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Mearulic [] adj frivolous, delicate, luxurious; adv ~líce
mearuwnes [] f (-se/-sa) tenderness, frailty meatte [] f (-an/-an) mat, mattress [L] mec [] 1. pron me; 2. accusative singular of ic méce [] m (-es/-as) sword, blade [Goth mékeis] mécefisc [] m (-es/-as) mullet mecgan [] wv/t1b to mix, stir mechanisc [] adj mechanical [L] méd [] 1. f (-e/-a) meed, reward, pay, price, compensation, bribe; gen médes; 2. see mǽd med- [] prefix in compounds, principally indicates mediocrity, but often comes to have a distinct negative value; see medtrum, medwís, etc. [midde] meddrosna [] f pl dregs of mead medema [] m (-n/-n) treadle medeme [] adj middling, average, mean, little; sufficient, considerable, respectable, proper, fit, worthy, trustworthy, perfect medemian1 [] wv/t2 to mete out, allot, assign, place; moderate; ge~ humble; respect, honor; ge~ condescend; ge~ advance, promote, deem worthy medemlic [] adj moderate, mediocre; intermediate; simple; worthy; adv ~líce slightly, moderately, incompletely; suitably, worthily, kindly medemlicnes [] f (-se/-sa) mediocrity medemnes [] f (-se/-sa) dignity, worth; benignity, condescension medemung [] f (-e/-a) measuring, measure médgilda [] m (-n/-n) pensioner, hireling median [] wv/t2 to reward medmicel [] 1. adj moderate-sized, short, small, limited, unimportant, slight, mean, poor; 2. n (-micles/-) a little medmicelnes [] f (-se/-sa) smallness (of mind) medmicle [] adv humbly, meanly, slightly; cmp medmáre; spl medmǽste médren [] 1. adj maternal, of a mother; 2. n (-es/-u) the mother’s side (by descent) médrencynn [] n (-es/-) mother’s kindred médrengecynd [] n (-es/-) mother’s nature médrenmǽg [] m (-es/-mágas) maternal kinsman médrenmǽgð [] f (-e/-a) maternal kindred medríce [] adj of low rank médsceatt [] m (-es/-as) payment, fee, reward, bribe, gift medsélð [] f (-e/-a) ill-fortune medspédig [] adj poor medstrang [] adj of middle rank; cmp medstrengra; spl medstrengest medtrum [] adj weak, infirm, sickly, ill; of lower rank [compare medmicel] medtrumnes [] f (-se/-sa) weakness, infirmity, sickness, illness, disease medu [] m (-a/-a) mead (drink) meduærn [] n (-es/-) mead-hall, banqueting-house medubenc2 [] f (-e/-a) bench in a mead-hall meduburg2 [] f (-byrg/-byrg) mead-city, rejoicing-city; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum] medudréam2 [] m (-es/-as) mead-joy, jollity medudrenc [] m (-es/-as) mead medudrinc [] m (-es/-as) mead-drinking meduful2 [] n (-es/-u) mead-cup medugál2 [] adj mead-excited, drunk meduheall2 [] f (-e/-a) mead-hall medurǽdan [] f (-ne/-na) strong drink?, dealing out of mead? meduscenc [] m (-es/-as) mead-cup meduscerwen [] f (-ne/-na) deprival of (mead-) joy, distress, mortal panic? meduseld [] n (-es/-) mead-hall medusetl [] n (-es/-) mead-seat medustíg [] f (-e/-a) path to the mead-hall meduwérig2 [] adj overpowered with mead, drunk meduwang [] m (-es/-as) field (where the mead-hall stood) meduwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) brewer [or =médwyrhta] meduwyrt [] f (-e/-e) meadow-sweet; rubia, madder medwís [] adj dull, stupid, foolish; [compare medmicel] médwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) a hireling melcan1 [] sv/t3 3rd pres milcð past mealc/mulcon ptp gemolcen to milk meld [] f (-e/-a) proclamation melda [] m (-n/-n) reporter, informer, betrayer melde [] f (-an/-an) orache (plant) meldfeoh [] n (-féos/-) informer’s reward meldian1 [] wv/t2 to announce, declare, tell, proclaim, reveal; inform against, accuse meldung [] f (-e/-a) betrayal meledéaw [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) honeydew, nectar [mild-] meltan1 [] 1. sv/t3 3rd pres milteð past mealt/multon ptp gemolten to consume by fire, melt, burn up; dissolve, digest; 2. see mieltan meltung [] f (-e/-a) digestion melu [] n (-wes/-) meal, flour melugescot [] n (-es/-u) payment in meal meluhúdern [] n (-es/-) meal-house meluhús [] n (-es/-) meal-house Memfitisc [] adj of Memphis mene [] m (-es/-as) necklace, collar, ornament, jewel menescilling [] m (-es/-as) moon-shaped ornament, coin worn as ornament mengan1 [] wv/t1b, wv/i1b to mix, combine, unite; 1 associate with, consort, cohabit with; disturb; 2 converse mengung [] f (-e/-a) mixture, composition; fellowship; ge~ confusion menigdu [] f (-e/-a) band of people menigu [] f (-e/-a) company, multitude, host [manig]; usu indeclined in sing mennen [] n (-nes/-nu), f (-ne/-na) handmaiden, slave mennenu [] n (-wes/-), f (-e/-a) handmaiden, slave mennisc [] 1. adj human, natural; 2. n (-es/-) mankind, folk, race, people mennisclic [] adj human; humane; adv ~líce mennisclicnes [] f (-se/-sa) state of man, human nature, incarnation; humaneness, humanity menniscnes [] f (-se/-sa) state of man, human nature, incarnation; humaneness, humanity menniscu [] f (-e/-a) humanity, human state mentel [] m (mentles/mentlas) mantle, cloak [L mantellum] mentelpréon [] m (-es/-as) mantle-pin, brooch méo [] m? (-n/-n), f? (-n/-n) shoe-sole, sock?, sandal? meodu [] m (-a/-a) mead (drink) meolc [] 1. adj giving milk, milch; 2. f (mielc/mielc) milk; [gen sing mielc, meolce; dat sing mielc; nom/acc pl mielc; gen pl meolca; dat pl meolcum] meolcdéond [] m (-es/-) suckling meolcen [] adj of milk meolcfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) milk-pail meolchwít [] adj milk-white meolcian [] wv/t2 to milk; 1 give milk, suckle meolclíðe [] adj soft as milk meolcsúcend [] m (-es/-) suckling meolctéond [] m (-es/-) suckling meord [] f (-e/-a) reward, pay; [Goth mizdó] meorung [] f (-e/-a) hindrance?; danger? méos [] 1. m (-es/-as) moss; 2. adj mossy méowle2 [] f (-an/-an) maiden, virgin; woman [Goth mawiló] meox [] n (-es/-) filth, dirt, dung meoxbearwe [] f (-an/-an) dung-barrow meoxforce [] f (-an/-an) dung-fork meoxscofl [] f (-e/-a) dung-shovel meoxwilie [] f (-an/-an) dung-basket mera [] m (-n/-n) incubus mere [] 1. m (-es/-as) 1 sea, ocean; lake, pond, pool, cistern; 2. see mare; 3. see miere merebát [] m (-es/-as) sea-boat, vessel merecandel [] f (-le/-la) sun; [syncopates?] merece [] m (-es/-as) smallage, wild celery mereciest [] f (-e/-a) sea-chest, ark meredéað2 [] m (-es/-as) death at sea meredéor [] n (-es/-) sea-animal merefara [] m (-n/-n) sailor merefaroð2 [] m (-es/-as) surging of the waves merefisc [] m (-es/-as) sea-fish mereflód2 [] m (-es/-as) sea, body of water, deluge meregrot [] n (-es/-u) pearl meregrota [] m (-n/-n) pearl meregrund2 [] m (-es/-as) lake-bottom, depths of the sea merehengest2 [] m (-es/-as) sea-horse, ship merehrægl [] n (-es/-) sail merehús2 [] n (-es/-) sea-house, the ark merehwearf [] m (-es/-as) sea-shore merelád [] f (-e/-a) sea-way merelíðend2 [] m (-es/-) seafaring (man), sailor meremenn [] n (-es/-) mermaid, siren meremennen [] f (-ne/-na), n (-nes/-nu) mermaid, siren meremenin [] n (-es/-) mermaid, siren merenǽddra [] m (-n/-n) The murena, a fish of which the ancients were very fond; a black stripe in the shape of this fish, a black vein in the table-tops of citron-wood [murena], sea-adder, lamprey merenǽddre [] f (-an/-an) The murena, a fish of which the ancients were very fond; a black stripe in the shape of this fish, a black vein in the table-tops of citron-wood [murena], sea-adder, lamprey merenǽdre [] f (-an/-an) The murena, a fish of which the ancients were very fond; a black stripe in the shape of this fish, a black vein in the table-tops of citron-wood [murena], sea-adder, lamprey meresmylte [] adj quiet as the sea, calm meresteall [] m (-es/-as) stagnant water merestrǽt2 [] f (-e/-a) sea-path merestréam2 [] m (-es/-as) sea-water merestrengu [] f (-e/-a) strength in swimming mereswín [] m (-es/-as) porpoise, dolphin meretorht2 [] adj (rising) bright from the sea meretorr [] m (-es/-as) towering wall of the (Red) sea mereþyssa2 [] m (-n/-n) ship mereweard [] m (-es/-as) sea-warden merewérig [] adj sea-weary merewíf [] n (-es/-) water-witch Merewíoing [] m? (-es/-as) the Merovingian merian [] wv/t1a 3rd pres mereð past merede ptp gemered to purify, cleanse; test mersc [] m (-es/-as) marsh, swamp merschófe [] m (-es/-as) marsh-hove merschop [] n (-es/-u) high ground in fenny country merscland [] n (-es/-) marshland merscmealwe [] f (-an/-an) marshmallow merscmeargealla [] m (-n/-n) gentiana pneumonanthe merscmylen [] f (-e/-a) mill in a fen merscware [] m pl inhabitants of marshes; 1. Romney marsh; 2. the fens? mertze [] f (-an/-an) merchandise; trading dues [L mercem] merðern [] adj made of skins of martens mesa [] f pl dung mésan [] wv/t1b to eat [mós] mése [] f (-an/-an) table; what is placed on a table [L] méshrægel [] n (-es/-) napkin met1 [] n (-es/-u) measure (vessel or amount); act of measuring, appointed share, quantity; space, distance; boundary, limit; manner, degree, way; ability, adequacy, capacity; rule, law; mood (gram); meter; moderation; ealle ge~te in all respects; on ge~ in vain; nánum ge~ by no means, on no account metan1 [] sv/t5 3rd pres miteð past mæt/mǽton ptp gemeten to measure, mete out, mark off; compare; estimate; pass over, traverse métan1 [] wv/t1b 1. to meet, find, find out, fall in with, encounter; obtain;2. to paint, design metbelg [] m (-es/-as) wallet metcund [] adj metrical metcundlic [] adj metrical mete [] m (-es/mettas) meat, food meteáflíung [] f (-e/-a) atrophy meteawel [] m (-awles/-awlas) meat-hook? meteærn [] n (-es/-) refectory meteclyfa [] m (-n/-n) food-store, pantry metecorn [] n (-es/-) allowance of corn to dependants metecú [] f (-cý/-cý) cow for killing metecweorra [] m (-n/-n) surfeit, indigestion metefæt [] n (-es/-fatu) dish metefǽtels [] m (-es/-as) cupboard for food metegafol [] n (-gafles/-) payment in food metegearwa [] f pl preparations of food meteláf [] f (-e/-a) leavings of a meal meteléas [] adj without food meteléast [] f (-e/-a) lack of food, starvation (3) metelést [] f (-e/-a) lack of food, starvation (2) metelíest [] f (-e/-a) lack of food, starvation (1) metelíst [] f (-e/-a) lack of food, starvation (4) metelýst [] f (-e/-a) lack of food, starvation (5) metend [] m (-es/-) measurer; God metenéad [] f (-e/-a) requisites in the way of food meteníðing [] m (-es/-as) food niggard méter [] n (métres/-) meter, versification [L] meterǽdere [] m (-es/-as) reader at meal-times métercræft [] m (-es/-as) art of versifying métercund [] adj relating to meter métere [] m (-es/-as) painter méterfers [] n (-es/-) hexameter verse métergeweorc [] n (-es/-) verse méterlic [] adj metrical méterwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) metrician, poet metesócn [] f (-e/-a) craving, appetite metesticca [] m (-n/-n) spoon meteswamm [] m (-es/-as) edible mushroom metetíd [] f (-e/-e) meal-time meteþearfende2 [] adj needing food, destitute meteþegn [] m (-es/-as) seneschal, steward meteþiht [] adj well-nourished meteþing [] n (-es/-) operation connected with cooking meteútsiht [] f (-e/-a) dysentery metgeard [] f (-e/-a) measuring-stick, rod, pole, perch metgian1 [] wv/t2 to moderate, control, govern; weigh in mind, consider; assign due measure to; prepare; regulate metgung1 [] f (-e/-a) moderation, temperance; reflection, meditation; rule, regulation metian [] 1. wv/t2 to provision; 2. see metgian métung [] 1. 1 f (-e/-a) meeting (friendly or hostile); assembly, congregation; finding, discovery; agreement; 2. painting, picture metod2 [] m (-es/metedas) fate; Creator, God, Christ metodsceaft2 [] f (-e/-a) Decree of fate, doom, death; gewítan ~ séon, tó ~e to die metodwang [] m (-es/-as) battlefield metráp [] m (-es/-as) measuring-rope, sounding-line metscipe [] m (-es/-as) feeding, meal metseax [] n (-es/-) meat-knife metsian1 [] wv/t2 to supply with food metsung [] f (-e/-a) feeding, provisioning metten [] f (-e/-a) one of the Fates méðe [] adj 2 tired, worn out, dejected, sad; troublesome [Ger müde] méðian [] wv/i2 to grow weary méðig [] adj tired, weary méðnes [] f (-se/-sa) fatigue micel [] 1. adj great, intense, much, many; (of time) long; loud; cmp mára; spl mǽst, mǽsta; 2. noun w.g. much; 3. adv greatly, much micelǽte [] adj greedy miceldóende [] adj doing great things micelhéafdede [] adj big-headed micellic [] adj great, splendid, magnificent; adv ~líce grandly; very, exceedingly micelmód [] adj magnanimous micelnes [] f (-se/-sa) greatness, size; mass; quantity; multitude, abundance; magnificence; great deed micelsprecende [] adj boasting micelu [] f (-e/-a) largeness, size micga [] m (-n/-n) urine micge [] f (-an/-an) urine micgern [] ? (-?/-?) internal fat, suet micle [] adv much, very, greatly (oblique cases of micel) micles [] adv much, very, greatly (oblique cases of micel) miclian1 [] wv/i2 to become great, increase; make great, make larger, magnify, extol miclum [] adv much, very, greatly (oblique cases of micel) miclung1 [] f (-e/-a) the doing of great things, great deeds, greatness mid [] 1. prep w.d.i. with, in conjunction with, in company with, together with; into the presence of; through, by means of, by; among, in; at (time); in the sight of, opinion of; ~ ealle, ~ eallum altogether, completely, entirely; ~ þám with that, thereupon; ~ þám þe when; ~ þám þæt through that, on that account, because, when; ~ þý (þe) when, while; ~ him selfum by himself; 2. adv at the same time, together, simultaneously, likewise; 3. see midd; 4. licgan ~ sv/i5 to cohabit with; þencan1 ~to remember someone with (a gift) midd [] adj mid, middle, midway; [spl midmest, midemest]; tó ~es adv in the midst middæg [] m (-es/-dagas) mid-day, noon; one of the canonical hours, sext; fram ~e oð nón from noon to 3 pm middæglic [] adj mid-day, meridian middægsang [] m (-es/-as) mid-day service, sext middægtíd [] f (-e/-e) noon middægþénung [] f (-e/-a) dinner middaneard [] m (-a/-a) the globe, world, earth; mankind (1) middanearden [] adj worldly (1) middangeard [] m (-es/-as) the globe, world, earth; mankind (2) middangearden [] adj worldly (2) middangeardlic [] adj earthly middangeardtódǽlend [] m (-es/-) cosmographer middansumer [] m (-a/-a) midsummer (June 24th) middanwinter [] m (-a/-a) midwinter, Christmas midde [] 1. adj mid, middle; 2. f (-an/-an) middle, center (only in the phrase on ~an) middel [] 1. n (middles/-) middle, center; waist; 2. adj middle, intermediate; spl midlest middelǽdre [] f (-an/-an) median vein middeldæg [] m (-es/-dagas) midday, noon middeldǽl [] m (-es/-as) middle middelfinger [] m (-fingres/-fingras) middle finger middelfléra [] m (-n/-n) partition, septum; the part of the nose between the flaring sides at the end middelflére [] f (-an/-an) partition, septum; the part of the nose between the flaring sides at the end middelfót [] m (-es/-fét) instep; dat -fét middelgemǽru [] n pl central region middelgesculdru [] n pl part of the body between the shoulders middelhrycg [] m (-es/-as) middle ridge middelniht2 [] f (-e/-a) midnight middelríce [] n (-es/-u) the middle kingdom middelsǽ [] m (-/-) middle sea; [gen sing also ~s; gen pl also ~wa; n/a pl also ~s, dat pl also ~m] Middel-Seaxan [] m pl the Middle Saxons; the Saxons who settled in the district west of London , and whose name is preserved in the present Middlesex Middel-Seaxe [] m pl the Middle Saxons; the Saxons who settled in the district west of London , and whose name is preserved in the present Middlesex middeneaht [] f (-e/-a) midnight (2) middeniht [] f (-e/-) midnight (1); [gen/dat sing ~e; gen/dat pl ~a/~um] midderneaht [] f (-nieht/-nieht) midnight (3); [gen sing ~nieht; ~e; dat sing ~nieht; nom/acc pl ~nieht; gen/dat pl ~a/~um] middeweard [] 1. adv in the middle of, through the midst; 2. adj middle; 3. noun middle midfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) mid-Lent midfeorh [] 1. m (-féores/-féoras), n (-es/-) youth, middle age; 2. adj middle aged midfeorwe [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) youth, middle age midferh [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) youth, middle age midferhð [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) youth, middle age midfyrhtnes [] f (-se/-sa) middle age midgearwung [] f (-e/-a) preparation midgesíð [] n (-es/-) companion midgetellan [] irreg wv/t1b to count, include midhelp [] f (-e/-a) help, assistance midhilte [] f (-an/-an) middle of the hilt [2 words?] midhlýt [] m (-es/-as) fellowship midhrif [] n (-es/-u, -hreofu), m (-es/-as) midriff, diaphragm midhriðre [] n (-es/-u) diaphragm mídl [] n (-es/-) bit (of a bridle); oar-thong midlen [] 1. n (-es/-) middle, center, midst; 2. adj midmost midlencten [] n (-es/-) mid-Lent midlest [] adj middlemost, most intermediate mídlhring [] m (-es/-as) ring of a bit mídlian1 [] wv/t2 to bridle, curb; muzzle midligend [] m (-es/-) mediator midlung [] f (-e/-a) middle, midst; adv ~a to a moderate extent midnedæg [] m (-es/-dagas) midday midnes [] f (-se/-sa) middle, midst midniht [] f (-e/-) midnight; [gen/dat sing ~e; gen/dat pl ~a/~um] midor [] adj more middle; comparative of midd, adj midrád [] f (-e/-a) riding in company midsingend [] m (-es/-) one who sings with another midsíðegian1 [] wv/t2 to accompany, associate with (2) midsíðian1 [] wv/t2 to accompany, associate with (1) midspeca [] m (-n/-n) advocate; liberator, excuser midspecend [] m (-es/-) interlocutor, advocate midspreca [] m (-n/-n) advocate; liberator, excuser midsprecend [] m (-es/-) interlocutor, advocate midsprecende [] adj speaking for midstréam [] m (-es/-as) midstream midsumer [] m (-a/-a) midsummer Midsumermónað [] m (-mónðes/-mónðas) June midswégan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres midswégð past midswégde ptp midswéged to sing, play, or sound together, in concert or harmoniously; to agree together, harmonize, accord; to cause to sound together, in concert or harmoniously, to make concordant sounds, to sound, sing of, celebrate in song, magnify, etc.; to sing prophetically, prophesy (very rare); [concinere] midþeahtian [] wv/t2 to consent midþolian [] wv/t2 to sympathize midþrówung [] f (-e/-a) compassion midweg [] m (-es/-as) midway midwinter [] m (-es/-as) midwinter, Christmas Midwintermónað [] m (-mónðes/-mónðas) December midwist [] f (-e/-e) presence, society; cooperation, participation midwunung [] f (-e/-a) living in company, fellowship midwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) cooperator midyrfenuma [] m (-n/-n) coheir mieltan1 [] wv/t1b, wv/i1b to melt; digest; refine, purge; exhaust Mierce [] m pl Mercians; Mercia; [lit. borders; compare mearc] Miercan [] m pl Mercians; Mercia; [lit. borders; compare mearc] Miercisc [] adj Mercian miere [] f (-an/-an) mare [mearh] mierra [] m (-n/-n) deceiver mierran1 [] wv/t1a 3rd pres miereð past mierede ptp gemiered to mar, disturb, confuse; scatter, squander, waste; upset, hinder, obstruct; err mierrelse [] f (-an/-an) cause of offence mierrend [] m (-es/-) prodigal, wasteful mierrung [] f (-e/-a) hindering; squandering, waste mígan1 [] sv/t1 3rd pres mígð past mág/migon ptp gemigen to make water míging [] f (-e/-a) making water migol [] adj diuretic migoða [] m (-n/-n) urine miht [] 1. f (-e/-e) might, bodily strength; power, authority, ability; virtue; mighty work, miracle; pl Gods; angels; 2. adj 2 mighty, powerful; possible mihtelic [] adj possible; adv ~líce mightily, powerfully, by might, miraculously mihtesetl [] n (-es/-) seat of power mihtful [] adj powerful mihtig [] adj mighty, important; able, effective; possible; adv ~líce mihtléas [] adj powerless, weak, exhausted mihtlic [] adj possible; adv ~líce mightily, powerfully, by might, miraculously mihtloc [] n (-es/-u) belt of might mihtmód [] n (-es/-) violent temper, passion míl [] 1. f (-e/-a) mile [L]; 2. n (-es/-) millet milde [] 1. adj mild, merciful, kind, generous, gentle, meek; 2. adv mercifully, graciously mildelic [] adj propitious; adv graciously, affably, kindly mildheort [] adj merciful, clement, compassionate; adv ~líce mildheortlic [] adj merciful, clement, compassionate; adv ~líce mildheortnes [] f (-se/-sa) loving-kindness, mercy, pity mildian [] wv/i2 to become mild mildnes [] f (-se/-sa) mildness, mercy milescian [] wv/i2 to become mellow mílgemæt [] m (-es/-gematas) mile-measure, milestone? mílgemearc [] n (-es/-) measure by miles mílgetæl [] n (-es/-getalu) mile milisc [] adj sweet, mild, mulled mílite [] m pl soldiers mílitisc [] adj military [L miles] mílpæð2 [] m (-es/-paðas) distance reckoned by miles?, road with milestones on it? milscapuldor [] f (-e/-a) sweet apple tree miltcoðe [] f (-an/-an) disease of the spleen miltcoðu [] f (-e/-a) disease of the spleen milte [] m (-es/-as), f (-an/-an) milt, spleen milteséoc [] adj splenetic miltewærc [] m (-es/-as) pain in the spleen milts [] f (-e/-a) mercy, compassion, benevolence, kindness, favor; 2 joy miltsian1 [] wv/t2 w.d. to compassionate, pity, show mercy; soften, make merciful miltsiend1 [] m (-es/-) pitier miltsigend1 [] m (-es/-) pitier miltsigendlic [] adj pardonable, venial miltsung [] f (-e/-a) 1 mercy, sympathy, pity, indulgence, pardon; moderation, reduction (of punishment) míma [] m (-n/-n) mime min2? [] adj evil, harmful mín [] 1. possessive 1st pers pron my, mine; ~es þancesby my will; 2. genitive singular of ic of me mind [] 1. ? (-?/-?) diadem; 2. see mynd mindóm? [] m (-es/-as) pusillanimity; state of exile minlic [] adj petty mínlic [] adj in my manner; adv ~líce in my manner minne [] 1. nom/acc pl of min?; 2. see myne minsian1 [] wv/t2 to diminish minsung [] f (-e/-a) parsimony mint? [] f (-e/-a) mint [L] minte [] f (-an/-an) mint [L] minthamm [] m (-es/-as) field of mist mirce [] 1. adj murky, dark, black, uncanny, evil; 2. adv? murkily, darkly, blackly, uncannily, evilly; 3. n (-es/-u) murkiness, darkness mircels [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) sign, token, seal, signet; mark, marked place; trophy [mearc] misbegán [] irreg v/t to disfigure misbéodan [] sv/t2 3rd pres misbíedeð past misbéad/misbudon ptp misboden w.d. to ill-use, injure, do wrong to; to announce wrongly misboren [] adj abortive; degenerate misbregdan [] sv/t3 3rd pres misbrigdeð past misbrægd/misbrugdon ptp misbrogden to change misbróden [] adj drawn aside misbyrd [] f (-e/-a) abortion misbyrdu [] f (-e/-a) malformation misbysnian [] wv/t2 to set a bad example miscalfian [] wv/t2 to cast a calf miscennung [] f (-e/-a) a mistake or variation in pleading before a court; a fine exacted for this miscian [] wv/t2 to mix, apportion [L] miscierran [] wv/t1b to pervert miscrócettan [] wv/t1b to croak or shriek horribly [crácettan] miscwéman [] wv/t1b to displease miscweðan [] sv/t5 3rd pres miscwiðeð past miscwæð/miscwǽdon ptp miscweden to speak ill, curse; speak incorrectly misdǽd [] f (-e/-e) misdeed, evil deed, sin misdón [] irreg v/t to do evil, transgress, do amiss, err misefesian [] wv/t2 to cut the hair amiss misendebyrdan [] wv/t1b to arrange amiss misfadian [] wv/t2 to order amiss misfadung [] f (-e/-a) misconduct, irregularity misfaran [] sv/i6 3rd pres misfærð past misfór/on ptp misfaren to go awry, go wrong, err, transgress; fare ill, fare badly, have ill success misfédan [] wv/t1b to nourish ill [fœdan] misfeng [] m (-es/-as) misdeed, sin misféran [] wv/t1b to do wrong, err misfón [] sv/t7 3rd pres misféhð past misféng/on ptp misfangen to make a mistake, be deceived; fail to get misgedwield [] n (-es/-) error, perversion misgehygd [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) evil thought misgelimp [] n (-es/-) misfortune misgemynd [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-u) evil memory misgewidere [] n (-es/-u) bad weather, storm [listed as m] misgrétan [] wv/t1b to greet amiss, insult misgýman [] wv/t1b to neglect mishæbbende [] adj having ill mishealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres mishieldeð past mishéold/on ptp mishealden not to keep, to neglect mishealdsumnes [] f (-se/-sa) carelessness mishérnes [] f (-se/-sa) act of disobedience mishíeran [] wv/t1b to hear amiss, not to listen to, disobey mishweorfed [] adj perverted, inverted (1) mishworfen [] adj perverted, inverted (3) mishwyrfed [] adj perverted, inverted (2) mislár [] f (-e/-a) ill teaching, evil suggestion mislǽdan [] wv/t1b to mislead mislǽran [] wv/t1b to teach amiss, give bad advice to mislibban [] wv/t3 to lead a bad life [listed as lybban] mislic [] adj unlike, various, manifold; wandering, erratic; adv ~líce in various ways, diversely, aimlessly mislícian [] wv/t2 w.d. to displease, disquiet mislícnes [] f (-se/-sa) variety, diversity mislícum [] adv variously mislimp [] n (-es/-) misfortune, mishap mislimpan [] impersonal sv/i3 3rd pres mislimpð past mislamp/mislumpon ptp is mislumpen w.d. to go wrong, turn out badly, to turn out unfortunately mismacian [] wv/t2 to mar mismicel [] adj of varying sizes?; cmp ~mára; spl ~mǽst misrǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b to abuse misrǽd [] m (-es/-as) misguidance; misconduct misrǽdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres misrǽdeð past misreord/on, misréd/on ptp misrǽden to advise wrongly; read wrongly miss [] n (-es/-) absence, loss missan [] wv/t1a w.g. to miss (a mark); w.d. to escape the notice of a person misscrence [] adj distorted, shriveled misscrýdan [] wv/t1b to clothe amiss missenlic [] adj various, manifold, different, diverse; adv ~líce missenlicnes [] f (-se/-sa) variety, diversity; qualitas? missere2 [] n (-es/-u) half-year, year misspówan [] sv/t7 3rd pres misspéwð past mispéow/on ptp misspówen to fare badly missprecan [] sv/t5 3rd pres misspricð past misspræc/missprǽcon ptp misprecen to grumble, murmur mist [] m (-es/-as) mist; dimness (of eyesight) mistǽcan [] irreg wv/t1b to teach amiss mistel [] m (mistles/mistlas) mistletoe; basil mistellám [] n (-es/-) birdlime misteltán [] m (-es/-as) mistletoe mistglóm [] m? (-es/-as) misty gloom misthelm [] m (-es/-as) covering of mist misthlið2 [] n (-es/-u, -hleoðu) misty cliff, cloud-capped slope mistian [] wv/t2 to be or grow misty mistíd [] f (-e/-e) evil time mistídan [] impersonal wv/t1b to miscarry, fail mistig [] adj misty mistihtan [] wv/t1b to lead astray, dissuade mistihtendlic [] adj dehortative mistímian [] impersonal wv/t2 w.d. to happen amiss mistran [] wv/t1b to grow dim mistríwan [] wv/t1b to mistrust mistúcian [] wv/t2 to ill-treat misþéon [] sv/t2 3rd pres misþíegð past misþéag/misþugon ptp misþogen to mis-thrive, degenerate misþyncan [] impersonal irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres misþyncð past misþúhte ptp misþúht to be mistaken misweaxan [] sv/i7 3rd pres miswiexð past miswéox/on ptp is misweaxen to grow improperly miswendan [] wv/t1b to pervert, abuse; be perverted, err miswende [] adj erring, ill-behaving miswenian [] wv/t2 to misuse, abuse [?= miswerian] misweorc [] n (-es/-) misdeed misweorðan [] sv/i3 3rd pres miswierð past miswearð/miswurdon ptp is misworden to turn out amiss miswidere [] n (-es/-u) bad weather, storm [listed as m] miswissian [] wv/t2 to mislead miswrítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres miswríteð past miswrát/miswriton ptp miswriten to write incorrectly miswurðian [] wv/t2 to dishonor, ill-treat míte [] f (-an/-an) mite (small insect) mitta [] m (-n/-n) a measure, bushel; [metan] mittan1 [] wv/t1a to meet, meet with, find mitte [] f (-an/-an) a measure, bushel; [metan] mittung [] f (-e/-a) meeting, convention míðan [] sv/t1 3rd pres míðeð past máð/miðon ptp gemiðen to hide, conceal (sv/t1, sv/i1), keep to oneself, dissemble; conceal oneself, remain concealed; 2 to avoid, shun, refrain from miðgehlyttu [] f (-e/-a) fellowship miðgian [] wv/t2 to conceal mixen [] f (-ne/-na) dung-heap, dung mixendynge [] f (-an/-an) dung mixenplante [] f (-an/-an) nightshade (plant) mód [] n (-es/-) 1 heart, mind, spirit, mood, temper; courage; arrogance, pride; power, violence; forweorðan on ~esv/t3 be grieved; ~es brecða sorrow of heart módblind2 [] adj blind, undiscerning módblissiende [] adj exulting módbysgung [] f (-e/-a) anxiety módcearig [] adj sorrowful of heart módcearu2 [] f (-e/-a) sorrow, grief módcræft2 [] m (-es/-as) intelligence módcræftig [] adj intelligent móddren [] adj of mothers módearfoð [] n (-es/-) grief of mind módful [] adj proud, haughty módgehygd2 [] n (-es/-) thought módgemynd2 [] n (-es/-u) mind, thought módgéomor [] adj sad, dejected módgeþanc [] m (-es/-as) thought, understanding, mind módgeþóht [] m (-es/-as) thought, understanding, mind módgeþyldig [] adj patient módgewinna [] m (-n/-n) care módglæd [] adj joyous módgléaw [] adj wise módhéap [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) bold host módhete [] m (-es/-as) hatred módhord [] n (-es/-) secret thoughts módhwæt2 [] adj brave, bold módig [] adj spirited, daring, bold, brave, high-souled, magnanimous; impetuous, headstrong; arrogant, proud módigan [] wv/i2 to grow proud or overbearing, be high-minded, glory, exult, show bravery; take offence through pride módigian [] wv/i2 to grow proud or overbearing, be high-minded, glory, exult, show bravery; take offence through pride módiglic [] adj high-souled, lofty, proud; brave, bold; splendid, magnificent; adv ~líce módignes [] f (-se/-sa) greatness of soul; pride, arrogance, haughtiness módléas [] adj spiritless; senseless módléast [] f (-e/-a) want of courage, despondency módléof [] adj dear, precious módlufu2 [] f (-e/-a) heart’s affection, love módor [] f (-/módru) mother; mother (of animals) [dat méder; pl also módor, módra] módorcild [] n (-es/-ru) a child of one’s (own) mother módorcynn [] n (-es/-) maternal descent módorhealf [] f (-e/-a) mother’s side módorhrif [] n (-es/-u) womb módorléas [] adj motherless módorlic [] adj maternal; adv ~líce módorlufu [] f (-e/-a) love for a mother módorslaga [] m (-n/-n) matricide módrie [] f (-an/-an) mother’s sister, maternal aunt; cousin módrige [] f (-an/-an) mother’s sister, maternal aunt; cousin módróf [] adj valiant módsefa2 [] m (-n/-n) heart, mind, spirit, soul; thought, imagination, purpose, character módséoc [] adj sick at heart módséocnes [] f (-se/-sa) fright, sadness; disease of the heart módsnotor2 [] adj wise módsorg2 [] f (-e/-a) heart-sorrow módstaðol [] m (-es/-staðelas) principle, character módstaðolnes [] f (-se/-sa) firmness of mind módstaðolfæstnes [] f (-se/-sa) firmness of mind módswíð [] adj resolute módþracu [] f (-þræce/-a) courage módþréa [] m (-n/-n) anguish módþrýðu? [] f (-e/-a) arrogance módþwǽre [] adj meek módþwǽrnes [] f (-se/-sa) patience, meekness módwǽg [] m (-es/-as) proud wave módwelig [] adj gifted, talented, wise módwlanc2 [] adj stout-hearted; haughty módwyn [] f (-e/-a) heart’s joy, property molcen [] n (-es/-) coagulated or curdled milk [Ger molke] molda? [] m variant of molde 2 moldærn2 [] n (-es/-) grave moldcorn [] n (-es/-) granular tuber of saxifraga granulata, and the plant itself molde [] 1. f (-an/-an) sand, mould, dust, soil; land, country; world; 2.? f (-an/-an) top of the head [or molda?] moldgewind [] n (-es/-) top of the head moldgræf2 [] n (-es/-grafu) grave moldhrérende [] adj moving upon earth moldhýpe [] f (-an/-an) heap of dust moldstów [] f (-e/-a) site, sepulcher moldweg2 [] m (-es/-as) earth moldwyrm [] m (-es/-as) earth-worm molegn [] n (-es/-) curds molegnstycce [] n (-es/-u) piece of curd molsn [] n? (-es/-) decay molsnian1 [] wv/t2 to moulder, decay móna [] m (-n/-n) moon mónanǽfen [] m (-ǽfnes/-ǽfnas) Sunday evening mónandæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Monday mónanniht [] f (-e/-) Monday eve, i.e. Sunday evening; [gen/dat sing ~e; gen/dat pl ~a/~um] mónað [] m (mónðes/mónðas) month [móna] mónaðádl [] f (-e/-a) monthly sickness, disease, disorder, distemper, ailment, illness, malady, of body or mind; menstrual sickness, disease, disorder, distemper, ailment, illness, malady, of body or mind [morbus menstrualis] mónaðádlig [] adj menstruous mónaðblód [] n (-es/-) menstruum mónaðbót [] f (-e/-a) penance for a month mónaðfylen [] f (-ne/-na) time of full moon mónaðgecynd [] f (-e/-a) menstruum mónaðlic [] adj monthly, lunar; as noun, = mónaðádl mónaðséoc [] 1. adj menstruous; 2. see mónséoc mónaðséocnes [] f (-se/-sa) lunacy mónelic [] adj lunar mónséoc [] adj moon-sick, lunatic, epileptic mór [] m (-es/-as) moor, morass, swamp; hill, mountain morað [] n (-es/-) sweet boiled wine with herbs [L moratum] mórbéam [] m (-es/-as) mulberry tree, bramble mórberie [] f (-an/-an) mulberry (fruit) more [] f (-an/-an) carrot, parsnip mórfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) moor-fastness mórfléoge [] f (-an/-an) cariscus, a kind of fly morgen [] m (-es/-as) morn, morning, forenoon; sunrise; morrow; on ~ne/morne in the morning; on ~ne/morne tomorrow morgenceald [] n (-es/-) chill at morn morgencolla [] m (-n/-n) morning terror morgendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) morrow morgendrenc [] m (-es/-as) morning drink morgengebedtíd [] f (-e/-e) morning prayer morgengifu [] f (-e/-a) gift by a husband to his wife the morning after teh wedding morgenléoht [] n (-es/-) dawn, morning morgenlic [] adj matutinal, morning; of the morrow; ~a dæg tomorrow morgenlang [] adj lasting a morning; cmp ~lengra; spl ~lengest morgenmæsse [] f (-an/-an) morning mass, first mass morgenmete [] m (-es/-mettas) morning meal morgenrén [] m (-es/-as) morning rain morgenséoc [] adj sad at morn morgensprǽc [] f (-e/-a) regular meeting of a guild on the morrow after the guild-feast [listed as ~spǽc] morgenspell [] n (-es/-) news published at morn morgensteorra [] m (-n/-n) morning star morgenswég [] m (-es/-as) cry at morn morgentíd [] f (-e/-e) morning morgentídlic [] adj matutinal morgentorht [] adj bright at morn morgenwacian [] wv/t2 to rise early morgenwlǽtung [] f (-e/-a) morning sickness mórhǽð [] f (-e/-a) mountain-heath mórheald [] adj heathy, marshy? mórhop [] n (-es/-u) a hollow in the moor; moor-swamp mórig [] adj marshy mórlǽs [] f (-we/-wa) marshy pasture mórland [] n (-es/-) moor-land, mountain-waste mórsceaða [] m (-n/-n) robber mórsecg [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) sedge mórseohtre [] f (-an/-an) marshy ditch mórslǽd [] n (-es/-) marshy valley mórstapa [] m (-n/-n) traverser of moors mortere [] m (-es/-as) a mortar [L mortarium] morð [] n (-e/s-), m (-es/-as) death, destruction, homicide, murder; deadly sin morðcrundel [] m (-crundles/-crundlas), n (-crundles/-) barrow raised over a dead body?, deadly pool?, corpse-pit? morðdǽd [] f (-e/-e) murder, deadly sin, crime morðor [] n (morðres/-), m (morðres/morðras) deed of violence, murder, homocide, manslaughter; mortal sin, crime; injury, punishment, torment, misery morðorbealu2 [] n (-wes/-) violent death, murder morðorbedd [] n (-es/-) bed of death (by violence) morðorcofa [] m (-n/-n) prison morðorcræft [] m (-es/-as) murderous crime morðorcwalu [] f (-e/-a) murder morðorcwealm [] m (-es/-as) murder, death morðorhete [] m (-es/-as) blood-feud morðorhof [] n (-es/-u) place of torment morðorhús [] n (-es/-) house of torment morðorhycgende [] adj with murderous thoughts morðorléan [] n (-es/-) retribution for sin morðorscyldig [] adj guilty morðorslaga [] m (-n/-n) homicide, murderer morðorslagu [] f (-e/-a) homicide, murder morðorslege [] m (-es/-as) homicide, murder morðorsliht [] m (-es/-as) slaughter, murder morðorwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) murderer morðsliht [] m (-es/-as) slaughter, murder morðweorc [] n (-es/-) deadly work, act which causes death, murder morðwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) murderer moru [] f (-e/-a) parsnip, carrot [= more] mórwyrt [] f (-e/-e) moor-wort mós [] 1. n (-es/-) bog, marsh; 2. n (-es/-) food, victuals [Ger mus] mot [] n (-es/-u) mote, speck, atom mót [] 1. 1 (usu ge~) n (-es/-) moot (gemot), society, assembly, court, council, synod; ge~ wyrcanto take counsel; litigation; ge~ conflict, encounter; 2. f (-e/-a) toll, tribute; [Ger maut]; 3. pres sing of mótan mótærn1 [] n (-es/-) courthouse mótan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres mót/móton2ndpresmóst past móste ptp gemóten (may), to be allowed, be able to, have the opportunity to, be compelled to, must; móste ic would that I might! mótbell [] f (-e/-a) bell for summoning a moot mótbeorh1 [] m (-béores/-béoras) hill of meeting mótere [] m (-es/-as) public speaker mótgeréfa [] m (-n/-n) moot-reeve, chairman of a moot móthús1 [] n (-es/-) moot-hall, place of assembly mótian1 [] wv/t2 to speak to or about, converse with, address, harangue; argue, plead, discuss, dispute mótlǽðu [] noun pl courts, assemblies? mótstów [] f (-e/-a) place of meeting, forum mótung [] f (-e/-a) conversation, discussion mótweorð [] adj qualified to attend the moot moðfreten [] adj moth-eaten moððe [] f (-an/-an) moth [mohðe] mucgwyrt [] f (-e/-e) Artemisia, mugwort múga [] m (-n/-n) mow, heap of corn múl [] m (-es/-as) mule [L mulus] múlhyrde [] m (-es/-as) mule-keeper munan1 [] irreg v/t 3rd pres man/munon past munde ptp gemunen to think about, be mindful of, remember, mention; consider; ~ in móde keep in mind mund [] 1. 2f (-e/-a) hand; palm (of the hand, as a measure); trust, security, protection, guardianship; protector, guardian; the king’s peace; fine for breach of the laws of protection or guardianship of the king’s peace; [Ger vormund]; 2. m (-es/-as) money paid by bridegroom to bride’s father, bridegroom’s gift to bride; 3. see mynd mundbeorg [] m (-es/-as) protecting hill mundbora [] m (-n/-n) protector, preserver, guardian, advocate; prefect mundbryce [] m (-es/-as) breach of the laws of protection or guardianship; fine for the breach of such laws mundbyrd [] f (-e/-a) protection, patronage, help; fine for a breach of the peace mundbyrdan1 [] wv/t1b to protect mundbyrdnes [] f (-se/-sa) protection; security, independence; protector, guardian, advocate mundcræft [] m (-es/-as) protecting power mundgripe2 [] m (-es/-as) hand-grasp mundian1 [] wv/t2 to protect, watch over, act as guardian of mundiend [] m (-es/-) protector mundléow [] f (-e/-a) wash-hand basin [ON munnlaug] mundléu [] f (-e/-a) wash-hand basin [ON munnlaug] mundláu [] f (-e/-a) wash-hand basin [ON munnlaug] mundróf [] adj strong with the hands mundwist [] f (-e/-e) guardianship, protection munt [] m (-es/-as) mountain, hill [L] muntælfen [] f (-e/-a) mountain nymph muntclýse [] f (-an/-an) mountain prison muntgíu [] f (-e/-a) the Alps munuc [] m (-es/-as) monk; (used also of women) [L monachus] munucbehát [] n (-es/-) monastic vow munuccild [] n (-es/-ru) child intended for monastic life munuccnapa [] m (-n/-n) young monk munucgegyrela [] m (-n/-n) monastic garb munuchád [] m (-a/-a) monastic orders, the monastic life munuchéap [] m (-es/-as) company of monks munucian [] wv/t2 to make a monk of munuclic [] adj monkish, monastic; adv ~líce munuclíf [] n (-es/-) monastic life; cloister, monastery munucréaf [] n (-es/-) monk’s garb munucregol [] m (-regles/-reglas) monastic rule, mode of life; a body of monks under a certain rule munucscrúd [] n (-es/-) monk’s garb [dat ~scrýd] munucstów [] f (-e/-a) place of monks munucþéaw [] m (-es/-as) monastic rule munucwíse [] f (-an/-an) fashion of a monk múr [] m (-es/-as) wall [L murus] murc [] adj dismal, wretched [myrce] murcian [] wv/t2 to complain, repine, grieve murcnere [] m (-es/-as) complainer murcung [] f (-e/-a) complaint, sorrow murnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres myrnð past mearn/murnon ptp gemornen (also wv/t1b) to care, be anxious or fearful about; hesitate; mourn, sorrow, bemoan; long after murnung [] f (-e/-a) complaint, grief mús [] f (mýs/mýs) mouse; muscle (of the arm) muscelle [] f (-an/-an) shell-fish, mussel muscule [] f (-an/-an) shell-fish, mussel músepise [] f (-an/-an) mouse-pea, vetch músere [] m (-es/-as) mouse-hawk músfealle [] f (-an/-an) mouse-trap músfealu [] adj mouse-colored múshafoc [] m (-es/-hafecas) mouse-hawk, buzzard must [] m (-es/-as) must, new wine [L] mustfléote [] f? (-an/-an) a small fly found in wine músþéof [] m (-es/-as) a thieving mouse mútung [] f (-e/-a) lending [mutuum], loan múð [] m (-es/-as) mouth, opening, door, gate múða [] m (-n/-n) mouth (of a river), estuary; 2 entrance to a house, door múðádl [] f (-e/-a) mouth-disease múðberstung [] f (-e/-a) eruption of the mouth múðbona [] m (-n/-n) devourer múðcoðu [] f (-e/-a) mouth-disease múðettan [] wv/t1b to blab out, let out múðfréo [] adj free to speak múðhǽl [] f (-e/-a) wholesome speech múðhróf [] m (-es/-as) palate múðléas [] adj mouthless múðsár [] n (-es/-) pain in the mouth múðsealf [] f (-e/-a) mouth-salve mycg [] m (-es/-as) midge mycgnett [] n (-es/-) mosquito net mydd [] n (-es/-) bushel [L modius] mýderce [] f (-an/-an) money storing place, chest myl [] n (-es/-u) dust [Ger müll] mylen [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) mill mylendíc [] f (-e/-a) mill-dike mylenfeld [] m (-a/-a) mill-field mylengafol [] n (-gafles/-) mill-tax, mill-rent? mylengear [] m (-es/-as) mill-yair mylenhwéol [] n (-es/-) mill-wheel mylenoxa [] m (-n/-n) a mill-ox mylenpull [] m (-es/-as) mill-pool mylenscearp [] adj sharpened on a grindstone mylenstán [] m (-es/-as) grindstone mylensteall [] m (-es/-as) mill mylenstede [] m (-es/-as) mill mylenstíg [] f (-e/-a) path to a mill mylentroh [] n (-trós/-) mill-trough, mill-conduit mylenwaru [] f (-e/-a) mill-weir mylenweg [] m (-es/-as) road to a mill mylenwer [] m (-es/-as) mill-weir, mill-dam (2) mylenwyrd [] m (-es/-as) tenant of a (manorial) mill, miller (1) mylestréam [] m (-es/-as) mill-stream myleweard [] m (-es/-as) tenant of a (manorial) mill, miller (2) mylewer [] m (-es/-as) mill-weir, mill-dam (1) myll[] m (-es/-as) dust, rubbish, refuse myltenhús [] n (-es/-) brothel myltestre [] f (-an/-an) prostitute [L meretricem] myltestrehús [] n (-es/-) brothel myltestrern? [] n (-es/-) brothel [= ærn] myltestreærn? [] n (-es/-) brothel mymerian [] wv/t2 to remember mynd1 [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-u) memory, remembrance; memorial, record; act of commemoration; thought, purpose; consciousness, mind, intellect; on ge~ niman to recollect; [usually ge~] myndgian1 [] wv/t2 to remember, be mindful of; w.g. remind; intend; commemorate, mention; exhort, impel, warn; demand payment; gemyndgod aforesaid myndgiend [] m (-es/-) one who reminds
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