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Ofermódlic [] adj proud, haughty, insolent; adv ~líce

ofernéod [] 1. f (-e/-a) extreme need; 2. adj very necessary

oferniman [] sv/t4 3rd pres ofernimð past ofernóm/on, ofernam/ofernámon ptp ofernumen to take away, carry off, seize, ravish; come over

ofernón [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) afternoon (after 3 PM)

oferprút [] 1. adj over-proud, presumptuous, arrogant, haughty; 2. f (-e/-a) excessive pride

oferranc [] adj too luxurious

oferrǽdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oferrǽdeð past oferréd/on, oferreord/on ptp oferrǽden to read over; consider, infer

oferreccan [] irreg wv/t1b to confute, convince, convict

oferrencu [] f (-e/-a) extravagance

oferrícsian [] wv/t2 to rule over

oferrídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferrídeð past oferrád/oferridon ptp oferriden to ride across

oferrówan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oferréwð past oferréow/on ptp oferrówen to row over

ofersáwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ofersǽwð past oferséow/on ptp ofersáwen to sow (over)

ofersǽlic [] adj on the other side of the sea

ofersǽlig [] adj excessively happy

ofersǽlð [] f (-e/-a) excessive pleasure

ofersǽwisc [] adj from across the sea, foreign

oferscádan [over*sha*den] sv/t7 3rd pres oferscǽdeð past oferscéod/on ptp oferscáden to scatter over, sprinkle over

ofersceadian [] wv/t2 to overshadow

ofersceadewian [] wv/t2 to overshadow

ofersceatt [] m (-es/-as) usury, interest

oferscéawian [] wv/t2 to superintend

oferscéawigend [] m (-es/-) overseer, bishop

oferscínan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferscínð past oferscán/oferscinon ptp oferscinen to illuminate; excel (in brightness)

oferscúwian [] wv/t2 to overshadow

oferséam [] m (-es/-as) bag

ofersécan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres ofersécð past ofersóhte ptp ofersóht to overtax

ofersegl [] m (-es/-as) top-sail

oferseglian [] wv/i2 to sail across

ofersendan [] wv/t1b to transmit

oferséocnes [] f (-se/-sa) great illness

oferseolfrian [] wv/t2 to cover over with silver

oferséon [] sv/t5 3rd pres ofersiehð past oferseah/ofersáwon ptp ofersewen to see over, overlook, survey, observe, see; despise, neglect

ofersettan [] wv/t1a to set over; overcome

ofersittan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ofersitteð past ofersæt/ofersǽton ptp oferseten to occupy, possess; forbear, desist, refrain from

ofeslǽp [] m (-es/-as) too much sleep

ofersléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofersliehð past oferslóg/on ptp oferslagen to subdue, overcome

oferslege [] n (-es/-u) lintel

oferslop [] n (-es/-u) loose upper garment, surplice, stole

oferslype [] m (-es/-as) over-garment, surplice

ofersméaung [] f (-e/-a) too exhaustive consideration

ofersmítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ofersmíteð past ofersmát/ofersmiton ptp ofersmiten to smear over

ofersprǽc [] f (-e/-a) loquacity

ofersprǽce [] adj talkative, tale-bearing

ofersprǽdan [] wv/t1b to overlay, cover

oferspreca [] m (-n/-n) one who talks too much

ofersprecan [] sv/i5 3rd pres oferspricð past oferspræc/ofersprǽcon ptp ofersprecen to say too much; be abusive

ofersprecol [] adj talking too much, tattling, indiscreet

ofersprecolnes [] f (-se/-sa) talkativeness

oferstandan [] sv/t6 3rd pres oferstendeð past oferstód/on ptp oferstanden to stand over

oferstǽlan [] wv/t1b to confute, convict, convince

ofersteall [] m (-es/-as) opposition

oferstealla [] m (-n/-n) survivor

oferstellan [] wv/i1a to jump over

ofersteppan [] sv/t6 3rd pres oferstepð past oferstóp/on ptp oferstapen to overstep, cross; exceed

oferstígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferstígð past oferstág/oferstigon ptp oferstigen to climb over, mount, scale, surmount, overcome; surpass, excel, exceed

oferstige [] m (-es/-as) astonishment

oferstígendlic [] adj superlative

oferstigennes [] f (-se/-sa) passing over

oferswimman [] sv/t3 3rd pres oferswimð past oferswamm/oferswummon ptp oferswummen to swim over or across

oferswingan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oferswingeð past oferswang/oferswungon ptp oferswungen to strike or beat through, to thrust through, pierce through, transfix [transverberare!]

oferswíðan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres oferswíðeð past oferswíðde ptp oferswíðed, sv/t1 3rd pres past oferswáð/oferswiðon ptp oferswiðen to overpower, overcome, conquer, vanquish; excel, surpass

oferswíðe [] adv over-much, excessively

oferswíðend [] m (-es/-) vanquisher

oferswíðestre [] f (-an/-an) she that is victorious, a conqueress, victress [victrix]

oferswíðnes [] f (-se/-sa) pressure, distress

oferswíðrian [] wv/t2 to prevail, conquer

oferswíðung [] f (-e/-a) pressure, distress

oferswógan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oferswégð past oferswéog/on ptp oferswógen to cover, choke

ofersýman [] wv/t1b to overload, oppress

ofertalian [] wv/t2 to confute, convince

ofertæl [] n (-es/-talu) odd number

ofertæle [] adj superstitious

oferteldan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofertildeð past oferteald/ofertuldon ptp ofertolden to cover over

ofertéon [] sv/t2 3rd pres ofertíehð past ofertéah/ofertugon ptp ofertogen to draw over, cover; finish

ofertogennes [] f (-se/-sa) the condition of being covered

ofertrahtnian [] wv/t2 to treat of

ofertredan [] sv/t5, sv/i5 3rd pres ofertritt, ofertrideð past ofertræd/ofertrǽdon ptp ofertreden to tread down

ofertrúwa [] m (-n/-n) over-confidence

ofertrúwian [] wv/t2 to trust too much

oferþearf [] f (-e/-a) great need, extreme distress

oferþearfa [] m (-n/-n) one in great need

oferþeccan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres oferþecð past oferþeahte ptp oferþeaht to cover over, hide

oferþencan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres oferþencð past oferþóhte ptp oferþóht to think over, reflect

oferþéon [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferþíehð past oferþág/oferþigon ptp oferþigen, sv/t3 3rd pres oferþíehð past oferþéag/oferþugon ptp oferþogen to excel, surpass

oferþóht [] adj thought over, considered

oferþréawian [] wv/t2 increpare

oferþryccednes [] f (-se/-sa) pressure

oferþrymm [] m (-es/-as) excessive power

oferufa [] adv upon, above

oferung [] f (-e/-a) superabundance

oferwacian [] wv/t2 to watch over

oferwadan [] sv/t6 3rd pres oferwædeð past oferwód/on ptp oferwaden to wade across

oferwealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oferwieldeð past oferwéold/on ptp oferwealden to get the better of

oferwealdend [] m (-es/-) overlord, ruler

oferweallan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oferwielð past oferwéoll/on ptp oferweallen to boil down; boil over

oferweaxan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oferwiexð past oferwéox/on ptp oferweaxen to overgrow, overspread

oferweder [] n (-es/-) storm, tempest

oferwelig [] adj very rich

oferwenian [] wv/i2 to be proud, become insolent or presumptuous

oferweorc [] n (-es/-) sarcophagus, tomb

oferweorpan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oferwierpð past oferwearp/oferwurpon ptp oferworpen to throw over, overthrow; throw down, assault; cast something over another, sprinkle; stumble?

oferwígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferwígð past oferwág/oferwigon ptp oferwigen to overcome

oferwinnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oferwinð past oferwann/oferwunnon ptp oferwunnen to contend with, overcome, subdue

oferwintran [] wv/t1b to go through the winter

oferwist [] f (-e/-e) gluttony, excess

oferwistlic [] adj supersubstantial

oferwlencan [] wv/i1b to be very wealthy

oferwlencu [] f (-e/-a) excessive riches

oferwrecan [] sv/t5 3rd pres oferwricð past oferwræc/oferwrǽcon ptp oferwrecen to overwhelm

oferwréon [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferwríehð past oferwrág/oferwrigon ptp oferwrigen, sv/t2 3rd pres oferwríehð past oferwréag/oferwrugon ptp oferwrogen to cover over, conceal, hide; clothe

oferwrigels [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) covering

oferwrit [] n (-es/-u, -wreotu) epistle; superscription

oferwriten [] adj superscription

oferwríðan [] sv/t1 3rd pres oferwríðeð past oferwráð/oferwriðon ptp oferwriðen to wrap around

oferwyrcan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres oferwyrcð past oferworhte ptp oferworht to cover over, overlay

oferwyrðe [] adj very worthy

oferýð [] f (-e/-a) overwhelming wave

ofesc [] f (-e/-a) border?

ofestan [] wv/t1b to hasten

ofetrip? [] n (-es/-u, -treopu) harvest

ofett [] n (-es/-) fruit, legume

offaran [] sv/t6 3rd pres offærð past offór/on ptp offaren to intercept, overtake, fall upon, attack; hindan ~ to intercept from behind, cut off retreat

offeallan [] sv/t7 3rd pres offielð past offéoll/on ptp offeallen to fall upon, cut off, kill, destroy, end; fall away from, be lost to; hine offéol committed suicide

offéran [] wv/t1b to overtake (an enemy)

offerenda [] m (-n/-n) psalm or anthem sung during the offertory

offerian [] wv/t2 to carry off

offéstre [] f (-an/-an) nurse not living in the house?, foster-mother?

offléogan [] sv/i2 3rd pres offlíegð past offléag/offlugon ptp is offlogen to fly away

offrian1 [] wv/t2 to offer, sacrifice, bring an oblation [L offerre]

offrung [] f (-e/-a) presenting to God, oblation, sacrifice; thing presented, offering

offrungcláð [] m (-es/-as) offering cloth

offrungdagas [] m pl offering days

offrungdisc [] m (-es/-as) offering-dish, paten

offrunghláf [] m (-es/-as) shew-bread

offrunghús [] n (-es/-) house of sacrifice

offrungsang [] m (-es/-as) hymn while an offering is made

offrungsceat [] m (-es/-as) offering-napkin

offrungspic [] n (-es/-u) sacrificial bacon

offylgian [] wv/t1b to follow up

offyllan [] wv/t1a to strike down, destroy, kill

ofgán [] irreg v/t 3rd pres ofgǽð past oféode ptp ofgán to demand, require, exact, extort; attain, obtain, acquire, gain; start from, begin

ofgangan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ofgengð past ofgéong/on ptp ofgangen to demand, require, exact, extort; attain, obtain, acquire, gain; start from, begin

ofgangende [] adj derivative

ofgangendlic [] adj derivative

ofgeorn [] adj elated

ofgéotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ofgíeteð past ofgéat/ofguton ptp ofgoten to moisten, soak, steep; quench; pour out

ofgestígnes [] f (-se/-sa) descent

ofgiefan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ofgiefð past ofgeaf/ofgéafon ptp ofgiefen to give up, resign, leave, quit, desert [giefan]

ofhabban [] wv/t3 to hold back

ofhagian [] wv/i2 to be inconvenient

ofhæccan [] wv/t1a to hack off

ofhealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ofhieldeð past ofhéold/on ptp ofhealden to withhold, retain

ofhearmian [] wv/t2 impersonal to cause grief

ofhende [] adj lost, absent

ofhnítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ofhníteð past ofhnát/ofhniton ptp ofhniten to gore to death

ofhréosan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ofhríesð past ofhréas/ofhruron ptp ofhroren to overwhelm, cover over; fall down, fall headlong

ofhréowan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ofhríewð past ofhréaw/ofhruwon ptp ofhrowen to cause or feel pity

ofhwylfan [] wv/t1b to roll away

ofhyngrian [] wv/i1a to be hungry

ofhyrian [] wv/t2 to imitate

ofiernan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofiernð past ofarn/ofurnon ptp ofurnen to overtake; to tire with running

oflangian [] wv/t2 to long

oflǽtan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oflǽteð past oflét/on, ofleort/on ptp oflǽten to let go, lay aside, leave behind; let flow

oflǽte [] f (-an/-an) oblation, offering; sacramental wafer [L oblate]

oflǽthláf [] m (-es/-as) bread used for the sacrament

oflecgan [] wv/t1b to lay down

ofléogan [] sv/i2 3rd pres oflíegð past ofléag/oflugon ptp oflogen to lie, be false

oflicgan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ofligeð past oflæg/oflǽgon ptp oflegen to overlay (a child)

oflícian [] wv/t2 w.d. to displease, be displeasing to

oflinnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres oflinð past oflann/oflunnon ptp oflunnen to cease, stop; desist (from)

oflyst [] adj w.d. desirous of, pleased with

oflystan [] wv/t1b to fill with desire, please; pp oflysted, oflyst desirous of, pleased with

oflysted [] adj w.d. desirous of, pleased with

ofmanian [] wv/t2 to exact (a fine)

ofmunan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres ofman/ofmunon past ofmunde ptp ofmunen to remember, recollect

ofmyrðrian [] wv/t2 to murder

ofnéadian [] wv/t2 to obtain by force, extort

ofnet [] n? (-es/-u) closed vessel?, small vessel?

ofniman [] sv/t4 3rd pres ofnimð past ofnóm/on, ofnam/ofnámon ptp ofnumen to fail

ofost [] f (-e/-a) haste, speed, zeal; adv ~líce; on ~e/ofestum/ofstum speedily, hastily

ofrǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b to reach, obtain

ofrídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ofrídeð past ofrád/ofridon ptp ofriden to overtake by riding, overtake

ofsacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofsæcð past ofsóc/on ptp ofsacen to shudder

ofsceamian [] wv/t2 to put to shame

ofscéotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ofscíeteð past ofscéat/ofscuton ptp ofscoten to shoot down, hit, kill; pp ofscoten elf-struck (of cattle seized with sudden disease)

ofscoten [] adj elf-struck (of cattle seized with sudden disease)

ofscotian [] wv/t2 to shoot down; spear

ofsendan [] wv/t1b to summon

ofséon [] sv/t5 3rd pres ofsiehð past ofseah/ofsáwon ptp ofsewen to see, behold

ofsetenes [] f (-se/-sa) siege; sitting down

ofsetnian [] wvt/2 to besiege

ofsettan [] wv/t1a to beset, oppress, afflict

ofsettung [] f (-e/-a) pressure

ofsittan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ofsitteð past ofsæt/ofsǽton ptp ofseten to press down, repress, oppress; occupy; hedge in, compass about, besiege

ofsléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofsliehð past ofslóg/on ptp ofslagen to strike off or out, cut off, destroy; strike down, kill

ofslegennes [] f (-se/-sa) slaughter

ofslítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ofslíteð past ofslát/ofsliton ptp ofsliten to bite (of a serpent)

ofsmorian [] wv/t2 to suffocate, strangle

ofsníðan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ofsníðeð past ofsnáð/ofsnidon ptp ofsniden to cut off, kill

ofspræc [] f (-e/-a) locution, utterance

ofspring [] m (-es/-as) offspring, descendants, posterity

ofspyrian [] wv/t2 to trace out

ofstandan [] sv/i6 3rd pres ofstendeð past ofstód/on ptp is ofstanden to remain, persist, continue; restore, make restitution

ofstǽnan [] wv/t1b to stone, kill

ofstede [] adv immediately

ofstende [] adj hastening

ofsteppan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofstepeð past ofstóp/on ptp ofstapen to trample upon

ofstician [] wv/t2 to pierce, stab (to death), transfix

ofstig [] adj swift

ofstígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ofstígð past ofstág/ofstigon ptp ofstigen to descend; ascend; depart

ofstingan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofstingeð past ofstang/ofstungon ptp ofstungen to pierce, stab (to death)

ofstofen [] adj impelled

ofswelgan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofswilgð past ofswealg/ofswulgon ptp ofswulgen to swallow up

ofswerian [] sv/t6 3rd pres ofswereð past ofswór/on ptp ofsworen to abjure, deny on oath

ofswingan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofswingeð past ofswang/ofswungon ptp ofswungen to scourge (to death)

ofswýðan [] wv/t1b to overcome

oft [oft] adv often, frequently; cmp oftor; spl oftost; ~ost symle continually; ~ and gelome diligently

oftacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres oftæcð past oftóc/on ptp oftacen to overtake

oftalu [ov-ta-lu] f (-e/-a) rejoinder, verdict against a claim

oftéon [] sv/t2 3rd pres oftíehð past oftéah/oftugon ptp oftogen to withhold, take away, withdraw

oftféðre [] adj requiring many journeys to carry

oftige [] m (-es/-as) withholding

oftorfian [] wv/t2 to stone to death

oftrǽde [] adj often or always available; frequent

oftrǽdlic [] adj frequent; adv ~líce

oftredan [] sv/t5 3rd pres oftritt, oftrideð past oftræd/oftrǽdon ptp oftreden to tread down, trample on

oftreddan [] wv/t1a to tread to death

oftsíð [] m (-es/-as) frequent occasion; on ~as frequently

oftþwéal [] n (-es/-) frequent washing

oftyrfan [] wv/t1b to stone

ofþǽnan [] wv/i1b to be too moist

ofþe [] conj or

ofþecgan [] wv/t1b to destroy

ofþefian [] wv/t2 to dry up?

ofþencan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres ofþencð past ofþóhte ptp ofþóht to recall to mind

ofþíestrian [] wv/t2 to obscure [þéostrian]

ofþínan [] sv/i1 3rd pres ofþínð past ofþán/ofþinon ptp is ofþinen to be too moist

ofþringan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofþringeð past ofþrang/ofþrungon ptp ofþrungen to throng, press upon

ofþryccan [] wv/t1a to press, squeeze; oppress, afflict, repress, destroy; occupy forcibly

ofþryccednes [] f (-se/-sa) trouble, oppression

ofþrycnes [] f (-se/-sa) trouble, oppression

ofþryscan [] wv/t1b to repress, subdue

ofþrysman [] wv/t1b to choke, stifle [þrosm]

ofþrysmian [] wv/t2 to choke, stifle [þrosm]

ofþylman [] wv/t1b to choke, suffocate

ofþyncan [] irreg wv/t1b impersonal 3rd pres ofþyncð past ofþúhte ptp ofþúht to give offence, insult, vex, displease, weary, grieve

ofþyrstan [] wv/t1b to suffer from thirst, be thirsty, thirst (for)

ofþýstrian [] wv/t2 to obscure [þéostrian]

ofunnan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres ofann/ofunnon past ofúðe ptp ofunnen to begrudge, deny, envy

ofweorpan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ofwierpð past ofwearp/ofwurpon ptp ofworpen to stone (to death), kill by a missile

ofworpian [] wv/t2 to kill (by stoning)

ofwundrian [] wv/i2 to be astonished

óga [] m (-n/-n) fear, terror, dread; terrible object [ege]

ógengel [] m (ógengles/ógenglas) bar, bolt

óheald [] adj sloping, inclined (2)

óhilde [] adj sloping, inclined (1)

óht [] 1. f (-e/-a) persecution, enmity; ~e grettanto profane; 2. see áwuht

Olaníge [] f (-e/-a) Olney

ólǽcung [] f (-e/-a) conspiratio

óleccan1 [] irreg wv/t1b to soothe, caress, flatter; please, charm, propitiate [leccan]

óleccere [] m (-es/-as) flatterer

ólecere [] m (-es/-as) flatterer

óleccung [] f (-e/-a) an allurement, blandishment

ólectend [] m (-es/-) flatterer

ólehtung [] f (-e/-a) flattery; indulgence

olfend [] m (-es/-) camel [L elephantem]

olfenda [] m (-n/-n) camel [L elephantem]

olfende [] f (-an/-an) camel [L elephantem]

olfendmyre [] f (-an/-an) she-camel [L elephantem]

oll [] n (-es/-) contumely, contempt, scorn, insult; on ~ nequicquam

ólþwong [] m (-es/-as) strap

ólyhtword [] n (-es/-) flattering speech

óm [] m (-es/-as) rust

oma [] m (-n/-n) a liquid measure [L ama, hama]

ome [] f (-an/-an) a liquid measure [L ama, hama]

óman [] f pl eruptions of the skin, erysipelas [cp healsóme]

ómcynn [] n (-es/-) corrupt humor

omer [] ? (-?/-?) a bird, scorellus

ómian [] wv/i2 to become rusty

ómig [] adj rusty, rust-eaten, rust-colored; inflammatory

ómihte [] adj inflammatory

On [] 1. prep w.d.i.a. (local) on, upon, on to (but ofer is more common); up to, among; in, into, within; (temporal) in, during, at, on, about; against, towards; according to, in accordance with, in respect to; for, in exchange for; ~ gehwæðere hand on both sides;~ hand gán irreg v/i to yield;áswengan ~ cast upon; ~ sittan1 (1) to assail, attack; (2) to press on, weigh down; ~ winnan to attack; 2. adv on; forward, onward; continuously, forð ~; ~ riht rightly; ~ ǽr adv formerly; ~ án continuously, in concert; at once, forthwith; ~ tíde at the proper time;~ bæcling/bæclinga/bæclinge gewend having one’s back turned; ~ secgan to bring a charge against; 3. pres 3rd sing of unnan; 4. see ond, and

on- [] 1. often meaningless, and only rarely = preposition on; 2. see an-; 3. see un-; 4. see in-

onemn [] 1. prep w.d. abreast of, alongside of, by, near, during; 2. adv together, exactly, directly; ~ þǽm at the same time

onádón [] irreg v/t to put on

onáfæstnian [] wv/t2 to make fast, bind

onáhebban [] sv/t6 3rd pres onáhefeð past onáhóf/on ptp onáhafen to lift up, exalt

onál [] n (-es/-) burning; incense, what is burnt

onárísan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onárísð past onárás/onárison ptp onárisen to rise up (against)

onásáwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onásǽwð past onáséow/on ptp onásáwen to implant, instill

onásendan [] wv/t1b to send into, implant in, impart to

onásendednes [] f (-se/-sa) immissio

onásetednes [] f (-se/-sa) a laying on (of hands)

onásettan [] wv/t1a to set upon, place on, impress upon

onáslagen [] adj beaten (of metal)

onáswégan [] wv/t1b to sound forth

onáwinnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onáwinð past onáwann/onáwunnon ptp onáwunnen to fight against

onǽht [] f (-e/-e) possession

onǽlan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres onǽleð past onǽlde ptp onǽled/onǽld to set fire to, ignite, heat, inspire, incite, kindle, inflame, enlighten, burn, consume

onǽlend [] m (-es/-) incensor

onǽlet [] n (-es/-u) lightning

onǽr [] adv formerly [on, ǽr]; cmp onǽror; spl onǽrost, onǽrst, onǽrest

onæðele [] adj w.d. natural to

onbásnung [] f (-e/-a) expectation

onbæc [] adv backwards, back, behind

onbæcling [] adv backward, behind; ~ gewend having one’s back turned

onbærnan [] wv/t1b to kindle, ignite, heat, excite, inspire, inflame, burn

onbærnnes [] f (-se/-sa) incense, frankincense

onbærnung [] f (-e/-a) incense

onbǽru [] f (-e/-a) self-restraint?

onbebláwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onbeblǽwð past onbebléow/on ptp onbebláwen to blow upon

onbecyme [] m (-es/-as) approach

onbégnes [] f (-se/-sa) bending, curvature

onbelǽdan [] wv/t1b to inflict upon

onbén [] f (-e/-e) imprecation

onbéodan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onbíedeð past onbéad/onbudon ptp onboden to command, order; announce, proclaim

onbéotende [] adj threatening, impending

onberan [] sv/t4 3rd pres onbirð past onbær/onbǽron ptp onboren 1. to carry off, plunder; diminish, weaken; 2. to be situated?

onbescéawung [] f (-e/-a) inspection, examination

onbescéofan [] sv/t2 3rd pres onbescíefð past onbescéaf/onbescufon ptp onbescofen to thrust out

onbeslagen [] adj inflicted

onbestǽlan [] wv/t1b to convict of a crime

onbídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onbídeð past onbád/onbidon ptp onbiden to remain, wait; w.g. to wait for, await, expect; attend upon, wait on

onbiernan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onbiernð past onbarn/onburnon ptp onburnen to set fire to; inflame; to burn, be on fire

onbígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onbígð past onbág/onbigon ptp onbigen to subdue, subjugate

onbindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onbindeð past onband/onbundon ptp onbunden to unbind, untie, loosen; release; disclose

onbítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres onbíteð past onbát/onbiton ptp onbiten w.g. to taste of, partake of, feed upon

onblandan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onblendeð past onblénd/on ptp onblanden to mingle

onbláwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onblǽwð past onbléow/on ptp onbláwen to blow on or into, inspire, breathe; puff up

onbláwung [] f (-e/-a) breathing upon

onbláwnes [] f (-se/-sa) inspiration

onblæst [] m (-es/-as) onrush, attack

onblæstan [] wv/t1b to break in

onblótan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onbléteð past onbléot/on ptp onblóten to sacrifice, kill a victim

onborgian [] wv/t2 to borrow

onbregdan [] sv/t3, sv/i3 3rd pres onbrigdeð past onbrægd/onbrugdon ptp onbrogden to move, start up; burst open

onbring [] m (-es/-as) instigation

onbringelle [] f (-an/-an) instigation

onbrosnung [] f (-e/-a) decay, corruption

onbryce [] m (-es/-as) inroad

onbryrd [] adj excited, fired, ardent; contrite

onbryrdan1 [] wv/t1b to excite, inspire, incite, encourage, animate; stimulate, instigate; prick, goad, vex; onbryrd excited, fired, ardent; contrite [brord]

onbryrdnes [] f (-se/-sa) inspiration, incitement, ardor, animation, compunction, feeling; remorse, compunction, contrition

onbryrdung [] f (-e/-a) incitement

onbúgan [] sv/i2 3rd pres onbýgð past onbéag/onbugon ptp onbogen to bend; w.d. bow, bend or bow one’s self in, submit, submit to anyone, yield to, agree with; bend aside, deviate

onbútan [] prep w.d.a. about, round about; round, around; adv; adv phrase west ~ faran to go west about

onbyrgan [] wv/t1b 1. to taste, eat; 2. to be surety

onbyrging [] f (-e/-a) tasting

onbyrhtan [] wv/t1b to illuminate

onbyrignes [] f (-se/-sa) tasting

oncennan [] wv/t1a to bear, bring forth

oncíegan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres oncíegeð past oncíegde ptp oncíeged onto call upon, invoke

oncierran [] wv/t1a to turn, alter, change, transform; turn off or away, avert, prevent; turn oneself, go

oncígnes [] f (-se/-sa) invocation

oncígung [] f (-e/-a) invocation

onclifian [] wv/t2 to adhere, stick to, persist in

onclyfiende [] adj sticking to, tenacious

onclypian [] wv/t2 to call upon

oncnáwe [] adj known, recognized

oncnáwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres oncnǽwð past oncnéow/on ptp oncnáwen to understand, know, perceive, observe; recognize; acknowledge, confess, disclose

oncnáwend [] m (-es/-) one who knows

oncnáwennes [] f (-se/-sa) acknowledgment, knowledge

oncnáwnes [] f (-se/-sa) acknowledgment, knowledge

oncnáwung [] f (-e/-a) acknowledgment, knowledge

oncnǽwe [] adj known, recognized

oncnyssan [] wv/t1a to cast down, afflict

oncunnan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres oncann/oncunnon past oncúðe ptp oncunnen to know; reproach, blame, accuse

oncunnes [] f (-se/-sa) accusation

oncunning [] f (-e/-a) accusation

oncwealdan [] wv/t1b to slay

oncweðan [] sv/t5 3rd pres oncwiðeð past oncwæð/oncwǽdon ptp oncweden to answer, resound, echo; protest

oncýðan [] wv/t1b to make known

oncýðdǽd [] f (-e/-e) hurtful deed

oncýðig [] adj conscious, understanding; known

oncýðð2 [] f (-e/-a) pain, distress in mind

ondǽlan [] wv/t1b to infuse

ondǽlend [] m (-es/-) one who imparts, infuser

ondesn [] f (-e/-a) fear

ondesnes [] f (-se/-sa) fear

ondón [] irreg v/t 1. to undo, open; 2. to put on (clothes)

ondóung [] f (-e/-a) injection

ondrǽdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ondrǽdeð past ondréd/on, ondreord/on ptp ondrǽden to dread, fear; sv/r7 be afraid

ondrǽdendlic [] adj fearful, terrible

ondrǽding [] f (-e/-a) dread, fear, terror

ondrencan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ondrenceð past ondrencte ptp ondrenced to intoxicate; fill with water

ondrincan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ondrincð past ondranc/ondruncon ptp ondruncen w.g. to drink

ondruncnian [] wv/i2 to become intoxicated

ondrysenlic [] adj terrible; adv ~líce reverently, with fear

ondryslic [] adj terrible; adv ~líce reverently, with fear

ondrysne [] adj terrible, fearful, dreadful; as causing fear, feared, venerated, venerable

ondrysnlic [] adj terrible; adv ~líce reverently, with fear

ondrysnu [] f (-e/-a) fear; respect, reverence, awe; etiquette

ondúne [] adv down

onealdian [] wv/i2 to grow old

oneardian [] wv/t2 to inhabit

oneardiend [] m (-es/-) inhabitant, indweller

onégan [] wv/t1b to fear, dread [óga]

onégnan [] wv/t1b to fear, dread [óga]

onéhtung [] f (-e/-a) persecution

onemn [] 1. prep w.d. abreast of, alongside of, by, near, during; 2. adv together, exactly, directly; ~ þǽm at the same time

onemnþrówigian [] wv/t2 to sympathize

onerian [] wv/t1a to plough up

onerning [] f (-e/-a) attack [iernan]

ónettan [] wv/t1a to hasten, hurry forward, be quick; be busy, brisk; anticipate; ge~ get quickly, seize, occupy

ónettung [] f (-e/-a) precipitation

onéðgung [] f (-e/-a) breathing on

onfangen [] adj received; ptp of anfón

onfangend [] m (-es/-) receiver

onfangennes [] f (-se/-sa) reception, acceptance, a receiving, receptacle

onfægnian [] wv/t2 to fawn on

onfæreld [] n (-es/-) going on, progress, journey; going in, entrance; attack, assault

onfæstan [] wv/t1b to make fast

onfæstnian [] wv/t2 to pierce

onfæðmnes [] f (-se/-sa) embrace

onfealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres onfieldeð past onféold/on ptp onfealden to unfold

onfeall [] m (-es/-as) swelling

onfeallende [] adj rushing on, overwhelming

onfeohtan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onfiehteð past onfeaht/onfuhton ptp onfohten to attack, assault, fight with

onfindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres onfindeð past onfand/onfundon ptp onfunden to find out, learn, perceive, feel, notice, observe, discover; experience, suffer

onfindend [] m (-es/-) discoverer

onflǽscnes [] f (-se/-sa) incarnation

onflyge [] m (-es/-as) infectious disease

onflygen [] n (-es/-) infectious disease

onfón [] sv/t7 3rd pres onféhð past onféng/on ptp onfangen to take, receive, perceive, comprehend, accept, take to one’s self; stand sponsor; harbor, favor unrighteously; take hold of; undertake (a duty), undergo ( a rite); begin; conceive; ~ w.a. æt w.d. to receive s.t. from s.o.; onfangenum gebede after engaging in prayer

onfónd [] m (-es/-) undertaker, supporter

onfóndlic [] adj to be received

onforan [] 1. prep w.d. before (time), at the beginning of; 2. adv before, in front of

onfordón [] adj destroyed

onforeweardan [] adv in front, in the first line, in the fore part, above all (2)

onforeweardum [] adv in front, in the first line, in the fore part, above all (1)

onforhtian [] wv/i2 to be afraid, fear

onforwyrd [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-e) destruction

onfundelnes [] f (-se/-sa) experience

onfunden [] adj experienced

onfundennes [] f (-se/-sa) explanation; trial, experiment, experience [onfindan]

ongalan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ongælð past ongól/on ptp ongalen to recite (a charm)

ongalend [] m (-es/-) enchanter

ongalnes [] f (-se/-sa) song

ongán [] 1. see ongéan; 2. irreg v/t to approach, enter into; attack

ongang [] m (-es/-as) entrance, incursion, assault, attack; worship

ongéan [] 1. prep w.d.a. towards, against, opposite to, contrary to; against, in exchange for; 2. adv opposite, back; again, anew, also; eft ~ back again; ~ þæt on the other hand, on the contrary; ~ healdan to resist; settan1 ~ to compare

ongéancyme [] m (-es/-as) return

ongéancyrrendlic [] adj relative

ongéanfealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ongéanfieldeð past ongéanféold/on ptp ongéanfealden to fold or roll back

ongéanféran [] wv/t1b to return

ongéanflówende [] adj ebbing and flowing

ongéanhweorf [] m (-es/-as) return

ongéanhweorfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ongéanhwierfð past ongéanhwearf/ongéanhwurfon ptp ongéanhworfen to turn again, return

ongéanhworfennes [] f (-se/-sa) obstacle

ongéanlecgan [] wv/t1b to lay up, store up

ongéansprecend [] m (-es/-) one who reproaches

ongéanweard [] adj going back or towards; near; adv ~es

ongéanweardlic [] adj adversative; adv ~líce

ongéanwerian [] wv/t2 to revile in return

ongéanwinnende [] adj resisting

ongéanwiðerian [] wv/t2 to oppose

ongéanwyrdnes [] f (-se/-sa) opposition

ongeagn [] 1. prep w.d.a. towards, against, opposite to, contrary to; against, in exchange for; 2. adv opposite, back; again; eft ~ back again; ~ þæt on the other hand, on the contrary; ~ healdan to resist

ongeboren [] adj inborn

ongebringan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres ongebringð past ongebróhte ptp ongebróht to bring upon; impose; enjoin; incline, invoke

ongecíegan [] wv/t1b to call upon, invoke

ongecígung [] f (-e/-a) invocation

ongefeoht [] n (-es/-) attack [feoht] [listed ~gefeht]

ongeflogen [] adj attacked by disease [cp onflygen]

ongehréosan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ongehríesð past ongehréas/ongehruron ptp ongehroren to rush upon, fall upon

ongehýðnes [] f (-se/-sa) advantage, profit

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