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Iacute;s[] n (-es/-) ice; pl pieces of ice; name of the rune for i

ísceald2 [] adj icy cold, ice-cold

ísearn [] m (-es/-as) halcyon, kingfisher

Iacute;sen [] 1. n (-es/-) iron; iron instrument, an implement, tool, etc. made of iron; fetter; 2 iron weapon, sword, blade; ordeal of red-hot iron; 2. adj of iron, iron; 3. see ísearn

ísenbend2 [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) iron bond, fetter

ísenbyrne [] f (-an/-an) iron corselet, an iron byrnie

ísenfetor [] f (-e/-a) iron fetter

ísengelóma [] m (-n/-n) iron instrument, an iron tool, weapon

ísengræf [] m (-es/-grafas) iron-mine, an iron-stone quarry

ísengrǽg [] adj iron-gray

ísenheard [] adj iron-hard

ísenhearde [] f (-an/-an) (iron-hard), black centaury, vervain, knapweed

ísenhelm [] m (-es/-as) iron helmet

ísenhere [] m (-es/-as) iron-clad army

ísenhyrst [] adj with iron fittings, fitted with iron

ísenian [] wv/t2 to furnish or cover with iron (armor)

ísenordál [] n (-es/-) ordeal by iron, in which the accused who wished to clear himself had to bear, on the naked hand, a piece of red hot iron

ísenóre [] f (-an/-an) iron mine, an ironstone quarry

ísenpanna [] m (-n/-n) frying-pan

ísenpanne [] f (-an/-an) frying-pan

ísenscofl [] f (-e/-a) iron shovel

ísenscúr [] f (-e/-a) shower of arrows, shower of iron missiles

ísensmið [] m (-es/-as) blacksmith, an ironsmith, worker in iron

ísenswát? [] m (-es/-as) dross of iron?

ísentange [] f (-an/-an) snuffers, a pair of snuffers

ísenþréat [] m (-es/-as) iron-clad troop, a band having iron armor

ísenwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) blacksmith, a worker in iron

ísgebind [] n (-es/-) fetters of ice, a bond of ice

ísgeblǽd [] n (-es/-) ice-blister, chilblain?, a blister that is produced by ice

ísig [] adj icy; covered with ice

ísigfeðera [] adv with frosted wings, having ice on the wings

ísiht [] adj icy

ísíðes [ee·seethes] adv immediately, at that time, at once, directly

Ismahéli [] m pl Ishmaelites, Bedouins

Ismahélitas [] m pl Ishmaelites

Ismahélitisc [] adj Ishmaelite

ísmere [] m (-es/-as) icy lake, a mere covered with ice

ísnian1 [] wv/t2 to cover with iron; ísnod iron-clad

Iacute;snod [] adj iron-clad; past participle of ísnian

Ispánia [] f (-n/-n) Spain

Ispánie [] m pl Spaniards, Spain

Ispánisc [] adj Spanish

Israélisc [] adj of Israel

Israhélisc [] adj of Israel

isse [] feminine suffix this suffix, the Latin –issa, which in later English became the common suffix to mark the feminine gender, is found before the Norman Conquest in abbodesse; [compare –estre]

Ístas [] m pl the Esthonians

istoria [] m? (-n/-n) history

Italia [] f pl the Italians, Italy

Italia [] f (-e, -an/-n) Italy

Italie [] f pl the Italians, Italy

Italie [] f (-an/-an) Italy

Iudan burg [] f (byrg/byrg) Jedburgh

Iúdéa [] m? (-n/-n) Judea

Iúdéas [] m pl the Jews; gen pl Iúdéa

Iúdéisc [] adj Jewish

íw [] m (-es/-as) yew, yew-tree

íwberge [] f (-an/-an) yew-berry



see I


see C


[] interj lo!, behold!, oh!, ah!; ~ léof O Lord!, O sir!; indeed, verily; hwæt ~ what!; wá ~ wá alas!

lác [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) play, sport; 2 strife, battle; sacrifice, offering; gift, present; booty; 2 message

lácan [] sv/t7 3rd pres lǽcð past leolc/on, léc/on ptp gelácen to move up and down, leap, jump, swing, fly; play (instrument); play upon, delude; 2 fight, contend

lácdǽd [] f (-e/-e) munificence

lacen? [] f (-e/-a) a cloak [Ger. laken?]

lácfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) the offering of a fast

lácgeofa [] m (-n/-n) generous giver

lácnian1 [] wv/t2 to heal, cure, treat, look after; foment, dress (a wound)

lácnigendlic [] adj surgical

lácnimende [] adj only in béon ~ munerari

lácnestre [] f (-an/-an) physician

lácnung [] f (-e/-a) healing, cure; medicament, remedy

lácsang [] m (-es/-as) offertory hymn

lactuc [] m (-es/-as) lettuce [L]

lacu [] f (-e/-a) stream; pool, pond

lád [] 1. f (-e/-a) course, journey; 1 way, street, waterway; leading, carrying; maintenance, support; 2. f (-e/-a) clearing from blame or accusation, purgation, exculpation

ládian1 [] wv/t2 to exculpate oneself; let off, excuse

ládiendlic [] adj excusable

ládmann [] m (-es/-menn) leader, guide

ládrinc? [] m (-es/-as) conductor, escort

ládrincman [] m (-es/-menn) conductor, escort

ládscipe [] m (-es/-as) leadership

ládung [] f (-e/-a) exculpation, excuse, defense, apology

láf [] f (-e/-a) what is left, remnant, legacy, relic, remains, rest; relict, widow; tó ~e alone; tó ~e béon to remain over; wǽpna/daroða ~ survivors of battle; hamora ~a results of forging, swords

lafian1 [] wv/t2 to pour water on, wash, lave, bathe; ladle out

lafor [] m (-es/-as) leopard

laga [] m (-n/-n) law

lagian1 [] wv/t2 to ordain

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