón [] adv not, not at all, by no means

náthwá [] adj pron some one unknown; [= L nescio quis]

náthwǽr [] adv in some place unknown, somewhere or other

náthwæt [] pron something unknown, something or other; rúhes ~ something rough, I know not what

náthwilc [] adj pron (indef) 2 (I know not which), some one or other, someone (I know not who)

náþing [] n (-es/-) nothing

náþýlǽs [] conj nevertheless

náwa [] adv never [ne + áwa]

náwérn [] adv nowhere [= náhwǽrn]

náwiht [] 1. n (-es/-u) naught, nothing, a thing of no value; wickedness, evil-doing; instrumental náhte + comparative adjectives = nothing; w.g.; ealles ~ nothing at all; ~ elles nothing else; 2. adj useless, bad, poor; 3. adv not, not at all [ + wiht]

náwihtfremmend [] m (-es/-) evil-doer

náwihtlic [] adj worthless, of no avail; adv ~líce wickedly, badly, ignobly

náwihtnes [] f (-se/-sa) worthlessness, cowardice

Nazarenisc [] adj Nazarene

næcednes [] f (-se/-sa) nakedness

næcedu [] f (-e/-a) nakedness

nǽddrewinde [] f (-an/-an) alder-wort

nǽderbita [] m (-n/-n) ichneumon

nǽdercynn [] n (-es/-) snake-tribe; a kind of snake

nǽderfáh [] adj spotted like a snake

nǽderwinde [] f (-an/-an) the name of a plant, adder-wort

nǽdl [] f (-e/-a) needle

nǽdre [] f (-an/-an) adder, snake, serpent, viper, any kind of snake

nǽdrecynn [] n (-es/-) a kind of snake

nǽdrewyrt [] f (-e/-e) adder-wort

næfebor [] n (-es/-u) auger [nafu]

nǽfre [] adv never [ne + ǽfre]; 1. alone; 2. with other negatives

næft [] f (-e/-a) need, want, poverty, indignance

næftcyrrend [] adj not returning

næftig [] adj poor, indigent, not having means

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