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Lahlic [] adj lawful, legal; adv ~líce
lahmann [] m (-es/-menn) an official declarer of the law lahriht [] n (-es/-) legal right lahslitt [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) fine for breach of the (Danish) law lahslite [] m (-es/-as) fine for breach of the (Danish) law lahwita [] m (-n/-n) lawyer lám [] n (-es/-) loom, clay, earth lama [] wk adj crippled, lame, paralytic, weak; m (-n/-n) crippled, lame, paralytic, weak lamb [] n (-es/-ru) lamb lambyrd [] f (-e/-a) imperfect birth lámfæt2 [] n (-es/-fatu) vessel of clay (the body) lamrede [] f (-an/-an) lamprey [L] lámpytt [] m (-es/-as) loam pit lámsceall [] ? (-?/-?) tile lámséað [] m (-a/-a) loam pit lámwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) potter land [] n (-es/-) earth, land, soil; territory, realm, province, district; landed property; country (not town); ridge in a ploughed field; ǽhte ~ landed property; gelǽtan néah ~ approach the shore?; wéste ~ waste land, desert landágend [] m (-es/-) native landágende [] adj owning land landbegenga [] m (-n/-n) husbandman, peasant landbegengnes [] f (-se/-sa) habitation landbigong [] m (-es/-as) dwelling in a country landbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) land-book, written grant of land landbrǽce [] m (-es/-as) first ploughing (after land has lain fallow) landbúend [] 1. m (-es/-), f (-e/-a) inhabitant, native; husbandman; 2. f (-e/-a) colony landbúende [] adj dwelling on the land landbúnes [] f (-se/-sa) colony, settlement landcéap [] m (-es/-as) fine paid to the lord on the alienation of land landcóp [] m (-es/-as) fine paid to the lord on the alienation of land landcofa [] m (-n/-n) land, district landefn [] n (-es/-) the resources of the land, measure or proportion of land landefne [] n (-es/-u) the resources of the land, measure or proportion of land landfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) natural fortress landfeoh [] n (-féos/-) recognitory rent for land landfolc [] n (-es/-) land-folk, natives landfruma [] m (-n/-n) ruler, prince landfyrd [] f (-e/-a) army landfyrding [] f (-e/-a) military operations on land landgafol [] n (-gafles/-) land-tax, tribute landgehwerf [] n (-es/-) exchange of land landgemaca [] m (-n/-n) neighbor landgemǽre [] n (-es/-u) boundary, limit, frontier landgemirce [] n (-es/-u) boundary, limit, frontier landgesceaft [] f (-e/-a) earthly creature landgeweorc [] n (-es/-) fortified place landgewyrpe [] n (-es/-u) heap of earth? landhæbbende [] adj owning or ruling land landhæfen [] f (-ne/-na) real property landhere [] m (-es/-as) native force; land force (as opposed to naval force) landhláford [] m (-es/-as) lord of a country, lord of a manor, landlord landhredding [] f (-e/-a) redemption of land landlagu [] f (-e/-a) local law landléas [] adj not owning land landléod [] m (-es/-e) inhabitant of a country, native [pl also –a, -an] landlyre [] m (-es/-as) loss of territory landmann [] m (-es/-menn) inhabitant of a country, native landmearc [] n (-es/-) boundary landmearca [] m (-n/-n) land, country landopenung [] f (-e/-a) first ploughing of land landrest [] f (-e/-a) grave landríca [] m (-n/-n) landed proprietor landríce [] n (-es/-u) territory landriht [] n (-es/-) land right, right to own or occupy land or connected with its occupation; that which is due from land or estates landscearu [] f (-e/-a) tract of land, province, country; boundary, landmark landscipe [] m (-es/-as) region landséta [] m (-n/-n) settler [sǽta] landseten [] f (-e/-a) occupation of land; occupied land, estate landseðla [] m (-n/-n) occupier of land landsidu [] m (-a/-a) custom of a country landsittende [] adj occupying land landsócn2 [] f (-e/-a) search for land to settle on landspéd [] f (-e/-e) landed property landspédig [] adj rich in land landsplott [] m (-es/-as) plot of land landstede [] m (-es/-as) region landstycce [] n(-es/-as) small plot of ground landwaru [] f (-e/-a) inhabitants, population landweard [] m (-es/-as) coast-warden landwela [] m (-n/-n) earthly possessions lang [] adj long, tall; lasting (cmp lengra, spl lengest) Langafrígedæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Good Friday langbolster [] m (-bolstres/-bolstras), n (-bolstres/-) feather-bed lange [] adv long, a long time (cmp leng/lenge, spl lengest) langfǽre [] adj lasting, protracted langférnes [] f (-se/-sa) length, long duration langfirst [] m (-es/-as) long space of time langgestréon [] n (-es/-) old store of wealth langian [] wv/t2 1. impersonal w.a. person to long for, yearn after, grieve for, be pained; lengthen, grow longer; summon; 2. to belong langieldu [] f (-e/-a) advanced age langlíce [] adv for a long time, long, at length langlíf [] adj long-lived langlífe [] adj long-lived langmód [] adj constant, patient; adv ~líce langmódig [] adj long-suffering langmódlíce [] adv patiently langmódnes [] f (-se/-sa) long-suffering langnes [] f (-se/-sa) length langoð2 [] m (-es/-as) longing, discontent langsceaft [] adj having a long shaft langscip [] n (-es/-u) man of war langstrang [] adj long-suffering, patient langsum [] adj long, lasting, tedious, protracted langsumlic [] adj tedious; adv ~líce long; patiently langsumnes [] f (-se/-sa) length; patience langswéorod [] adj long-necked langtog [] adj prolix [cmp lengtogra, spl lengtogest] langtwidig [] adj lasting, assured langung [] f (-e/-a) longing; weariness, sadness, dejection; delay [langian] langunghwíl [] f (-e/-a) time of weariness langweb [] n (-bes/-) warp (in weaving) langwege [] adv peregre langwyrpe [] adj oblong lann1 [] f (-e/-a) chain, fetter lanu [] f (-e/-a) lane, street lapian [] wv/t2 to lap up, drink lár [] f (-e/-a) lore, learning, science, art of teaching, preaching, doctrine; study; precept, exhortation, advice, instigation; history, story; cunning lárbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) book containing instruction (used of St. Paul’s Epistles, and Bede’s Works) lárbodung [] f (-e/-a) teaching, preaching lárbysn [] f (-e/-a) example lárcniht [] m (-es/-as) disciple lárcræft [] m (-es/-as) knowledge; erudition lárcwide2 [] m (-es/-as) teaching, precept lárdóm [] m (-es/-as) teaching, instruction láréow [] m (-es/-as) teacher, master, preacher [also as lárow, láruw, láruwa] láréowdóm [] m (-es/-as) function of teacher, instruction; ecclesiastical authority láréowlic [] adj like a teacher láréowsetl [] n (-es/-) teacher’s seat, pulpit lárfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) prescribed fast lárhlystend [] m (-es/-) catechumen lárhús [] n (-es/-) school lárléast [] f (-e/-a) want of instruction, ignorance lárlic [] adj of or conducive to learning, instructive; learned; doctrinal; persuasive; betwux ~um gefylcum amongst soldiers in training lársmið2 [] m (-es/-smeoðas) teacher, counselor lárspell [] n (-es/-) homily, treatise lársum [] adj teachable lárswice [] m (-es/-as) trickery lárþegn [] m (-es/-as) teacher lárwita [] m (-n/-n) learned man láser [] m? (lásres/lásras) weed, tare lást [] m (-es/-as) sole of foot; spoor, footprint, track, trace; gait, step; on ~(e) behind, after, in pursuit of; on ~ lecgan to follow; ~as lecgan to go, journey; ~ weardian keep the track of, follow closely lást1 [] n (-es/-) accomplishment, observance; duty, due, obligation, vow lástweard [] m (-es/-as) successor, heir, follower; pursuer lástword [] n (-es/-) fame after death lata [] m (-n/-n) slow person late [] adv late; slowly; at last; lately [cmp lator, spl latost] latian1 [] wv/t2 to be slow, indolent; linger, delay, hesitate latimer [] m (-es/-as) interpreter lator [] adv slower, later [cmp of late; spl latost] lattéh [] f (-e/-a) guiding rein [lád] láttéow [] m (-es/-as) leader, guide, general láttéowa [] m (-n/-n) leader, guide, general láttéowdóm [] m (-es/-as) leadership, guidance, instruction latu [] f (-e/-a) delay; ge~ hindrance latung [] f (-e/-a) delay, hindrance láð [] 1. 1 adj hated, hateful, hostile, malignant, evil; loathsome, noxious, unpleasant; 2. n (-es/-) pain, harm, injury, misfortune; insult, annoyance, harmful thing láðbite [] m (-es/-as) wound láðe [] adv inimically, in detestation láðettan [] wv/t1b to hate, loathe; make hateful or repulsive láðgeníðla2 [] m (-n/-n) persecutor, foe láðgetéona2 [] m (-n/-n) enemy láðgewinna [] m (-n/-n) enemy laðian [] wv/t2 to invite, summon, call upon, ask [Ger laden] láðian [] wv/t2 to hate, be hated láðléas [] adj inoffensive, innocent láðlic [] adj loathly, hateful, horrible, repulsive, unpleasant; adv ~líce láðscipe [] m (-es/-as) misfortune láðsearu [] n ? (-wes/-) hateful contrivance láðsíð [] m (-es/-as) painful journey, death láðspell [] n (-es/-) sad tidings laðung1 [] f (-e/-a) calling, invitation; assembly, congregation, church láðwende2 [] adj hateful, hostile, bad láðwendemód [] adj hostile-minded láðwendnes [] f (-se/-sa) hostility láðweorc [] n (-es/-) evil deed laur [] m (-es/-as) laurel, bay, laver laurbéam [] m (-es/-as) laurel laurberige [] f (-an/-an) laurel-berry laurisc [] adj of laurel laurtréow [] n (-treowes/-) laurel-tree láwerce [] f (-an/-an) lark lawernbéam [] m (-es/-as) laurel lǽ [] ? (-?/-?) hair of the head
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